The hammer and the mallets are super necessary woodworking tools and even if you may think that there are “just simple tools” to hit things , this is not the case exactly .
Having some very nice , well ballanced , very well head designed and capable to give you nice hits , general control and feeling , hammers and mallets can make the difference .
Remember in HERE the entire and complete post for the hammers and mallets .
1) General rule in quick mode , n.1 : small power hits – constant checks – continue .
2) General rule in quick mode for nails , n.2 : small nail = light hammer and escalate equally .
The good quality and feeling hammers and mallets , can make the difference between a perfect wood plan and an almost perfect wood plan .
Yes , you may have some very cheap ones from the flea markets , et.c , but some good quality’s are necessary .
I’ll give some of my best hammers and mallets suggestions to supply , covering the entire range of uses and prices .
The IRWIN Hammer, Steel General Purpose , Claw 20 oz.

A generic purpose claw hammer , is a basic column for every woodworker and not only of course , but the woodworker needs this kind of a hammer for sure .
A very nice and comfort claw hammer is a must , to put out awry nails , to nail a pin of several sizes of nails and even a bigger size ones , even if it’s not ideal .

Usually according to the pin we have , we use accordingly the correct weight metalic hammer . But a generic use metal claw hammer can help us , if we cannot have may other hammers with us .
This Irwin hammer is a vey nice hammer , focused to give comfort , while using it ( nice designed handle ) andit has a generic weight in the 20oz ( less than 2 pounds ) .

It’s not only a beautiful one piece made hammer , but it has the correct steel alloy for strength and it’s metal finished for smoothness and stability .
Extra advantage ? It has a magnetic surface to hold your pins , so you won’t have them in your palms and discomfort you .
Irwin is a highly prestige brand and you can buy it from Amazon , here .

Having the same generic hammer – claw approach and being very beautiful , you can make a check to this ESTWING hammer .
It’s the same with the Irwin , but it’s a little bit less heavy ( 16 oz ) , it has the same long lasting one – piece metallurgy as the Irwin and it has leather in its grip !!!! But beyong all , take it because it’s a very beautiful piece .
Check it on Amazon here . It’s US made .

The ESTWING Crack Hammer 3-Pound Sledge with Fiberglass Handle .

I’m still in my general area of suggestions and this 3 pound hammer is a must for any woodworker , because it’s highly versatile .
Remember , if you’re making a big – large wood plan and you use big – very big nails and you don’t have a nail gun , you need a big force hammer for the job .
I think the 3 pounds hammer is the “golden balance” between a super heavy hammer that will tire you and a heave enough as it should be for big hits .
If you try to do the job with a light one , you’ll find difficulties and you may peg awry . I think this type of hammer is coming to cover you completely along with your wooden maul ones .
See in HERE some of my top wooden maul suggestions for you .
So this Estwing hammer is very good manufactured , it’s non – slip grip and even if it’s not an one piece , the connection of the forged steel head and the grip , is super solid .
The balance is great , you won’t have themes and the general quality is in the famous Estwing standarts .
Go to the Amazon for the rest in here . It’s in the 20$ area .

The ESTWING Tack Hammer – 5 oz with Magnetic Face .

This is a small “diamond” and a “jewel” for your toolbox and the reasons are too many .
Small “surgical” generic adjustment hits , “surgical” joinery hits , nailing of really small pins near edges , “surgical” angled pin nailings , are some of its advantages , if you cannot use a ball peen hammer .
It’s super light , it’s super “edgy” to fit everywhere and it has a magnetic face to help you with your nailing – pins holding . Its design is superb and the hickory handle is a welcomed of course .
It’s a “fetish” .
Make your final price checks and take it from Amazon , in here . ( around the 10$ )

Along with the above “surgical” tack hammer , a couple of ball peen hammers are needed to any carpenter , not only to make tiny hits , but tool adjustments ( planers , et.c ) .
The Pittsburgh Stubby Ball Pein Hammer , 8 oz .

Look at the so “wisdom” design of this ball pein hammer , to make your adjustments so easy and fully controlled .
It’s 6 – 1/2 ” long and it’s designed to it in your arms , to give the maximum of confidense when you hit to adjust your planers , or whatever .
It’ so ergonomical made . The steel quality is ok and the materials of its grip are comfort – control focused and absorb vibrations focused , for any type of palm .
It’ll fit you for sure and go for the last buying details from Amazon here .

