In the wood finishing the use of chemical materials , provide plenty of choices you can choose for your wood and of course the wood stain is one of these and a good – basic one .
Of course you can use wood stain alone or you can make combinations with natural or other chemical elements , in order to get the exact result you want .

The wood stain is a chemical mixture of several pigment elements , which they penetrate very deep inside the wood’s pores and fibers , making big changes to the color or even totally change it , according to our preferences .
Is wood stain , just Paint ?

No , it’s not because the chemical formulas of the wood stain is designed to penetrate very deep into wood in order to change it’s color , while the paint stays above on the top of the wood’s surface and of course needs a primer .

I’ve chosen some very top stains you can buy from the stores , in THIS path .
Is wood stain , Better than Paint ?

There are different materials and they do different jobs in wood . The wood stain penetrates deep , while the paint doesn’t and the stain can change the wood’s color dramatically .

Wood stain works way better with the more open pore wood types as the oak , et.c .
Remember in HERE , the wood types basics .
What is the difference , between Stain and Varnish ?

The major diference between stain and varnish , is that the stain penetrates very deep in to the wood , making the color change , while the varnish stays on top .
Of course we have water based varnishes that goes deep also , but not as the stain does . The varnish’s job is another ( more protecting – topcoat finish ) than the stain’s .

Why wood Stain is better , than Paint ?

If you want to change the color of the wood dramatically and emphasize the grain , the stain with the ability it has to do very deep , is the ultimate winner . Paint is more of a topcoat finish and changes the wood’s color not in such a deep depth .

Is stain , more Durable than Paint ?

No it’s not , because the paint’s chemical formula is designed to be strong to withstand the external touch circumstances , as it stays above the wood’s surface as a topcoat .
Can i put wood stain , Over Paint ?

Yes , you can do so it’s not forbitten , even if the stain is designed to penetrate deep into wood and change the color and emphasize the grain .
Always have in mind that you can experiment with everything you like , but if you want to have the best possible results , it’s better to use every element for the job , it’s primary designed to do .

Can you stain , over Old paint ?

Yes you can do that , but of course you should not expect the best uniform results for your wood . A peeled off wooden surface isn’t the nicest in looks , you know .
If you want perfect job , you should sand – remove the old paint totally and then to do whatever you like .
Can you stain , over Black paint ?

Yes , you can do that , but of course if you want to change the wood’s black color , you’ll face serious problems .
It’s very difficult even for a good stain to make the black , something else without the correct preparation , as the total removal – sanding , et.c .

Why does my stain Looks like Paint ?

The wood stain is designed to penetrate deep into wood , but if you make many coats of stain , you’ll fill the wood’s pores with it and then the next layers , will sit above one from the other , making the surface look paint , glossy , et.c .
Can you stain Black , over Brown ?

Yes , you can do so and he black is a powerful color having the ability to overtake others and make the surface black , after a couple of layers .

Is varnish , Better than stain ?

Yes it is , if you want a topcoat protecting material for your wood finishing , but if you want penetration and color change , the wood stain is way better .
These two elements are different and they do different , main jobs to wood . The wood stain changes color and emphasize grain .

Is it better to stain or Oil , wood ?

If you want color change , the wood stain is an one way road . The oil does several processes to wood and it doesn’t change the color , dramatically as the stain .
It emphasizes the wood’s grain also , but cannot change the color as the stain does .

Should i use varnish , Over stain ?

Yes , you can do so and the varnish( natural or chemical ) can be a very nice sealer – protector as a last finishing coat to your wood surface .

Can i stain , Over varnish ?

Usually the common “path” is wood stain and then varnish , to be a final sealer – protector of the stain but if you like , you can stain over varnish for your reasons .

Of course , don’t expect to have great color change results . The varnish seals( even the non crust ones ) , the surface making very difficult for anything to penetrate inside .
Can i stain , Over stain ?

Yes you can do it , but you have to be very careful with the stain’s colors and the mixtures you’ll create with them , in order to get the final result you want .

Can i stain , Twice ?

Yes , you can stain as many times your woodworking apetite likes , but you should be aware that stain penentrates inside filling the wood’s pores and the many stain layers , “built” the final result .
You cannot “unbuilt” after the stain and fix a mistake , without sanding , et.c .

What happens if you stain , over Dirty wood ?

You won’t get a nice color – uniformity – long lasting and beautiness , result and in no way and i suppose you’ll get a messy , “strange” one . This is mostly a very fast solution we do , when we don’t want to do more to an old “troubled” wood piece .
The stain’s peel off , will be certainty of course , among other themes .

We just give a couple of stain layers and left it , to as long as it lasts to time and the total destruction .
Can i use Linseed oil , Over stain ?

Yes , surely you can and the linseed oil is a very nice solution to use it as a totally natural varnish – sealer , especially the boiled one , you boil yourself .
No matter what type of linseed oil you want to use , it’s a nice coat to use above your freshly used stain and emphasize more the beauty of your piece .

