Everybody knows or heard the decking oil and i’m sure many will think that the decking oil is made only for the marines , the boats , et.c , but this isn’t exactly the case .
The decking oil is a general name to declare that in here we have a very strong oil , a very strong material which is suitable for the hard conditions of the sea , boats , et.c . The decking oil is a mixture of several oils and waxes – hard waxes , in order to be very tough and strong .
Every company makes its own formula .
See the complete clarification article for the decking oil , in HERE .
So let me give some very famous and cool decking oil suggestions for your sea – outdoors tough conditions .
The STAR BRITE Marine teak oil with UV protection for Boats .

Star Brite is a well known USA company that makes very classical decking oil products and this 1 gallon , is perfect for every outside woodcraft you’ve got .
It’s a mixture of teak oil , UV factors and several other formula ingredients , in order to give the maximum of protection for the outdoor conditions . Remember the teak oil is very capable anti – bug and fungi oil , because the teak tree has this ability .
Remember in HERE some of the tree properties from an old – primary post of mine .

This decking oil is super efficient to penetrate deep and protect wood from any exterior danger , salts , UV rays , acids , mold from the pools , et.c .
It’s suitable and suggested for all types of wood , hard or soft and it’s a big helper . No worries for the drying and the applying . It’s very easy with a nice natural brush .
I recommend natural brushes for the oils , instead of synthetic ones .
Get this 1 gallon of decking oil from Amazon in here .

The STAR BRITE Outdoor teak Restore , weathered Gray teak .

The extreme and continuous exposure to the sun and the high UV’s , makes the wood dry for the its fluids and damage it , badly in a long run .
The grey color you see in the street seats , are the result of the sun , which evaporates the wood ( any wood ) and makes it have grey spots or being totally grey .

This decking oil having inside teak oil , UV factors and other , hydrates , restore and refresh this damaged grey wood . It’s suitable for all wood types and doesn’t need anything , sanding ,et.c .
You just apply it and your wood will “come back ” to its healthy grain – color condition . It’s a first class restorer – cleaner – moisturizer , from grey spots and other stuff , so you can proceed to the finish treatment you like .
It’s in in 1 gallon can , it’s in the 40$ bucks area and take it from Amazon in here .

The STAR BRITE Golden Teak Oil – ideal for Boats .

This is the classical line of the Star Brite decking oil and don’t be confused , because you see the teak oil name .
The compaies name their products with several approaches .
It contains several oils as tung oil – teak and several polymers, in order to be the most tough version of itself . It’s super for all types of wood and it does great with the tropical – exotic ones .
The wood grain rises very fine and the beautiness is guaranteed . You can have it for all kinds of wood and of course for your boats , pools and all the outside hardships a wood passes through .
The UV protection is the highest . This is a classical decking oil and it won’t disappoint .
Make your final price checks and shipping and take it from Amazon in here .

The Cabot Australian Timber Oil and Protector .

This is another characteristic example of a very best mixture of oils and factors , in order to give the maximum of protection and finishing for your outdoor furniture and wood .
This Australian decking oil , comes from Cabot which is almost a 150 years old brand and it’s made for the extreme heat sun conditions the Australia has and and not only . It provides extreme penetration for its oils and a heavy duty protection .
Use it for all your exterior wood , with no “fear” and hesitation . It’s made for the tough . This a natural color , but it has 4 more tones .
Amazon has the rest , make your final checks and buy it here .

The above decking oil products are some of the most classical ones and there’re very capable for your outdoors furniture and everything that it’s made from wood .
The entire decking oil solution list from Amazon , will be here for you to take a look .
Keep woodworking and always protect your wood to last long .