What color is wood may seem an easy question i suppose , but not always . All wood isn't the same , around earth and in every place you are , wood has differences and unique properties . The area...
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Characteristics – Properties of all the Basic wood types . (+ botanical names. )
The exact characteristics and the properties of the wood you can find , many of people haven't clarified in their brains and it's very understandable . In a cm3 , we have more than 1.000.000!!!!...
What wood you should Never Burn , in a Fireplace ? ( list + videos .)
One major mistake we all do , mostly from our "speedy" city lifestyle ( when you are in a continue rush you "don't think" ) , is that we burn in our fireplaces , whatever wood we find and this is...
How wood is created and How you can count the Age of a tree .
Wood is the center of our beloved woodworking hobby and we should learn as much as we can for it . We're interesting to know as much as we can for the wood , not because we are going to give exams...
Wood exists on earth from day one and we have seperated it into 3 types , into 3 basic columns , in order to act with it and create woodworking projects , according ot the properties the wood has ....
Choosing hand - tools or power tools for your woodworking projects , is a "situation" all the woodworkers have confronted in their "wooden lives" . For all of us in the wood "planet" , the...