What is the Best way to learn woodworking ? ( realistic mindset. )

The best way to learn woodworking and how can you general starting to gain experience , i’m sure that has passed from all the new woodworkers mind .

These “millions” of questions are “working” as an invisible “brake” for you and many times people have stopped their efforts , just from these questions and the fear they caused .

If you want to be a professional carpenter or if you want to make some money by selling some wood projects , you’ll need to have a more professional approach , but you shouldn’t be afraid .

Have in mind , that you are starting the woodworking hobby for the reasons of joy and relaxation and not for showing off and stuff like that and you’ll see that , “things” will more easier for you .

You’ll be more relaxed while you’ll be learning the woodworking skills . You won’t have to prove nothing to noone .

The best way to learn woodworking is to combine your theoretical knowledge from books , online courses , et.c , with many practicing hours , trying to create woodworking projects and “tranfer” theory into real life .

Practicing the theoretical knowldege is the best way to learn carpentry , because reading only books and taking online courses aren’t enough .

This is the way humanity used to evolute . It’s the way of observing – experimenting – trying to create – making mistakes – learning from these mistakes and create theory – never stop practicing – achieving at last .

If you follow this method , the humans used to evolute and achieve goals , you’ll learn the woodworking correctly and the most importnad : You’ll never forget what you’ll learn .

You’ll never forget what you’ve learned , because when you experiment make mistakes and at last you achieve , you create primary knowledge , from experience . Slowly – slowly you become expert .

Step by Step guide to learn woodworking .

1) Read woodworking books .

You need to learn what is wood , the types of it , its properties , enemies , errors , general behavior , et.c . You need to learn theoretically , how to cut wood , drill , shape it , rubbing it , sanding it , paint it , polish it , finish it , protect it .

2) See as many videos you can .

The youtube( and other platforms) has thousands of videos you can watch . You can see master carpenters , create woodworking projects and explain the process .

3) Take online classes .

There are many top online classes you can attend , free or paid ones . Starting from the udemy which is a top online education platform , to many more sites and online communities .

I’ve written an article for this , read it in HERE .

4) Participate in carpentry seminars ( free or paid ones ) .

There are “countless” seminars you can attend , to learn woodworking . Make some clicks to your city’s agencies and you’ll get the information you want . Of course there are online seminars .

5) Volunteer to help an experienced carpenter or participate for free in your city’s carpentry agencies .

Volunteer to help a carpenter or an agency and begin to practice near to experienced professionals . It’s a timeless method to start practicing .

6) Start supplying wood and woodworking tools .

Start slowly and with cheap wood tools and then escalate to more advanced ones . Be familiar with the wood’s dimensions you’ll find in the stores .

HERE is the complete mentality of the woodworking tools and why we need them .

7) Begin to learn the Use of your carpenry machinery .

Begin to use them , always with the safety measures and gain experience . Learn to measure , cut , count distances , visualize in the 3-D dimensions your creation , cut , drill , sand , paint , finish , protect wood .

8) Begin to create your first woodworking plans .

You don’t have to create complex woodworking projects , during your first steps . Basic chairs , small tables , small outdoor benches maybe , some wooden sticks , et.c .

See in HERE some helpful common projects .

9) Be patience on your first mistakes and never abandon your efforts .

Patience , focus , strong attitude in front of your first mistakes , are needed in here . Never give up .

10) Take notes on a piece of paper , so you won’t forget details during the process .

Take notes the exact time while you’re creating your plans and don’t postpone them for another moment . In that way you won’t forget anything .

Remember , all people were new in their beginnings and even the best Champions in the world , once they were just competitors , but competitors that they never gave up .

Two extra mindset tips .

1) Have the willingness and “open mind” for learning in general . It’s very significant to have an “open mind” and the willingness to learn new knowledge , all the time and don’t being stuborn and have huge egoism .

Egoism in general is a “push back” for your efforts .

2) Have is the willingness , of trying to “incarnate” the knowldege you’ve learned , as perfectly as you can . When you try to be the best in any area , you learn more things , because you “stretch” your limits .

Begin very slowly and proceed without any hurry . Whatever you’ll learn from this learning process you’ll never forget and this process will sharpen your imagination in a level you’d never imagined .

You’ll see that as more you act with wood creating stuff , the more “smart” you’ll become discovering new dimensions of how can you can do specific things .

All this where will it drive you ?

To learn theoretical knowledge very deep , to create astonishing woodworking projects , to become a very good carpenter and of course to gain tons of happiness .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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