The free woodworking tools and how can you get some , is a situation that all the wood “lovers” have deal with it , even once in their lives .
Mostly in their beginning of their “wood lives” , but not only then . You know finding free woodworking tools , isn’t only a mater of low cost , a no cost or a matter of difficulties with money .
There are many woodworkers , who like to search and find wood tools for free , which have emotional value , vintage ones , hand made ones , et.c .
If you can find Free woodworking tools , why not ?

The woodworking way of life , isn’t a hard to learn hobby in general , but in your beginnings if you can supply your basic wood tools for free , your life will be easier .
Yes , the money issue will always be a serious obstacle , in your way , but the wood “lover” doesn’t let anything to stop him .
Free woodworking tools , means totally free tools with Zero money , at all .

So the “quest” to find free woodworking tools , will always be “viral” and of course you can do many , to find yours .
So let’s begin . These are some of my favorite ways and searching methods , when i want to supply tools without sending , even a dime :
1) Free tools from close Friends .

Ask a friend , who has many of woodworking tools and this variety and amount , gives him the “luxury” , to give some for free .
If you don’t have a very close friend , have your “antennas” wide and open , for anyone in your neighborhood – village – town , who can supply you .
Always be polite and friendly and just ask him , if he can give some of his tools . It helps always , if you hear for a friend or whoever , who is making cleaning of his warehouse .

For sure he is going to throw away some rusty – half broken maybe , or whatever woodworking tools , he doesn’t want anymore .
Be in the “right time and in the right place” and offer your help . Why not to take these tools , than the trash can . The rust and the half broken parts of these tools , are easy to fix , with your love and care .
Usually with this method you’ll find easily , hand saws , hammers , small axes , maybe some drills , but they’ll do the “job” to start create your first woodworking projects , with zero money .
2) Tools from professional carpenters .

If you have a friend – relative , who is a professional woodworker , you’ve just hitted a “jackpot” , maybe . The professional carpenters , want always to have the best and more capable wood tools and they often buy new and drop the old .
In that droping time , be there and take the old tools . I’m sure the woodworker , won’t say anything to you , maybe he’ll thank you for the cleaning help , you’re giving him .

Another helpful approach of mine is that many times when i have the time , i offer myself to help him in his store .
If the carpender has a heavy wood project and needs a “hand” , i give it and i get paid in woodworking tools . Again i don’t give a penny . I only give some sweat and a little of my time .
3) Free tools from about to close places .

I always have my eyes and ears open , in the web , in the newspapers , in the coffee shops of my neiborhood , in the ads , for woodworking places – stores , that’s they about to close their activities . Everyday people retire , change towns of living , change jobs ( maybe) , unfortunately go bankrupt and they close their stores .
Yes even if the woodworking is a very fine job to act and live from it , bankrupt situations exist day in day out , unfortunately .
These times for sure , they want to “unload from their shoulders” , some wood machinery and tools . Go there and you’ll be amazed of the variety and the quality of the tools , you’ll find .
4) Free tools from villages – away from cities .

The villages and the places away from the big cities , the farmer villages , the farmer areas .These are “golden” places , in order to get your free wood tools .
In these places the woodworking tools , have a way more “tougher life” . In these places all the tools in general , “live” a harder life and this applies for the wood tools , also .
The farmers ,use their tools in a way bigger difficult jobs , daily and to be honest , they don’t maintain them so good (!) .

So the tools become “old” every day and the farmers most of the times , take “fresh” new ones and drop the old ones , in a warehouse to fix them in the near future . Of course this doesn’t happen and the tools rust all alone in a warehouse , somewhere .

Countless opportunities , exist here . Take advantage of them and get your free woodworking tools . You won’t find serious difficulties . In the villages and small towns , everyone knows everyone and “things” are more easy .
5) Abandonded tools in outdoor places .

This way to find free tools , is my favorite .
I get tired . I get bubbles under my feet from the many hours of walking , i get “rivers” of sweat the summer time , but it’s my favorite .
It combines my favorite forest walks , to relax and always searching for free wood legally and time traveling . I enormously like want to find free wood by my own and create my wood pojects , as “raw” , as i can .
During these forest walks i like very much to visit and search for forgotten tools , near the small bridges you find inside the forests . In my country we have many wooden bridges and most of them are many decades ago , manufactured .

Maybe near in these bridges you’ll find a small warehouse or something like similar to that , like the ones the shepards have in their fields . These small warehouses , are basic ones and they have no luxury equipment at all .
They don’t have a a roof and all the 4 walls , their purpose is only the rest of the outdoor workers , or the shepards for a couple of hours . If near in these forest bridges , any of these exist , many times you’ll find inside forgotten tools .
Very often , if you search under those bridges , or to the nearest trees , maybe inside a small tree hole , you may discover a woodworking tool forgotten by its carpender , those days . Mostly you’ll find small axes , hand saws , pins , screws , drills and if you are lucky a wood planer .
Yes these tools may be extremely rusty , but you can restore them slowly , slowly and with your wood Love , do a very fine job .

Except the use of them which will benefits you , the emotional benefits are way big . Imagine yourself giving “life” and usage to a wood tool “dead” for half a century or more .
I’ve said it so many times but i’ll say it one more(!) . Always take care of yourself while you’re searching for wood legally or wood tools in the forests and don’t let , routine reduce your safety mindset .
The woodworking is a marvelous “planet” but it hides dangers , you should always have in your “hard – disc” .
6) Free tools from exchange flea markets .

Great places to find free woodworking tools are the exchange flea markets . In these markets everyone goes and trade stuff he doesn’t want , with other people’s stuff and equipment .
You don’t need money at all . You give equipment you don’t want anymore , you take equipment other don’t want anymore .
Surely in these “tons” of equipment , which changes “hands” in these exchange flea markets , you’ll find woodworking tools you can trade and get .

These flea exchange markets are carried out all the year and the only thing you should do , is to be aware of the time and place of their existance .
Usually your local newspaper , facebook site and all the social media of your municipality , are making announcements very often . Make some clicks and you’ll get the information you want .
How to find Free Woodworking Tools : Summary .

If you want to keep your wallet “fully charged” and you want to create your woodworking plans with free tools , do these :
1) Ask politely a friend , who has many to give you some for free .
2) If you have a friend who is a professional woodworker , take his old tools which are for the garbage can . If you can help him in some of his professional woodworking projects and get paid , with tools !!!
3) Always look the newspapers , web , ads , coffe shops , neighborhood , et.c , for woodworking stores which are about to close for many reasons . Go there and take some tools , the carpender don’t want anymore , for free .
4) The villages and farmer areas are wood tools “gold mines” . The tools there become “old” very fast because their use , is harder . Take some , restore them and your “job” is done .
5) Make some forest walks . In the bridges you’ll find inside them , many toosl exist forgotten by their “masters” and most of them are very old ones . Search around them . You’ll maybe lucky . Make some restorations and you’ll have tools older than your age maybe(!) .
6) Always be aware of the exchange flea markets . You can exchange stuff you don’t want anymore , with woodworking tools from other human beings . This is a very nice way to find tools and it is timeless . Flea exchanging markets , have always excisted and they’ll always exist .
And always don’t you forget this : Woodworking isn’t for no reason hard to learn and start your journey , with us all .
Keep woodworking and your happiness will achieve everything .