Our modern times and the evolution of our times technology , has created many sophisticated wood finishing elements and the water based finished , are certainly some of them .
The water based finishes of all types are extremely versatile and the woodworking “planet” accepted them with “flying colors” and eco friendly happiness , along with their other benefits .
So let’s see some basic knowledge , about the water based finishes , in order to have a “lighthouse” and choose wisely your wood finishing methods , products , et.c .
The water based finishes are liquids we use for the wood finishing and they’re are made by several types of pigments – resins , et.c , but they use water as their solvent and transporter than chemical solvents , alcohol , turpentine or any other type of chemical solvent .
See in HERE some of my best water based finishes for you to supply from the stores .
Where are the water based finished , Used ?
The water based finishes are used mostly for the indoor woodworking finishing , because there are more eco friendly and produce less fumes and VOCs , except their other abilities and properties .
Why are the water based finishes , becoming so Popular ?
The water based finishes are way more eco friendly and better for the general health of people( less fumes & VOCs : volatile organic compounds ) , because they don’t based in chemicals only , to do their wood finishing job .
Is a water based finish , Tough ?
Yes , the water based finishes are using less chemicals as solvents , but there are tough wood finishes with very advanced abilities for protection , sealing , et.c .
What is the Difference between the water based finishes and the Non water based finishes ?
The water based finishes are using water as their solvent for their pigments – resins and to transfer these elements inside wood than chemical solvents , turpentine , alcohol , and other very toxic solvents – elements .
This is their main difference , concerning their different chemical formula approach .
There are way less toxic than the chemical based finishes and this different solvent approach , provides also a different final appearence to wood .
Is water based finishes , Better than the Oil based finishes ?
No there aren’t so much stronger generally , but the oil based stains are a little more strong and durable than a water based finish and that’s why the water based are used mostly for the indoors , except the eco friendly feature of course .
Both finishes can last long , more than 8 -10 years and the water based finish , can retain longer the generic appearence of the wood project than an oil based one .
Is Oil based Varnish , Stronger than a water based Varnish ?
Yes , generally , and if we’re talking for an oil based polyurethane mostly , it’s certainly stronger than a water based finish – varnish .
Of course the oil polyurethane has way more VOCs , fumes and be more toxic .
Where the water based finishes , Win than the Oil based ones ?
The water based finishes even if there aren’t stronger than the oil based ones , they win them in some areas , as they are more flexible combining durability in some cases and their film can last a little longer , depending of the type of wood you have .
The oil based finishes are more stiff and can crack( especially the crust film ones ) and they dry harder than a water based finish .
Is Oil or Water based finishes , Better for Wood ?
For the environment and health the water based finishes are way better than the oil based ones , but they lose in the general strength of a wood finish , the wood penetration( the oil based go deeper ) and in some cases to the variety of colors .
The oil based finishes win the water based ones in the general strength , but not very much as the water based ones are evoluting fast , during time .
The chemists are trying very hard to make the water based finishes equal to the oil based ones and they do amazing job and progress .
Can Oil based finish go , Over water based ?
Yes , it can and of course the water based finish should be fully dried before the applying .
What is the Difference , between Laquers and the water based finishes ?
Except the general looks the laquer provides to a wood surface , the water based finish will need more time to dry , while a chemical based laquer will dry way sorter .
How Long does water based Laquer , Last ?
A water based laquer can last many years in normal indoor circumstances and with the appropriate care and good treatment , as the musical instruments laquers .
Can you put Laquer , Over a water based finish ?
Yes , you can if you have let the watr based finish to fully dry and put the laquer at least a day after .
See in HERE , some of the most popular lacquers , to get and shield your wood .
Can you put water based Varnish , Over Paint ?
Yes , you can and it’s a first class solution and very popular , to seal – cover and protect your paint with a water based varnish .
Are water based finishes , Waterproof ?
No , there aren’t totally waterproof , but they can be very resistant to water and moisture in general .
Can water based Varnish be Waterproof ?
No it cannot be 100% , but it can provide big waterproof abilities and if you reapply constantly , you can protect your wood finish from water and moisture in a high level .
Is water based Primer , Waterproof ?
Yes , a water based primer after the evaporation of its water , create an insoluble film which is very high waterproof shield for wood .
Are all Primers , water based ?
No , there aren’t all water based , we have a big variety of oil based primers , you can use to prime your wood .
