Is woodworking Toxic ?

In the woodworking activity – hobby , or profession there are many opinions , concerning the toxicity you can confront and what you should do about it .

Of course and it’s very natural , every woodworker outhere to have his own opinion and approach , especially if he acts woodworking for many years .

When you are in an area many years and you’ve experiment a lot , it’s very natural to have experience and deep knowledge , concerning this area .

No , the woodworking activity isn’t a toxic activity in general you should be afraid to get involed with , but in many cases you’ll confront toxic situations – wood crafts , by acting some woodworking techniques and methods .

The woodworking isn’t a “deadly” dangerous and toxic activity you should avoid to act if you like it , but dangers and toxic situations in some cases , exist .

As all the manual hobbies , or activities , the woodworking has its own “secrets” and safety measures , you should be aware in order to protect yourself and others from dangers and toxic situations .

We deal with sharp metalic woodworking tools , wood dust , several chemicals for the wood protection , maintenance and design purposes .

All these “hide” several dangers and toxic factors , we need to be aware and protect ourshelves , by following some necessary safety measures .

I’ve written a complete post and safety mindset for the general dangers in woodworking , read it in HERE .

What wood Dust is Toxic ?

It’s well known among the woodworkers , that the dust from oak and beech is toxic and except other health problems , can cause the Hodgkin’s disease , but they aren’t the only ones .

The dust from all the engineered wood as the MDF , particle boards , OSB , plywood , et.c , is dangerous and can cause serious health problems from toxicity , because they contain chemicals in their mass .

The engineered – industrial wood is an artificial wood , which is created by humans in factories , with the use of several chemical glues , resins and other chemical factors .

These chemical factors , when they mixed together with the wood dust from the wood particles during your cuts or whatever , are very dangerous for your lungs , respiration system and your general health .

Of course you should be aware that any action you do on wood and you use external not natural materials , can create toxic situations . We use paint , shellac , oils containing chemicals for the UV radiation et.c , waxes with chemicals and so many other elements to our wood .

All these , under specific circumstances of heat , pressure and general treatment ( cuts , – drilling – sanding ) , they can be toxic to you and your surroundings .

Your eyes , ears , skin , lungs , can be damaged lightly or more seriously from toxic elements( dust – fumes , et.c ) and if you have allergies or any health sensitivity , you should be very carefull .

Even the most “innocent” element we use in woodworking , can damage your health and here is an example :

The pure linseed oil we use for our wood treatment and maintenance , can be very toxic and dangerous if by accident you swallow it .

The woodworking linseed oil and the edible linsed oil , are totally different oils and we NEVER eat – drink or whatever the woodworking linseed oil .

So always use safety equipment , be very careful and read the instruction labels of the chemicals – materials you use .

Is wood Dust Cancerous ?

Yes it is and the International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) , has in its first places as the most dangerous , the wood dust and the formaldehyde , but all the other chemicals inside the engineered wood can cause serious problems , which can escalate to very serious health problems .

The big “secret” in here , is this escalation and overloading of your lungs , respiration system and health which is happening very “sneaky” , very slowly most of the times , so that you don’t even realize that .

Does wood dust , Stay in your lungs ?

Yes , for sure and this escalate more , during your daily and constantly preoccupation with the carpentry activity and the creation of your woodworking projects .

The wood dust stays in your lungs and as more often you expose yourself to wood dust , unprotected , the worse for your lungs and your general health .

I’ve seen retired “old school” woodworkers who confronted such serious health problems , i don’t want even to think about it .

Do lungs Clean themselves of dust ?

Yes they can , if you never inhale again in your life wood dust and you give your lungs a big amount of time . It’s like the cutting of smoking .

You need to cut the habit totally and completely , in order to give your body the ability to heal and of course your lungs will never return to their primary and 100% healthy condition .

Here is a mindset tip , i want to share with you : don’t let this self – heal ability of your body ( only if you cut the habbit totally ) , make you relax and lower your safety measures shields , saying to yourself that your body will “correct” the mistakes you’ll make .

This happens to all and it’s a subconscious situation . You let yourself to relax and it’s ok , nature will protect you . This is totally wrong and it’s a very common “trap” .

What are the Exact Safety equipment you should have , to avoid Toxic situations in woodworking ?

The best possible face mask money can buy for the wood dust and toxic fumes , the best possible eye glasses , the best earplugs ( many neglect their ear’s health ) , appropriate gloves when you use chemicals , a very capable respirator system for your indoors carpentry actions .

Of course you should never swallow – drink – taste – touch your face – wipe your eyes , et.c , with toxic elements .

You should protect your skin( skin “breaths” too ) from toxic liquids and immediately wash it , if something goes wrong accidentally and always seek for your doctor’s opinion and help .

Should i wear a Face Mask , while woodworking ?

Yes , you should always wear a the best possible face mask when you rub your wood manually or with woodworking tools , when you sand your finished wood plans , when you use , varnishes , oils , waxes , shellac , et.c for your wood finishing .

You should also wear face masks when you use solvents to remove old paints and stuff from your wooden surfaces and you use solvents to thin out several liquids .

You should also wear face masks , when you use the shou shugi ban technic and you burn your wood for outdoor resistance .

See in HERE the whole Shou Shugi Ban process .

Wood dust and toxic elements , cause caner according to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration ( OSHA ) , organizations and not only this of course .

Does the N.95 mask Protect against wood dust ?

Yes , is does very effectively up to 95% , but in small and not oilish wood dust molecules and not in 100% total protection .

The N.95 face mask doesn’t protect you from all the wood dust type molecules in 100% percentage and i suggest you to use the best possible face mask you can have .

Maybe for small periods of time and not many hours of woodworking job , you can use the N.95 mask , but for continuous and lifetime use , choose the best for you . Your health is above all and try to have , a face mask that reaches very close to the 100% or protection .

The cartidge face mask with activated charcoal filter ( which you’ll change it very often ) , is the best possible solution for the wood dust , fumes and whatever else it’s possible to breathe when you woodwork .

What Type of face mask is Best for Sanding ?

The cartridge face mask with activated charcoal filter which you’ll change very often( and never neglect ) , following the manufacturers instructions , is the best solution .

The wood dust from sanding has very – very small molecules . The cartidge type masks are the types which are very effective to filter them . Of course they can filter the toxic fumes , as well .

The firefighters don’t use these types of masks , by luck .

Do i Need a respirator system for sawdust and wood dust ?

Yes , you certainly do and if you act woodworking indoors and inside closed places – carpentry shops , you need the best possible respirator system even , you have good air circulation and even if this systems are kind of expensive .

Even if you’re an amateur woodworker and you’ve just started this hobby – activity , you need a respirator system , if you work indoors . The wood dust molecules doesn’t know who you are . It damage everyone .

Keep woodworking and gain happiness from it .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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