The area in woodworking of the natural and chemical finishing combinations , are literally endless and the variety of the finishing results you cna get are beyond imagination .
In here you can combine whatever element you like from both “worlds” . The totally natural and the chemical one and you can create astonishing wood results .

Of course our basic mentality hasn’t changed a bit , concerning the filling of the wood’s pores and how we can do it . Our wood’s basic finishing “path” is :
“ Begin to reach the deepest – deapest > proceed to deepest > proceed to deep > proceed to the upper areas and surface of wood . “
The sanding approach is the same : ” if you want the most open pores possible , sand “aggresively” and then you can continue by , slightly smoothen your surface and you can warm your wood for deeper penetration and fibers rising . ”

The hairdryer is very capable and cool in here . The deeper penetration is made by boiling our wood into a “bath” of oils and beeswax , as the beeskeepers do for their hives .
The more layers we make with our oils mostly ( but not only ) , the more shiny – glossy results , we take .

So let’s begin to see some of the most classical and capable natural & chemical wood finishings .
1) Pure linseed oil + Polyurethane . ( brush applying )

This is maybe the best approach from both finishing “worlds” , concerning the beauty of the wood finishing with the fewer elements you can have .

You get the pure linseed’s oil benefits and you seal them with your polyurethane strength .
2) Boiled linseed oil + polyurethane . ( brush applying )

You have the same benefits ot the pure linseed oil & polyurethane mix , with faster drying times .

3) Pure teak oil + Boiled linseed oil . ( brush applying )

You’ll get the antifungal protection of the pure teak oil and you’ll seal it with the beautiness of the bolied linseed oil enriched with solvents UV filters , et.c , with fast drying times .

4) Teak oil powerful Mix + Pure linseed oil . ( brush applying )

You’ll get the maximum of the teak’s oil bugs – fungi protection with several other protection ( UV , moisture , et.c ) and you’ll combine it , with the pure’s linseed oil , beautiness last coat .

5) Teak oil Mix + Boiled linseed oil + Double boiled linseed oil . ( brush applying )

The best bugs – fungi protection and more for the deepest of the wood .

Then the bolied linseed will solidify the fibers to the max and then the double boiled linseed oil ( which is a natural varnish ) , will seal the process , providing amazing beautiness , with the texture of honey .
6) Teak oil Mix only , for the entire wood + Wax mix . ( brush aplying )

If you want the maximum oil bugs – fungi protection and nothing else , use the best teak oil mixture you can find and then seal it with a wax mixture of carnauba , beeswax and other hard waxes .

7) Decking oil only , for the entire wood + Wax mix . ( brush applying )

You want the maximum of protection for the sea conditions and stay in the oils mostly area ?

Use he best decking oil available with extreme hard waxes inside and UV filters and then the best and toughest wax mix available and the job , is done .
8) Wax mix , only . ( brush or cloth applying )

You want only the protection of the wax and your deep fibers untouched , choose the best possible wax mix and make some coating layers .

9) Wax mix only + Polyurethane . ( bruch or cloth applying )

You want to use wax only , but be fully protected and for the longest time ?

Use your wax mix and then seal it with a very capable polyurethane .
10) Decking oil + Polyurethane . ( brush applying )

One of the most famous boat – sea wood treatement is the applying many layers of a decking oil , let it fully dry and then seal it with the best polyurethane possible .

11) All kinds of Natural Oils + all kinds of oil mixtures . ( brush applying )

You can combine all the types of natural oils , with every type of oil mixture you can find in the stores , containing these natural oils .

12) All kinds of Natural Oils + all kinds of oil mixtures + Pure beeswax and wax mix . ( brush applying )

You can have all the benefits of all the oils “world” , combined with the purity of the beeswax or several types of wax mixtures , available .

13) All kinds of Natural Oils + all kinds of oil mixtures + pure or synthetic shellac . ( brush applying ) .

All the oils you can possible have and the final coat of a nice pure or synthetic shellac , is another classical wood finshing .

14) All kinds of Natural Oils + all kinds of oil mixtures + Laquers . ( brush applying & spray )

You can use laquer to whatever finishing you’ve done to your wood , along with any kind and chemical formula oil , without any issue .

15) All kinds of Oils + all kinds of oil based finishes + Polyurethane( brush applying )

Polyurethane is a first class finish for all oils and whatever finish it has oils inside its mass .

16) All kinds of Water based finishes + Polyurethane . ( brush applying )

Polyurethane has no problem to seal and protect best a water based finish that penetrates more deep in the wood pores .

17) All kinds of Water based finishes + any Wax or any Shellac type . ( brush applying – cloth )

The water based finishes don’t have issues with any type of wax , a pure shellac or a synthetic one , you wan to use as a final coat .

18) Just several types of Polyurethanes . ( brush applying )

You can use only polyurethanes if you like and nothing else and in the markets you can find many polyurethane chemical formulas . You can combine them .

19) Oil – Water based Paints + Polyurethanes . ( brush applying )

You can seal whatever type of paint you use , with a fine polyurethane and have an excellent results . Many carpenters are using this approach for cabinets and more .

It’s a very popular wood finishing .
20) Dyes – Stains + Polyurethanes . ( brush applying )

You can seal – protect , your dyes and stains of course with a polyurethane layer , but because these two are strong color changers ( strong pigments inside ) , try to use an appropriate polyurethane .
The list of the chemicals or the natural based finishes , are endless literally . The combinations you can use and invent , are endless .

You can experiment with the so many elements and make wood finishing and changes in a microscale .
You should always experiment , make your testings to a small wood piece and think “outside the box” , because our modern times , are providing endless variety of materials .
Use the above wood finishing ways as a guidebook and a “lighthouse” and expand your horizons .
Keep woodworking and the happiness will be the best “soul finishing” .