Should i use Oil or water based Primer , for wood ?
The oil based primer , have bigger sealing capabilites than a water based one .
Is water based Primer , Good for Exterior wood ?
The oil based primers are much better for the tough exterior circumstances , than the water based ones , which are more for the indoors .
Is water based Primer , good for MDF ?
Yes , you can use a primer but don’t expect big penetration of course because of the nature of the MDF .
Can i use a water based Primer , on Plywood ?
Yes , you can certainly use a nice primer for your plywood , having in mind that the inside glues and resins of the plywood mass and veneers , are matching better with the oil based ones .
Can i use a water based Primer , on wood Panelling ?
Yes , you can use a primer to your wood panelling , having in mind that the oil based ones can match a little better in here .
Can i use a water based Primer , Over Varnished wood ?
No you cannot , because the varnish has sealed the wooden surface and there is no meaning to prime a sealed surface and if the varnish is an oil based one , you may cause problems .
Can i use water based Primer , on Oak ?
Yes , certainly you can and the open pores of the oak , always need a good primer .
Is water based Primer , Better than Shellac primer ?
The shellac is usually not used for the outdoor circumstances and the water based primer is generally better and easier to apply and can be cleaned more easy .
The shellac is a top , topcoat(!) . See the most basic versions to buy , in HERE .
What are the Disadvanteges of a water based primer ?
The water based primer , doesn’t make the bonding the oil based can do to the wood’s mass and most of the times , it raise the wood’s grain .
Can i use water based Primer , on Cabinets ?
Yes , certainly you can and it’s the most common solution for the indoor cabinets and wood .
How Long to Paint , after a water based primer ?
Usually after an hour or an 1hr and a half , you can touch the primer and after a couple of hours ( 2 – 4 ) , you can continue to your paint coating .
Can you Wax , over a water based Primer – Sealer ?
Yes , you can and there is no theme for waxing with every element . Of course let the surface to fully dry , before the waxing .
Are water based Primers , Safe ?
Yes , the water based primers are way more safer than the oil – solvent based ones , but you should be aware that the primers aren’t totally safe , because they still contain chemical elements – pigments , et.c , inside them .
In the water based primers and finishes we have replaced the solvents with water , but they still contain other types of chemicals and stuff not 100% safe for the general health .
Can water based Varnish , be Used Outside ?
Yes , you can use them , it’s not “forbitten” , but usually we use them for the indoors wooden furniture and projects , because they are more eco friendly and have less fumes .
If you combine them with a nice topoat sealer , you’ll do a better finishing job .
Does water based varnish , Smell ?
Yes , it smells because it still contains several types of chemical based elements , but it doesn’t smell like the varnishes with solvents inside .
Is Varnish , water based , only ?
No , we have water based and oil based varnishes , with several types of formulas , covering a wide range of wood finishings .
How do you get a Smooth finish , using a water based Varnish ?
You need to make a good wooden surface preparation( sanding , et.c ) , use a top brush , use a top quality varnish , make many and light applying layers and avoid to apply backwards .
Should i Sand , between coats of water based Varnish ?
No , it’s not necessary if you don’t want to and you want aspecifc result , which is done without sanding between the coats .
How many coats of water based Varnish ?
You’ll need the number of coats , your wood’s “thirst” requires , your level of sanding you’ve made before requires , the previous undercoat , the type of the water based varnish and your personal preferences .
Usually a couple ( 2 – 3 ) of coats , will do the job , but always adapt to the specific circumstances .
What removes a water based Varnish ?
A varnish remover when the varnish is fully dry and water before it dries , can remove the varnish effectively .
What are the Advantages of water based Varnish ?
It’s eco friendly , it’s less toxic than other finishes , you can clean the surface easily , it doesn’t smell so bad , it has no solvents that can cause allergies among other problems , it’s strong enough , it’s very versatile with other types of finishes .
Can water based Stain , gets Wet ?
Yes it won’t have a them , but it should be fully dried , before getting wet .
Can i put Oil , Over a water based Stain ?
Yes , it’s a top finish if you like to combine the emphasize grain of the strong stain pigments , with the protecting – sealing and hydrate features of an oil topcoat .
What are the Disadvanteges of water based Stain ?
The water based stain doesn’t penetrate very deep into wood as an oil based one , it doesn’t provide such a nice and rich colors as the oil based and it needs more drying time .