Can i stain wood , with Olive oil ?

Wood stain and olive oil are totally different elements for the finishing of wood . You can combine them if you like , but of course don’t expect from your olive oiling , the color changes the stain provides .
The oils in woodworking , give only shades and emphasize wood’s grain , they don’t change its color .

Does staining Twice , makes wood Darker ?

Yes , it will make it darker and according to the stain color you’ve chosen , you may darken it very much .
If you stain with a dark color , the darkening will be larger than a lighter color one .
Is wood stain , Waterproof ?

No it’s not totally waterproof , even if the modern times chemical formulas are very capable and they provide very strong pigments .
Nothing is “immortal” through time and during time the stain colors will fade and wear .
Will stain Waterproof wood ?

Yes , because the pigments go deep inside the wood’s mass not leaving anything else to penetrate , but of course not in a 100% and not for ever .
The wood stain gives a waterproof ability to wood , for a while and of the final coat is very crucial for the long lasting of the stain and the general finishing .

Does stain , stop Rot ?

Yes , sure as the stain goes deep , filling the wood’s pores and preventing anything else to come inside , as there are no space .
The stain’s chemicals of course protects wood from the bugs – fungi , because the bugs don’t like chemical environments .

All these are for a specific time and not for ever and not for 100% protection . An unprotected wood piece outside in the weather conditions “torturing” it , will have issues for sure during time .
Should i Wet wood , Before staining ?

Even if the water opens the wood’s pores , i won’t suggest you do that because the stain’s chemicals will have issues with the water molecules . If you want to open the wood’s pores , use a hairdryer to warm it a little , or sand it aggresively .

What happens if wood stain , gets Wet ?

If your stain gets wett , before the 100% complete drying , you’ll have water soaking issues to your wood and this isn’t a good thing . You may destroy the entire work , you’ve done .
Why is my stain still Wet , after 24 hours ?

If you have made many layers of wood stain to your wood , you’ll need more time for complete drying and especially if your place has high moisture , you’ll certainly need more time .
Moisture is a very significant drying factor .
Can i stain a Day , After rain ?

No you cannot if the wood piece , isn’t 100% dried , because the rain molecules will go inside the wood’s pores and we don’t want them to mess with the chemical – pigment molecules , of our stain .
How long should stain , sit before Rain ?

Always having in mind your place’s weather conditions which affect the comlete drying , i suggest you to let your stain sit , at least 3 days , before you expose it to water .
Your wood piece should be 100% dry , before water – moisture .
Do i need to Sand , Before staining ?

No it’s not necessary , if you don’t want a smooth surface , for a reason . Remember the aggresive sanding , opens the wood’s pores .
Should wood be Oiled , Before staining ?

Yes , if you want to extra seal your wood’s pores for a reason and then let the stain penetrate inside , but it’s not necessary if you don’t like .
What happens , if you Don’t sand enough before staining ?

The aggresive sanding opens the wood’s pores and prepare them to accept the element you want to use . If you don’t sand aggresively the pores will be in their normal state .
Do i need to Prime , Before staining ?

Yes you can prime your wood , but it’s not necessary if you dont want anything else to get inside your wood’s pores , except your stain .
Do i Sand , After staining ?

This depends from the next coating you’ll make( if there is any ) and the level of smoothness you want to give to your wooden surface .
What to put on wood , After staining ?

You can put whatever natural – chemical , or a combination of these two for your next steps , according to your needs . If you can match the chemical formula of your stain with your next steps materials , even better .

Do you need to Seal , After staining wood ?

It’s not necessary if you don’t want to , but i suggest you to seal your wood stain , in order to protect it and have a more long lasting result , without serious fading .
A nice sealing after your staining will prevent the “bleeding” and i suggest to use a non water based sealer for the job , if you choose a chemical product .

How Bad for your health , is wood stain ?

The wood stain as all the chemical( fully or part ) based elements are highly toxic and they require your fully seriousness and safety measures .
How Toxic is stain ?

The wood stain is highly toxic for humans and has VOCs , which are volatile chemical compounds and all these needs your fully attention with zero safety “discounds” .

Is it Safe to stain wood , Indoors ?

No , it’s not because of the chemicals and the stain’s VOCs and i suggest you only natural elements for your indoor wood “missions” .
If you have to use stain for inside , face mask , gloves , glasses and open windows are must .

In HERE , you’see all the totally natural finishing combinations , you can use for indoors .
Can you Walk , on wood stain ?

Generally , after a couple of hours ( 6 + ) , you won’t have any issue walking on stain . If the general moisture is high , give more time .
Is wood stain , Child safe ?

No , it’s not in no way . You should protect your child’s eyes , face , lungs , skin , general health and never let it mess with chemicals of any kind .
Is wood stain , safe for Skin ?

No , it’s not having allergic themes , or not . If you have allergic issues , you should totally avoid it , or with extrememly cautious approach , taking all the appropriate safety measures , of course .

