What is the Danish – Oil , for the wood finishing area ?

In woodworking the decking oil isn’t the only one we create for wood finishing and the danish oil mixture is another creation of the humans to reach finishing perfection , maybe .

The danish oil cannot give maybe the color shade and result of the King which is the linseed oil , but it’s a very cool and capable oils mix .

The danish oil is the result of the result of mixing several types of oils suitable for wood , mostly 100% natural , but sometimes enriched with UV filters and other protecting factors , we use for our wood undercoat or last finishing stage .

See in HERE some suggestions of danish oil , to supply from the markets .

What is danish oil , Made of ?

There is no standart oils formula and every danish oil manufacturer , use his own preferences to give specif features , to his oil , but the linseed oil and the tung oil are basic ingredients and columns for the danish oil .

Why is is called danish oil ?

The danish oil is invented by some Scandinavian guys and girls and they gave this name to their oils mixture .

What danish oil , Does to wood ?

The danish oil and its super efficient oil ingredients as the tung , the linseed and others along with UV filters , are a top oil mixture( many time only natural and pure ) , to hydrate – fill – seal – protect wood , be a primer , a varnish if you heat it and a top under or final coat , for any type of wood .

Can i use danish oil to Oak ?

Yes , surely you can and the oil mixture has no type of wood , limitations . On the contrary , this oil wide variety and filters , can be perfect for all the wood types and features .

That’s why the Scandinavian people made it . To “catch” all the variety of wood using mostly natural oils .

Does danish oil makes wood , Waterproof ?

Yes , it can make wood waterproof for a couple of hours maybe , but not a permanent . No , material can give immortal waterproof abilities to wood .

Does danish oil , Change the color of wood ?

Yes , but only for a little , giving to it , light shades caused by the oils it contains .

Does danish oil make wood Orange ?

No , it doesn’t , even if it may contain more linseed oil which mat give a blond – orange – gold shade to wood , alonf with the tung oil maybe .

But the danish oil emphasize the wood’s grain only .

Does danish oil make wood , Darker ?

Yes , it may does so , but very slightly and if you have a dark color wood , you may have the “illusion” that it’s darker than before , but this is mostly from the emphasized grain and not a real color change .

Does danish oil make wood , Harder ?

Yes , it’ll make it harder and if it contains much of linseed oil inside , it’ll make the wood more solid , but not stiff , generally .

Does danish oil make wood , Shiny ?

No , usually the danish oil makes gives to wood a more matte shade and not a shiny one .

Does danish oil , Yellow over time ?

No , it doesn’t yellow wood drastically , but it can have a light shade of yellow – blond , et.c , shade , caused from the linseed oil inside .

Does danish oil , Soak into wood ?

Yes , the danish oil is a penetrate deep oil focused and if you warm it a little will go deeper into the wood’s pores , as all the oils of course .

Is danish oil good Enough , to protect wood ?

Yes , the danish oilis a very capable oil mixture of several oil , combining their properties and if it contains extra UV filters , rot filters and teak oil inside , you won’t need anything more , for the majority of the cases .

What are the advantages of danish oil , on wood ?

The biggest advantage is that you have the “luxury” and opportunity , to supply a very capable oil mixture product , without any chemicals inside , combining only natural oils .

You can have all the oil benefits to wood : hydration – fill – seal – primer – general protection – bugs & fungi protection – UV protection – last coat protection , with only natural elements and no chemicals .

You’re doing wood finishing job , very close to the best chemical products outhere , without any chemicals , if you choose a danish oil with no chems inside .

For the woodworkers who are making indoor project , this is crucial and very helpful .

See in HERE the best only natural finishing methods .

Do you need to sand , Before applying danish oil ?

It’s not necessary if your surface is in acceptable uniformity and clean from previous coats , but if you want perfect smoothness and perfect uniformity , you can do it .

If you wan to have the more open wood pores you can possibly can , you should sand and maybe aggresively .

