So , you are ready to begin your cuts in the wood piece you’ve collected out in the forest , or you bought it from a carpenter shop , or whatever .
I prefere to find wood from a forest , which is already been cut , or cut it myself always without harm out beautiful planet . I like to “hunt” my “perfect” wooden branch or log , but it isn’t always easy to find it .

So if sometimes you go and buy a piece from elsewhere , no big deal , it’s ok . The point is to find and supply the appropriate piece you want for the “job” you want it .
Your eyes are “satisfied” from this wooden piece , your senses is satisfied from this piece , your “wooden soul” , cannot wait from starting to form it .
The afternoon you have free time has come , noone is asking you to do something which could reduse your woodworking time , your favorite cup of coffee is in its place and here you are .
You have put on your “light” gloves , because you want sensitivity in your moves and you grab your saw to start cutting pieces .
Work with wood but Safety First .
Before you start this proccess , there is a big issue you should be aware and concerns your SAFETY .
If the log , the branch or whatever wood piece you have , has a nail or screw inside( and you cannot see it , from outside ) and your saw tries to cut it , it’ll kick back you hand big or small , depending from the power you use .

Always Check the Wood for “hidden” inside pins -screws , before you cut .
The saw of course can’t cut a nail or a screw from iron or steel and if the time you put your major efford to cut your log , you “fall” over the nail , your saw will kick back and maybe wounds you .
If you cutting power is big the danger is bigger . You may get hurt on you face , or in the other hand which you use to stabilize the wooden part .

Of course this may happen when you cut pieces with an electrical saw and you can understand that the problem would be more big . Because yes , the electrical saw can cut maybe the iron nail , but if the nail is from steel ?
The kick back would be bigger and combining with the spinning force of the saw , the danger for you is way more big .
I don’t want to think at all what could happen if the chain of the electrical saw , is cut and “escapes free” , to whatever direction it wants . The danger is geometrically big , not only for us , but for our surroundings also .

So what can we do to avoid all this ?
The purchase of a reliable as possible , metal detector , will be always a very wise solution .
You’ll realize the significance of bying a metal detector , when you will detect your first steel pin and imagine what the consequences could have been , if you had started to cut your wood .
I have said it before and i’ll never get tired to say it 1 more time . If we want to enjoy our woodworking passion and Love , safety is the 1st “law” , we must “obey” .
Always protect yourself and keep seeking happiness , through the woodworking activity .