In any case if you get stain on your skin , wash it perfectly and if you identify anything suspicious , the nearest hospital – doctors are the only solution .
Don’t listen the ones who “know everything” . Go to the doctors .
What to do if i get wood stain , in my Eyes ?

If you wear eye lens , put them out immediately , cause you don’t want the chemicals to your eye constantly , wash your eye with pure water and no matter what , go the the nearest hospital – doctor to see it .
Even if the washing with water , “relaxes” your eye , you need the doctor to see it and be 100% certain and secure .

How do you use stain , Safely ?

The safety measures are 100% needed in here and you don’t do anything before your wear your face mask , your gloves and your eyeglasses .
Don’t use stain for indoors .
Do you stain wood with Brush or Cloth ?

You use a brush to apply your stain , because you want the penetrating moves of the brush , to “push” the stain inside the fibers .

The water based stain , dries faster than the oil based ones .
The best brush brands to get , in HERE .
Can i stain wood , Without a brush ?

Yes , you can use whatever you have , but the brush is suggested for the materials that are focused for deepenr wood penetration . The brushing moves , “push” the stain deeper to the wood’s fibers .

What is the best Method to stain wood ?

Clean you wood from previous stuff – sand aggresively to open pores – brush your stain and trim it ( circular or along the grain ) to go deeper – use as many coats you need – let it dry 100% .

The oil based stains , need brush . The water based stains , “cooperates” best with foam brushes – rollers , or with synthetic bristle brushes .

Can i stain wood , Myself ?

Yes , you can certainly do and the process isn’t a difficult one .
Clean your wood from previous coating , sand it to roughen it , use a nice brush or a foam type for applying accordingly to your stain type , check the result and maybe reapply a couple of layers more and let it dry .
What to do , when staining ?

1) Always keep the safety measures ( face mask , gloves , glasses ) .

2) Try to have a very clean surface so the stain penetrate the deeper possible .

3) Sand aggresively to open the pores .

4) Use a brush and “work” -trim your stain to ge deep along the grain .
5) Reapply as many coats , it needs . Always check the final color result and adjust you applying .

6) Give extra time for drying .
How Long does wood stain , Last ?

This depends from the place you’re acting – living and the general weather conditions as sea , high moisture , boating conditions , high heat , et.c .

Usually a time period between the 3 to 6 years are a realistic time .
How Long after staining , can i Finish ?

This depends from your topic weather conditions and the time period the stain will take to fully dry , because you don’t proceed to your next steps , before the complete drying .

In “normal” humidity places , two or three days will be enough for the complete drying .
Why does wood stain take , forever to Dry ?

The high moisture of a place and the many layers of coating with stain , are the most common factors that cause delayed drying .
How Long does stain Smell , last ?

The oil based stain can smell , even after many years .
Does stain , Fade as it Dries ?

It becomes more color “softer” and lighter .
What happens if you let stain dry , without Wiping ?

If you let a big amount of stain above your surface , you may have uniformity issues , for the next coating material , you want ot use . This extra stain , may cause generic appearance issues .
Does wood stain , dry Completely ?

Yes , certainly it does and in a “normal” moisture place a couple of days will be enough for fully drying .
How Long does wood stain , take to Dry ?

This depends from the area the stain dries and from the general weather conditions of this area , if it’s near the sea , in a boat , or under high moisture conditions . Generally a couple of days are enough for complete drying .
Does sanding , make stain Darker ?

Yes , generally and for all the wood types , the sanding makes the stain darker , as it enters more deep into wood .
Can you stain something Darker , Without sanding ?

Yes , you can do it by making more layers of stain or choosing a more dark color shade for the job .
Will stain Lighten , as it dries ?

Yes , the stain lightens with the time passing , because of the air molecules reacting with the strong pigments of the stain and if you don’t have a final coat , the lighten is bigger .
How do you Lighten wood stain , with Vinegar ?

If you wash you wooden surface with some vinegar , using a sponge , the vinegar’s acids will lighten the stain shade and the longest you let the vinegar soak into wood , the more the lighten of the stain .

How do you stain wood , to look Light ?

You can use very lightly a steel wool and a cloth which has turpentine and mineral spirit , in order to lightly open the shade of your stain .

If you search for the best steel wood – abrasives , go HERE .
Can you lighten , Previously stained wood ?

Yes , you can using also steel wool and water for the water based stains or mineral spirits for the oil – gel based stains .
If you want to strip it totally from the old stain , an oxalic acid stripper will do the job .
How do you lighten Dark Walnut stain ?

If this stain is oil based or gel based one , the steel wool into some mineral spirit or turpentine , will do the job , just fine .

When you lighten stain , you always proceed slowly and repeat many times .
What are the Disadvantages of wood stain ?

The toxicity for humans , the not eco – friendly approach , the time for preparation , the periods of time for drying , the price( kind of expensive ), the constantly reapplying needs , are some of the most crucial stain’s , disadvantages .
Keep woodworking , use your stains carefully , keep the safety measures and the happiness is certain .