What are the Disadvantege of using water based Polyurethane ?
It reacts with the wood’s grain , messing with the looks of it and if you want a top performance appearence , you should use more coats .
Can i Sleep in my house , after a water based Polyurethane ?
Yes , you can sleep in your house , but only if the polurethane is fully dried and you have zero smell and this in some cases may require , many days , or even weeks .
Remember , that we may not have solvents in the water based materials , but the other chemicals are present .
How Waterproof is a water based Polyurethane ?
A water based polyurethane is highly waterproof , but not totally and 100% and not for ever .
Should i Thin a water based , Polyurethane ?
Yes if you want , if you like and you need to thin your polyurethane for coverage reasons , you can thin it , using only distilled water .
The water we drink has elements inside ( chlorine , salts , et.c ) , which we don’t know how they’ll react with the polyurethane finish .
What are some Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a water based finish ?
The water based finishes are way more eco friendly , more health friendly , have less fumes – smell , there’re very versatile to other finishes and there’re easy to clean .
The water based finishes , aren’t providing the best and toughest protection as the oil based ones , they need more drying time in high moisture and cold and the looks of the oil based is kind of better with higher glint .
Is Polyurethane water based ?
We have both , oil and water based polyurethane finishes .
Is there a water based Shellac ?
No , the shellac is dissolved in alcohol .
Is a water based finish the Same as an Acrylic finish ?
No it’s not , because we have acrylic polyurethane which is an oil based finish and several types of acrylic resin which have chemicals formulas and not water based formulas .
What is Better , Polycrylic or a water based Polyurethane ?
The polycrylic is a water based finish you can clean easier with soap and water , but it cannot compare with the strength of the polyurethane .
The polyurethane has solvents – mineral spirits , et.c , inside , but it provides general higher protection , water and several fluids resistance , heat resistance and it’s easier to apply .
Can you Spray , water based Polycrylic ?
Yes , you can apply it using a spray .
Does water based Polycrylic , Smell ?
Yes it does , until it’s fully dry and it has the smell of the solvent type of wood finishing .
How water based finishes , should be Applied ?
You need good preparation for your wooden surface , which should be completely dry and you should use better a paint pad , than a brush a roller , or whatever else .
The paint pad has better feeling , you don’t apply more than it’s needed and the drying is faster .
Can i Spray water based Stain ?
Yes , you can use a spray to apply your water based stain and not only . The water based dyes can be sprayed also , giving a good feeling in order to cover the surface very uniform .
Are water based Floor finishes , Durable ?
Yes there are durable enough , giving nice results , even there aren’t the toughest solutions in the markets . A water based polyurethane is a very good floor finish .
How Long , does water based finish take to Cure ?
This depends of course from the generic weather conditions of your place , but around the 10 days or a little more is a realistic time period , for a water based finish cure .
Does water based finish , turn Yellow ?
No it doesn’t and this happens mostly to the oil based finishes .
Why does water based Paint , Smell ?
Yes , even if the water paint has water instead of solvents , their pigments and the other chemical elements , they still exist and of course have their own smell .
Is water based Polyurethane , Toxic to humans ?
Everything that it’s not 100% natural , pure and with zero chemicals inside , can harm more or less the humans , the anmimals , et.c .
Yes , a water based polyurethane has no solvents inside , but it has other elements , not 100% safe inside .
Is water based finish toxic , Generally ?
Yes it is , as everything that it’s not 100% pure , natural and has all the appropriate approvals , from the specialists , doctors , et.c .
More or less can damage the general health , during time and “maturing” – aging , during use , et.c .
Is it Safe to Breathe water based Polyurethane , Fumes ?
No , it’s not in any time period of the water based polyurethane use , “fresh” or totally dry and cure . Whatever it’s not 100% natural and approved can harm .
Always take the safety measures .
How Long are the water based Polyurethane fumes , Toxic ?
The water based polyurethane needs more or less a whole month to fully cure and this depends from the specific circumstances and after that , the fumes are almost zero .
No matter what people say , i don’t like to use chemicals for my indoors and i don’t want to smell cured water based materials .
The water based finishes are evoluting constantly and there are a nice solution to avoid chemicals and use more health and eco – friendly , products – materials .
If you combine them with some natural oils and waxes for your undercoat or your last finishing touch , even better .
Keep woodworking and stay safe with tons of happiness .