Best wood Grain Fillers , to reassure a perfect wood finish.

The grain fillers in woodworking are necessary if you want to make a perfect wood finish and don’t have surface imperfections , in your wooden surface you’re about to finish .

The grain fillers are designed to go deep inside to your wood fibers and grain and a little deeper than a common wood material we use to fill the wood grain , as oils , puty , oils and puty , oils and wood dust(old school but effective ) , et.c .

Grain fillers and wood fillers are exactly and 100% the same concerning the bonds they make with the wood fibers .

If you want to see the full post for the grain fillers , go in HERE .

So let’s see some of the most characteristic and capable wood grain fillers in the markets .

The Aqua Coat Water Based wood grain filler Gel .

I like this grain filler much , because it’s a water based one and it’s a gel type . This grain filler is very capable to fill the pores of your , so you can use whatever last coating you like and it can be combined with all the finishes .

It’s USA made and it’s super eco – friendly , being low VOC , non flammable , with low smell and in general very “neat” manufactured to be health friendly .

It last long , doesn’t need may layers , it can be combined with whatever you want , it’s a gel type , it gives extra smooth coverage and it’s a very versatile product .

Go to Amazon to see the last details for you buying from this path .

The Gorilla all purpose wood filler .

This is a classical wood grain filler and it’s made to fullfil the majority of the grain filling any wood needs , before the finishing .

It provides very strong and smmoth at the same time result and you can apply to it , whatever you want as a final coat .

It’s water resistant and it’s suitable for the indoors and the outdoor wood projects you have .

This is a classical piece and i don’t think there is a woodworker who doesn’t know it . Durability , smoothness , easiness to apply and excellent result is what you get from it .

You can have this package ( 6oz ) for 10$ from Amazon in here .

If you want bigger qualtities ( 16 oz ) , you can have this one from Amazon also .

The Minwax stainable wood filler , natural .

This Minwax filler os more “targeted” to take penetrating stain as a finishing coat after the filling and it’s best for this type of coating .

You can use oil – based stains or water based ones with no problem and it provides excellent results .

It’s a stainable grain filler you can use to open color or darker color woods and can be stained along with the rest of the wooden surface for a uniform result .

The quality is Minwax of course . Take it from Amazon in here for less than 20$ the 16 0z .

The DAP natural Plastic wood-X .

This is a very good and alternative approach of a plastic grain filler from Dap and it creates a very hard and tough bond with wood .

After the drying you can even screw on the surface you’re treated and you can fill wood cracks – holes in difficult places as edges , et.c .

It’s major advantage is this high durability it gives and “freedom” to treat wood as you like after the drying .

Nice & cool feature : it’s pink and when it fully dries it has no color !!!! . It works fine with every wood type and it’s a perfect solution for difficult “missions” .

It’s a USA made grain filler .

Go to Amazon and see more buying and shipping details in here .

As always if you want the whole grain fillers , picture , go to Amazon here .

The majority of the woodworking grain filler jobs you want to make , will be covered with some of the above products . Make some combinations and always experiment in order to have the exact result you want .

Keep woodworking and the happiness will “visit” you for sure .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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