In order to complete your wood finishing to a final stage and use products with more chemicals than the natural finishes as the dyes , to give the protection – finish we want to our finished wooden project .
Let’s remember in a quick mode something about the dye finishing because i’ll begin with this to suggest you some of the best dyes exist in the markets .
1) The dyes and stains are used to change the wood’s color . The dyes contain micro particles .
Use dyes on smaller pore wood and they do excellent job if you want to emphasize the design – figure of your wood plan . Dyes come in powder form and easy to create whatever color shade you like .
If you want the entire post for all the possible ways to protect-finish your wood , read THIS .
The Colour Making Using Dyes & Pigments , book .
A very nice book to read and take a great amount of knowledge for the dyes and pigments is this one and i suggest you to get it , in this very low price . It costs a little more than the 10$ and it’s very interesting .
I haven’t read it all , but i’ve seen it in a friends library i liked thecolored cover page and i’ve read a lot of it , periodically .
It goes back in time exploring the science of coloring and it comes till our days and the coloring methods of our times .
It’s very interesting and you may get it from Amazon here .( it’s only 10$ )

The Jacquard Basic Dye Set .
A very nice and basic 8 dye set is this from Jacquard and it comes with big enough quantities . It comes in 9+ pots and it has all the basic colors to make your mixtures .
It’s on powder form for mixture easiness and accuracy and it’s made , focused in durability and nice coloring at the same time .
You won’t have applying problems and even if there’re wood focused , you may use them elsewhere if you like . They give excellent results .
Go to the Amazon platform and buy them in here .

The Liberon 250ml Palette Wood Dye – Medium Oak .

This is classical and i don’t think there is a woodworker who doesn’t know this classical oak dye .
Liberon is well known for the quality it has and this water based dye is focused more for indoor wood crafts , but i don’t think it would have problems for outdoors .
One of the best advantage of this dye is that is kids toy safe and EN 71 approved for this use . For me the thing that it leaves the wood’s grain visible it’s another advantage .
It’s a top wood dye , for all types of wood . Buy it from Amazon and amaze yourself here .

The Hemway Epoxy Dye Pigment Powder for Epoxy, Resin, Polyurethane Paint .

If you want a very capable epoxy powder pigment to mix and create whatever color you like , this Hemway is a very good one .
It has a metallic azure color , it mixes vey easy because it’s designed for a variety of coloring “jobs”and it gives very intense and bright results .
This happens because of the inside crystals – molecules it has .
It isn’t expensive and you may get it from Amazon here .

All the Amazon range of the woodworking dyes for your apetite , in here .
You Finaly Made it , you’re Finished : Final “Secrets” & Tips .
You finallly made it .
All the above woodworking equipment ( and post series ) will help you be complete in a high grade , concerning the wood finishing – sanding , et.c .
Your woodworking plan is ready , finished , and well protected . You want all of this , to be the same and unharmed from time and weather for many years .
Always be aware of this concerning the preservance and long-lasting wood in woodworking :
“You may do all & do correctly , all the necessary carpentry techniques for your wood , but you nobody guarantees you 100% , the 100% success longlivity of your wood projects . When you’re dealing with Green materials everything is possible . ”
These are the exact words of a friend of mine , a wood University Teacher in Greece .
These are the two most common “mistakes” preventing your wood’s long lasting :
1) Lack of continuous inspections .
You’ve made your carpentry creation , you finish it well and then you left it , uninspected for years and years . This is wrong . Inspect it often and correct damages in a primary level , before they escalate to disaster .
2) Avoid strong hits in general and especially when you use “protective shield layer-film coating” to your wood .
This non-breathing type of wood finishing , if it gets hit from the tiny cracks , it’ll “prison” moisture underneath . This will damage hard your wood piece .
Take a look at your home’s wooden floors . If they are “shield protected” from polyurethane , lacquer , paint , et.c , you’ll see all the wood connections , being black . Yes , tiny black , but black .
This is moisture that managed to penetrate and first of all , makes your floor to crackle while you stepping it .
Try to avoid these two major situations , preserve your wood for “million” of years and always keep woodworking with a smile on your face .
Keep woodworking .