The posibility of making your own furniture , isn’t only a viral question from people who want to create their first wooden furniture , but it’s a motivation issue for the more experienced ones , also .
Yes , you can definetely make your own basic furniture with easy designs , no matter if you haven’t a lot of experience creating wood plans . Yes , you can make your own furniture using the basic woodworking tools and joinery , but your projects won’t be equal to a professional’s furniture , of course .

As you keep making projects , you’ll become more and more capable and you can reach the perfection levels of the professional carpenters . Remember that the professionals , were amateurs once .

What will you need to make your Own Furniture ?
1) You should be able to walk some miles inside a forest , search , find and cut your precious wood piece for free ( always legally and with the appropriate licences ) , or buy your wood supplies .

A couple of hand saws , an axe and a smaller hatchet to “clean” the tree’s branches , would be ideal , to finish the primary cutting job .
Some nice hand saws( panel , et.c ) and not expensive ones , are my suggestions and they’re in HERE.

2) You should have a place to put your wood pieces , so you can work with them and you can have some very basic and cheap woodworking tools and then some more advanced ones . A basic workbench would be ideal .
See some workbench ideas – suggestions for buying later on in , HERE .

3) Some nails – hammers , screws – screwdrivers , a little wood glue , a piece of sandpaper and some protecting wood oil , are enough . Maybe also a screw gun or a hand drill and some bits for your first drills .

4) A level tool , a tape type meter , a nice carpenter’s pencil , some maybe marking knives and the basic 4 mathematic operations use ( addition – subtraction – multipication – division ) , are what you need to measure and mark wood .
See some of my measuring ruler suggestions for accuracy to supply in , HERE .

5) If you can visualize your woodworking furniture in all the 3 dimensions ( 3-D) , in order to imagine it finished and make adjustments , this would be ideal .
That’s it . You won’t need anything more to create your first carpentry project .

If you can ask your local carpenrty shop , or a carpenter friend , to cut you some log pieces into wood boards for a few bucks , even better .
All the above require your attention , your love and some money . Yes , these furniture won’t be able to compete and “win” the furniture of a professional woodworker or a factory’s , but they’ll be very nice .
I’ve written a post concerning some ideas for your first wood furniture , you can read it in HERE .
Let’s see some wood projects ideas fast :

1) Wooden walking sticks .

2) Small wall shelves( one wood board + some screws to place it , on your wall ) .

3) Kitchen cutting boards( oak and mostly the “hard” types of wood ) .

4) Small desks( One wooden surface + 4 legs + pins & screws ) .

5) A basic dog house(3 wood boards + 2 for the roof + some pins & screws ) .

6) A small birdhouse ( the same style as the dog one ) .

7) A wooden wedge to keep your doors open and not close by the strong wind . ( a simple wooden triangle ) .
Is it Cheaper to make or buy Furniture ?

Of course to built your own furniture is way more cheaper , than the process of buying them from the wood stores , the markets , even the web .
Because if you assign your project to a pro carpenter , you’ll have to pay him or the store , the factory , or whoever else will create the furniture , for you .
No matter where and how cheap you can supply your wood pieces , you’ll have to pay , the effort of the furniture’s creator , the woodworker . You cannot avoid that .

On the contrary if you supply your wood and make your furniture by your own , you don’t have to pay anyone .
The money will remain in your pockets , to buy more wood and create more astonishing furniture . It’s always cheaper and always will be cheaper , to make your own furniture .
If you also have “friends in the right places” , you can save a lot of money . If you have a close friend or a relative or anyone who has a professional carpentry shop , you can save a lot of money .
You can ask him very politely , if you can have the wood pieces he throws away , when he cuts his wood boards .

I’ve made a very nice small desk for my daily stuff , from a wood piece of swiss pine , 4 legs from a wild mulberry wood and some nails with some wood glue .
So , you’ll be amazed of how many wooden furniture , you can do with a few money and of course with way less money , than going and buying wood from the stores . It will always be cheaper .
If you supply the wood pieces you need and create your furniture , you’ll “escape” the need to pay the effort , the expenses and the taxes of the wood stores , the professional carpenters , et.c . And this cannot be changed .
What are the benefits of making your own furniture ?

1) You save a lot of money .
2) You have closer “relationship” with the wood .
3) You learn the “behavior” of wood , while shaping it .
4) You learn little “secrets” of the woodworking tools and the correct use of them .
5) You sharpen your architect instincts , by visualizing your future carpentry designs .
6) You sharpen your mechanic talents , trying to create correct wood projects in the 3-D space .
7) If you become good enough , you can have a “backup” profession .
8) If you become good enough , you can make money selling your own furniture and contribute more to your family .
9) The inner satisfaction and completeness emotions of creating something from zero , is beyond words .
So don’t be afraid to try and create your wood furniture , by your own . Don’t try to make a very “extreme” design at your first tries .
Begin with the basic , make them as perfect as you can and then you can go to the most difficult furniture designs .
Keep woodworking and earn tons of happiness .