Before i’ll give you some mallets for your “soft” hits and adjustments , these 2 ball pein hammers form the USA are very nice pieces and i highly suggest you to have them .
They’re 4 oz and 16oz and they’ll cover everything , you’ll need .
The Vaughan 4-Ounce Commercial Ball Pein Hammer .
This US 4 oz hammer is for highly “surgical” hits and it’s designed for this .
The hickory handle is ergonomical and super tight placed in the head and the head is anti – rust treated .The quality is above criticism .
Take it at around the 15$ , from Amazon here .

The ESTWING Ball Peen Hammer – 16 oz .
I think with this 16oz ball pein hammer , having the well known Estwing quality of the forged steel and the good quality hickory handle , it’s a vey cool choice .
The metalic and wooden finishing is top , their matching together is super strong and you can use this hammer for a majority of woodworking “missions” .
What else to need ? Buy it from Amazon after your final checks in here .

Having some of the above metalic hammers , will cover the majority of your carpentry needs in a wide range and not only for your projects , but for your carpentry machinery adjustments too .
If you want to see & check the entire range of hammers , see them on Amazon here .
Lets’ see some of my top propositions in the mallet area and soft hammers .
Remember : we never hit wood with metail hammers – objects , but only with soft material ones , or wooden mallets .
The Big Horn16 oz Beech Wood Carving Mallet .

Is it possible to start my suggestions , leaving outside the wooden mallets ?
There’re the most traditional mallets and the feeling they give when you work with them , is beyond words . They feel , they smell , they controlled , they balance superb .
This is a German type and its made for very good palm feeling , either you grab them near the head or longer .
The beech wood is fine dried and the head – handle connection won’t give you issues for a long time . There’re very well matched .
Use a little linseed oil for maintenance and you’ll be ok . I do so . I’m a big fan of linseed oil .
Go to Amazon to purchase this piece , in here .

The Shop Fox Brass Head Round Mallet , 12 oz .

We can use our German type of a mallet to hit our chisels and shape wood , but when we hit the chisel we don’t focus on the hitting mallet , but to the design on wood we want to create .
So many times , we miss the chisel or we hit it with the edge of our square et.c , mallet and we have unwanted tremblings .
If we use a round mallet , we won’t have these issues , because the hitting surface is always the same more or less , even if we miss a little the center .
This round brass mallet is a serious helper for your woodworking chisel hits , your joinery hits( dovetails ) , et.c , your carvings and it has the appropriate weight( 12oz ) for the job .
Not too light , not too heavy .
The quality of the piece and the head – handle matching( screwed ) is very correct .
Go and buy it from the Amazon in here .

The Estwing 12 Oz Deadhead Rubber Mallet , Wood Handle .

This is the most basic rubber mallet existing and i’m sure everybody has seen it , even if it’s not a woodworker or whatever . It’s used and exists in every house , in every warehouse , garage , et.c .
It’s an “immortal” mallet , if you don’t brake its wooden handle , but don’t you think that “all rubber mallets are the same” , because not all are designed to reduce the bounce backs .
This is that kind , evenif it’s very cheap ( 13$ ) and it’s very controlled . No more talking , you know Estwing and what it produces .
Get it from the Amazon platform giving some bucks in here .

The Estwing 12 oz Double-Face Hammer with Soft/Hard Tips .

These types of double face mallets , aren’t so popular by luck .
They give you the most versatile options , in one tool and this helps the most for amateurs or pro carpenters they cannnot have all their machinery with them , all the time .
This Estwing has two plastic heads with different softnesses and it’s very well made you can “stretch” its limits , hitting even a dowel and stuff like that .
It’s very well made and focused to the heavy – duty area in every inch of its metalic – polyurethane or hickory area .
See more and make your price checks on Amazon in here .

The Rawhide Mallet , Size-2 .
Usually in woodworking we don’t use often rawhide – leather mallets , but if you’re working with a super soft wood type and you want a very elegant and soft mallet , this is a fine choice .
The quality of the leather is USA and it’s a very nice piece , not mention its beautiness . It weights a little more than 3oz .
Get it from Amazon here .

I think you’re pretty covered in a wide range of woodworking “missions” as your joinery , your chisels use , your carving needs , your general adjustments use , et. c. , concerning your mallets from wood and not only .
If you want to “surf” a little and see the complete Amazon list , go here .
Enjoy your woodworking and the rest which is the happiness will follow .