Best wood Restorers to use and “heal” your damaged wood .

A nice and capable wood restorer is extreme necessary for the work you should do to your wood , before your final finishing steps .

The wood restorer products have unique chemical formulas , in order to “heal” the damaged wooden surface and prepare it to “accept” the next finishing materials .

The wood restorers , the grain fillers , the fillers , primers , hardeners , the wood putty , aren’t the same stuff for the preparation of wood , even if you may heard that there are the same .

The chem formulas are totally different . See the original post for the wood restorer in HERE .

So let me give you some of the most characteristic and top quality wood restorer products from the markets .

The Bondo Rotted wood restorer .

One major wood distraction factor , is rot and you cannot do anything to your wood if you won’t “deal” with rot firstly .

This wood restorer from Bondo is a first class rot solution . It penetrated deep in to the problematic area and creates a strong film , stopping the rot and hardening the wood’s fibers .

It’s water resistance so you won’t have any rot theme in the future and it prepares the wood in general to accept your grain fillers , your wood fillers , et.c .

It needs a couple of hours to fully dry and you can stain above it , if you like with no issue .

Bondo says you can sand a little the rot area , i say the same . “Clean” a little the area and let the wood’s pores open .

This is a heavy – duty wood restorer and you can buy it from Amazon in here .

The PC-Petrifier water-based wood Hardener .

If you want an extra strong hardening result as a continuation of the previous rot stopper , this hardener will give you the extra hard result you desire .

You can brush it , inject it or spray it ionto your damaged wood area you want to give extra strength and wait a little to dry and act .

It’s a super hardening product and it can do amazing job , even to MDF’s and very soft wood . Of course it’s suitable for any wood .

This is another heavy duty stuff for your wood and after it , you can use whatever finish produst you have , epoxy , acrylics , paint , et.c .

Get it from the Amazon after you’ve made your final checks in here .

The Rejuvenate professional wood floor Restorer and polish .

This professional floor restorer comes from the USA and it’s a totally professional wooden floor restorer – protector . It’s highly known from all people not only the woodworkers and it make excellent job to the wooden floors .

Be careful , it’s not suitable for laminate .

It restores the wood from scratches and it builts upon the existing polish you have , being there for many time , even years depending the use , protecting the wood .

It gives a very shiny – gloss finish at the same time it restores the wood . The job it does with old “trouble” wood is amazing and hear this : it doesn’t let foorprints on it !!!!!

It’s a super solution and it can cover more than 500 sq ft . The guys and girls who have pet scratches , will love this resotrer – polisher .

Go to Amazon for the last buying details in here .

If you have bigger floor squares and you need the big tin( 128 0z ) of this professional restorer , having of course the same characteristics , you can have it .

Go in here to Amazon and grab it .

The HOWARD Restor-a-finish . ( mahogany )

This Howard restorations is the one of the top restorers in the markets and it’s super efficient for the water marks , the wood fade from the UV’s and the rings , all the furniture have in their uper surface .

You’ll only need a soft cloth to apply it , wait a little and the job is done .

It’s designed to go deep the wood’s fibers and “heal” them in a primary level . It comes to many colors to match your furniture and i suppose it should be a major “routine” for you and your furniture .

This is a first class general wood restorer and of course the metalic tin , is always a “fetish” .

The Amazon has the rest and you can purchase it here .

The Minwax hardwood floor Reviver .

I couldn’t leave you without a very top reviver – restorer from the USA Minwax , which isn’t only for the indoor floors , but for your all your interior wood .

It’s a water based formula and the indoors , “suits” it better . It’s a very capable restorer and can restore your damaged hardwood floor – wood from scratches and other general wear .

It’s super for polyurethane finished floors .

It gives a very durable protection film also and you can apply it to any floor finish you have . It’ll last for a long time and it gives a glossy result . Just wait up to a day for fully drying .

Minwax needs no more . Take this from Amazon in here .

The entire range and full list for the wood restorers you can find in the Amazon platform in here .

Keep woodworking giving happiness .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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