After the full drying , you may sand it with a light sandpaper and smooth it again .

Do i sand , Between coats of danish oil ?

Yes , if you like it , your design requires it and you want to have a best uniformity and smoothness , to your wood project .

What Grit sandpaper , for danish oil ?

You’ll need a rough aggresive sandpaper to open the wood’s pores and a light one 300+grit , in order to finish smoothen it .

Can i apply danish oil , Without sanding ?

Yes , you may do so and if you have a totally wooden surface or a very clean one from previous coats , or you just don’t want ot sand , you may avoid it .

How do you Clean wood , Before applying danish oil ?

You may use solvents , aceton , et.c to clean your wood if it has previous oils and several mixtures , vinegar also helps without damaging the fibers and of course the light sanding clean perfectly the surface , from any foreign factor .

How to Apply danish oil ?

Accordingly to your wood type and how “thirsty” it is , the needs of your project , the previous undercoats and your final result you want to give , you adapt and apply thinking “outside of the box” if needed .

You may need a wide brush , a very small brush , a sponge , a soft cloth , your fingers , you may need – want an oil bath to “drown” your wood and whatever else .

A general “law” for oils is : many thin and repeated oil coats , “built” better results and have shorter drying times .

Can danish oil be applied , by Brush only ?

Yes , certainly you can and the brush has the advantage of “pushing” – working the oil above the wood’s fibers , making the penetration and bonding , better .

Can you brush , above danish oil ?

Yes , you can brush after the complete drying of the danish oil finishing and above the danish oil , in order to give a more matte finish , or prepare the surface for another coat – element , et.c .

Can you apply Beeswax , Over danish oil ?

Yes , and it’s highly recommended , if you wan to keep your woodfinishing to the natural area , and you’ve chosen a danish oil with natural oils inside .

In any case the beeswax is a very nice last coat and HERE are some very popular choices to buy .

How many coats of danish oil should you put on wood ?

You should use and coat your wood , till you’re completely satisfied with the result and you’ve accomplished your vision , concerning the project in first place and don’t focus on numbers and stuff like that .

How Often , do i need to Reapplay danish oil ?

This depends of the type of wood you have , the general weather conditions , the quality and type of the danish oil you’ll use ( what oils and filters it contains ) , the tough or not use you’ll give to your wood , if it’s a new or an old wood and the final color – look , you want to have .

Tough conditions , mean shorter reapplying and general care for the wood .

Do i need to Seal , After danish oil ?

It’s not necessary , because the danish oil can be a very efficient last coat for woods , but if you want the maximum of protection and time lasting , a nice wax , laquer , or whatever else you like , will help big .

Do i need to Varnish , After danish oil ?

Yes , if you like but it’s not necessary , because the danish oil and the ingredients it contains , are very capable for the wood protections and finishing , but if you want a varnish for extra strength or maybe a different appearance , you can do it .

Some of the most capable varnishes to supply , in HERE .

Can i Paint , over danish oil ?

Yes , surely you can and the danish oil , is a very nice filler – sealer – primer for your paint . If you choose an oil based paint , even better . You’ll have better materials “cooperation , “bonding” and uniformity .

How Long should danish oil dry , before Laquer ?

Generally if you use a danish oil with solvents and other fast drying factors inside , you’ll need only a couple of hours , or a day , depending the weather conditions , air circulation, et.c .

If you use a danish oil , wih only natural oils inside , the times will be longer and maybe way longer .

Can i dry danish oil , with a hair dryer ?

Yes , you can and whatever improves the air circulation , can do only good for the drying process .

Can danish oil , dry on Direct sun ?

Eventually it’ll dry , but i don’t recommend you to do this . You’ll overheat the different ingredients , the filters and the process will have issues .

Why is my danish oil , Not drying ?

