Best Waxes , to Protect – Finish your wood without strong chemicals .

If you don’t want to use strong chemicals in order to seal-preserve and finish your precious wood pieces , you can use for sure many oils and waxes solutions for this .

I personally like to use more natural oils( i LOVE linseed oil ) and waxes and their combinations , but i think the best sealing – long lasting preservation – finishing for wood mentality is this :

” Use the exactly correct and 100% appropriate maintenance-finishing material , for the specific needs your woodworking project has ” . Use the specialized material for the specialized need you have , in order to have the best possible results you can .

I only try to use natural oils and waxes for the wooden things , me and my family touch and be in contact in our daily activities and lives . Indoor or outdoor .

I’ve written a helpful mentality(+tips) “mother”post for the oils and waxes in woodworking , see it in here .

So let’s see some of my suggestions for you :

Waxes for your Wood .

For your oils and wax mixtures , try to have the most pure beeswax you can find in the stores . Combine these two very efficient elements with the Bain – Marie French i think method and you’re ready to apply this to your wood .

This Stakich Yellow Beeswax Block , is a very fine and quality solution you can find on Amazon .

The Liberon is a very respectable wax brand and this 200 grams package of purified wax is another great alternative for you .

It’s highly filtered of course and with this wax bar is enough for a big amount of woodworking projects , finishing .

Go to Amazon and purchase it , in HERE .

You can combine – mix your oils and waxes , by using the bain-Marie , well known cooking technique , melting the wax and mixing it to the oil , in a 10% ratio ( 100gr oil – 10gr wax ) .

Then use your brush-cloth to apply to your wooden item and after the drying wipe the excess .

Of course BEFORE you apply any of your oils and waxes , you wood should be 100% clean from previously treatment and materials . Natural or chemicals .

The above wood finishing “roadmap” covers the basic mentality columns for your wood maintenance and treatment , if you don’t want to use very strong chemicals , or fully chemical based products .

Of course before you apply any of the above , you need to prepare your wood , to make a perfect long lasting job .

Scraper planes , cards , abrasives , sandpapers and steel wool is the next preparation step .

Keep woodworking and gain tons of happiness from it .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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