There is a way to straighten your dent “injured” wooden surface you want to and you don’t know how to do it .
This so precious “secret” , comes from very old knowledge and i didn’t know it before an old and extreme experienced woodworker , told me .

Vintage woodworking knowledge , is good knowledge .
He told me this secret ( no more a secret ) , because he’ve seen me trying to find a way to straighten , to “strech” a wooden surface , without any result of course .
This wooden surface , was a log i sculpure to make it a well shaped seat and i didn’t want some dents it had , to be visible .
Those dents , happened from some clamps i used to transport it and some dent “injuries” , were made by the back place of the track .

Yes maybe some people wouldn’t give so much attention to the small dents the log had , but i wanted my “baby” to be perfect . I also didn’t want to use any kind of the stucco products .
So the problem i had was big ( at least for me ) and i couldn’t find any solution , till the time of this friend of mine told me the secret . This secret was used for many many decades from the monks in the Greek mountain Athos .
It is simple and it works , with every wood you have . Soft wood or hard wood .

So clean the wood surface which has the dent ( it works only in small dents ) , put it in a straigh position in your work bench or wherever and fill up the dent , with water !!
Water can straighten a small wooden dent in a targeted area of a wooden surface .
Pay attention in order the water to fill up all the dent and balance it , to stay inside the dent .
The next morning , you’ll go to your warehouse and you’ll see that the dent is gone and the surface of the wood will be straight and in the same level as the entire surface !!!!!

The wood absorbs the water and pops out it , in its primary form .
This needs time ( i live it , the whole night ) , but it works , as if a suction cup drags out the dent . It is very impressive indeed and i didn’t believe it , until i saw it in my own eyes .
Updated Info :
Another thing you can do is to iron the wooden area you want to straighten . Put on a wet towel above the wood’s dent and pass your iron slowly – slowly many times above the dent . The steam will straighten the dent and it works as the water drop .

The water , the steam fills the wood’s pores and makes them “new” again .
This works for the small dents in your wood surface you are working and not in the big and major “injuries” , your wood may has . So if you have experienced a theme like this in the past , from now on it won’t be a problem for you .
Happy Woodworking .