Probably , because you’ve put many coats of danish oil or you’ve “drown” it to oil and needs more time , maybe your surface wasn’t clean enough , the air circulation is bad and you have high moisture and maybe the quality of the product isn’t so good , or very old .

You know all things wear during time and maybe the high acids of a very old danish oil , may delay the dryng process .

Why is my danish oil , Patchy ?

This is very common to the pine wood and it need a couple of coats with a good primer . Many use the shellac , as a primer and then proceed to their danish oil finish .

Maybe you’ve put many danish oil to your wood and it needs to wipe off a little bit .

Why does danish oil stay , Sticky ?

All oils before their fully drying they are sticky to the touch . It needs more time .

How to use danish oil , Successfully ?

1) Prepare your wooden surface and make it totally clean .

2) Sand it a little if you like to “wake up” – raise the pores of wood .

3) Have a very good quality danish oil for use .

4) Have a very nice applying brush or whatever else you’ll use to apply danish oil .

5) Start to apply danish oil , equally to all of the surface and try to “built” thin layers of oil , many times , being very well dried before you proceed to the next layer .

6) Finish when you’re totally satisfied from the job , generally .

7) Seal , with a nice sealer , a wax , a laquer , an oil paint , et.c .

8) Make continuous inspections for errors , reapplying , et.c and fix things early .

How do you get a Shiny finish with danish oil ?

If you use many layers of danish oil , you’ll get this shiny glossy finishing , many people like , instead of the matte one .

Is danish oil , Better than linseed oil ?

Danish oil contains linseed oil and linseed oil ( boiled or not ) is a basic – column ingredient of the danish oil , sign of how capable and elite is the linseed oil .

Sometimes , a danish oil contains only bolied or double boiled linseed oil and nothing else inside , another sign that the linseed oil is the King of oils .

You can but the King linseed oil , in HERE .

Linseed oil and danish oil are two different oils . Danish is a mixture of oils most of the times . Of course both oils are very top and elite , for woodworking .

Is danish oil , Better than varnish ?

The danish oil and the oils – filters it contains , can do the varnish job , especially if we’re talking for a danish oil containing only boiled linseed oil , which is a top natural varnish .

The danish oil cannot win the industrial chemical based varnishes , because the natural oils have limitations , while these limitations for the chemical products , are seriously higher .

Can i use danish oil , over Old varnish ?

Yes , you can use and if you like and you don’t care much for the looks and the uniformity of this old varnish item , you cannot sand it at all .

You may want just to refresh it – protect it in a level , as the way it is and not improve it for your reasons .

What is Better , Teak oil or Danish oil ?

There are different oils , while the danish oil is a mixture of oils and the teak stands alone . The danish oil can contain teak oil , taking advantage of the teak oil’s super antifungal natural powers , except the other properties .

How do you Thin , danish oil ?

You can thin danish oil , with other oils natural or mixtures , with several solvents , with mineral spirits , with turpentine and other petroleum solvents .

Does danish oil , Smell ?

Yes , it does having the smells of the several natural oils it contains and the other ingredients as filters , solvents , waxes , shellac , et.c .

The smell of the chemicals of course requires your attention and safety measures .

How Long danish oil , Last on wood ?

This depends , but of course the danish oil is a very capable oil , having in mind that it contains very capable oils which can be one wood for many years .

All this depends from the types of oils it contains the weather conditions, especially the moisture , the polution , the use and and the general life of the wood piece , the type of wood , the quality of the job you’ve done , concerning the depth of the penetration , the last coat ( polyurethane is very strong ) and many more factors .

Generally the danish oil , provides very long protection . You have many protections ( from the oils ) , together and this is good .

You cannot underestimate the danish oil , for sure and it’s a first class suggestion of having many natural oils together and zero chemicals , if you choose a specific type .

You may also choose a version of it , with very few chemicals and some UV filters only , which is very good also .

Make wise choices and always focus ot the result you want to have , as a “lighthouse” .

Keep woodworking and the happiness will help your wisdom , too .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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