So the time has come and you are so anxious to make your first wood box , your first wood small table for your afternoon coffee or whatever your “thirsty” wooden soul desires .
And you love the whole proccess . From the sock and shoe you’ll wear , for your forest exploration to find your wood piece you want , till the time you’ll finish your project and give yourself a big smile from satisfaction .

But before all that , there is a colossal issue you need to look after , so you can enjoy your woodworking hobby , with 100% brain calmness .
You safety and the measures you should take , in order to be safe , healthy and don’t get into several problems . I suppose this apply for all humans activities , because what is the purpose to do something , which will jeopardize our physical capability and our precious and irreplaceable life ?
There are 2 safety areas :
1) The Outdoor safety measures .

2) The Indoor safety measures .

Before we start with the ourdoor safety tips , we must consider that for each year’s season , our clothing changes , being lighter the spring and summer months and heavier the autumn and winter months .
Adapt your Woodworking Clothing to the Season and Temperatures .

You don’t need heavy cotton socks , hard winter jackets , isothermally underwear and heavy snow boots , when you go to explore the mountains of Greece in the july with 35 celcious temperature !!!!!!
You don’t need unnecessary heavy clothing , in the hot months and you’ll realize that , when you stop your exploration in the forest , because you found your wood piece and you go to cut it .

The “rivers” of sweat will make your life so hard and it isn’t just your uncomfort theme .
If you are “drowning” in sweat and everything is slippery in your hands , the danger to hurt yourself by your cutting hand saw , or any other wood tool you use , is very very big and very common .
So choose your clothing wisely and of course as you get more exprerienced in the forest and its “secrets“ , you’ll adjust your strategy and become efficient .
Safety advices for your Outdoor woodworking activities :

1) Always use the appropriate clothing , considering the season of the year you’ll go outside searching for your preferable wood materials .
Lighter or heavier but as lighter as you can , because when you are walking for hours , you need less weight on your “shoulders” . Always try to wear very good shoes , with non – slip sole . You’ll walk on “countless” slippery surfaces .

2) Always have enough clean water with you , even if the winter months . You don’t want dehydration from the hours of walking .

3) If you have company with you , it’s good . Having or not company , always have in your pockets a cell phone , with a fully charged battery .
4) Make space in your pockets or in your back pack and have some energy bars (chocolate , honey , et.c ) and necessarily a small first aid kit .
5) For your walks in the forest it’s very wise to have a stick with you , assisting you . The stick you’ll have , and i suppose you’ll choose a wooden stick , will help you identify the “hidden” holes in the ground , covered from snow , leafs , branches and many more .

You don’t want a wounded leg from a “silly” hole you didn’t pay attention . You’ll be surpised of how many “jobs” , a simple stick can do .
From helping you climb a difficult road , to protect yourself from a snake and the list is endless .
6) You cannot have with you many wood tools , so the ones you’ll have must be in the safest “form” .
Your cutting hand saw , should be folding one , so if you have small fall ,you don’t get hurt by its teeth . Whatever else you want to have with you , a small ax , a knife , should be folding ones and you must carry them inside their leather protection cases .

Never have their cutting surfaces , uncovered .
Serious injuries from wood tools are taking place every day .
7) A pair of gloves is always a must wood accessory and a significant help for you . If you can protect your hands and be more “free” to cut your branch ,without skin wounds and small or bigger bleedings from scratching , why neglect it ?

Prefere the leather gloves .They are tougher and protect your hand’s skin from the sharp wood branches , better than fabric ones .
Indoor safety advices for woodworking :

1) When you use your electric – gasoline chain saw , in order to cut your wooden material , log or whatever you have , you must wear the safety helmet – glasses – gloves , equipment .

Never “underestimate the moment” and feel safe , because you are in your home . No “discounts” on you safety , no matter what .
When you use your electrical machines , inside your wooden laboratory and cut or give shape to your wooden furniture , project or whatever you are passionate about ,
You focus must be 1000% , in the work you do and NOWHERE else .
Only the job you must do and complete . No distractions at all , from noone . Even if the World War 3 starts , you must not give a penny !!!!!

The examples of cutting fingers and palm pieces from woodworkers all over the world are more than the sky’s stars !!!!!
Be extremely careful when you work with machines , electrical or not .
2) When you work with your wood material and you want to make his surface smooth , by rubbing it either by rubbing it with your hand , or using the electric tool for it .
Always wear a face mask with the appropriate filters for even the tiniest wood dust .

You don’t want in any case your lungs to be suffer by this powder -tiny dust molecules from wood , which after some time period , will cause you many serious respiratory problems , irreversible .
I’ve seen retired wood workers after respiratory and nose surgeries , to “clean” their breath paths , so they can breath normally and i was terrified . The doctors and surgents have cut entire pieces from their faces , making their faces deformed , for ever .
Keep Woodworking and be safe the same time .