We don’t use only natural oils for our wood finishing and when we want the best possible oil protection performance , the decking oil comes and fills this gap .
The decking oil is maybe the strongest version of the oil mixtures we create and try to adapt to the very tough outdoor – sea conditions , for wood .

The decking oil isn’t a natural oil and it’s the strongest version of the oils – waxes – chemicals mixtures , we create to protect and preserve our outdoor wood projects , containing our heaviest duty elements we can combine for the job .
See some of the best decking oil versions you can buy from the stores , in HERE .

What is decking oil , Made from ?

The decking oi is a totally manufactured oil we make , combining all the varieties of natural oils , with natural or synthetic shellac , with all the varieties of waxes ( beeswax , carnauba , et.c ) and with all the variety of chemicals , our modern times chemical technology , can give us to make the stronger oil we can .

You can find decking oil with polyurethane , linseed oil , shellac , solvents , laquers , carnauba wax and acrylic inside its mass , in the markets .

Are all decking oils , the Same ?

No , there aren’t and every manufacturer creates his own unique properties chemical formula , combining whatever you can imagine , to get the most durable result for the case he wants .
You’ll find totally different decking oils , for the needs of Egypt and Island , because the territories and needs are totally different .
Can you use , Sunflower oil , on decking ?

Yes , surely you can and you can find combinations with linseed oil – teak oil and sunflower oil , to provide extra protection from UVs and other external dangers .
Can you Olive oil , on decking ?

Yes , you can and you can use it , as a very nice oil thinner to other oils , to mixed oils and waxes , to other plant based oils as the sunflower and whatever else .
Why use , decking oil ?

The decking oil , is the strongest oil and attempt of the humans , to make the more strong mixture of natural elements and chemical elements , in order to protect the wood .

You can have only chemical ways to protect wood with better results than the decking oil( polyurethanes ) , but if you want natural & chemical combinations , the decking oil is what you’re looking for .
The most popular natural & chemical finishing combinations , in HERE .
Does decking oil , prevents Rot ?

Yes , it can prevent and stop the rot spreading , taking advantage of the so many and different types of elements it contains and their unique anti-rot properties .
Does decking oil , Change the color of wood ?

Yes , it can change the color of the deck’s wood , but not in a high grade . All oils , elements and general external factors we put over wood , change the color – shade of it , even for a tiny little .
When you should oil , decks ?

This depends from the weather conditions , the air polution , the type of the deck’s wood , the previous coats , the type of the decking oil , you personal preferences , the last coat and the general condition of the wood .

If the sea “tortures” your deck a lot you’ll need more often maintenance – reapplying .
How do you Apply decking oil to Old wood ?

The old and “thirsty” wood , has more hydrate – restoration needs than a well conditioned wood . If this old wood is a very open pores one , it’ll need more quantities .
Wide brushes and brushes in general are capable for the job .
What is the best way to Apply , decking oil ?

You should adjust – adapt your applying methods and materials you’ll use , accordingly to the type and the needs of the specific wooden surface , you want to cover .
The brushes give better applying and penetration deep into fibers .
Do you use a Roller or a Brush for decking oil ?

Generally the brush and the moves you make to apply oil , makes the oil goes deeper into the wood’s mass and fibers , than a roller , which can apply more quickly big quantities of oil , but not so deep .

The roller gives better uniformity and wins the brush in here . Adapt to the specific needs you have and use them both accordingly .
Do you need , 2 coats of decking oil ?

You need the number of coats and applying to a deck’s wood , till you’re satisfied with the final result and be 100% certain that you did the best you could , to protect your wood .
There is no specific number here . Adapt – adjust and take action till the job is done perfectly , is the “name of the game” .
How Long , after oiling a deck can you Walk on it ?

If you’ve used a decking oil with solvents in it and you have good air circulation , you’ll need only an hour or maybe a little more .
If the place and weather conditions are harder , you’ll need more .
Does decking oil , make deck Slippery ?

If your decking oil dries well you won’t have any slippery them , on the contrary you’ll have good friction if your oil has enough wax in it and you’ll have an anti – slip deck .
Do you need to sand , Between coats of decking oil ?

It isn’t necessary to sand , except that you may want more uniformity and more perfection in the eyesight , from your deck .
Can you oil a deck , Without sanding ?

Yes , you can avoid sanding if you like , but a light sanding will “wake up” the wood’s fibers and open the pores more , to suck the decking mixture .
Usually , many people sand in order to perfectly clean and prepare the deck from previous materials , coats , et.c .
Can you oil a deck in the Sun ?

Yes , you can and the sun’s heat will warm both the oil and the deck’s wood and you’ll have better penetration of the oil deeper into the surface .
The sun’s heat and UV may affect the drying and applying of the oil , but there is no big deal with it . Always check the oil’s tag for official info from the manufacturer , because it may contain an element that doesn’t goes well with the sun .

Every product has its own specs .
Why is my decking oil , Not soaking into wood ?

The most possible is that your surface has previous factors – coats – dirt – dust above them , blocking the wood’s pores and you should lcear the area , sand a little maybe to open the pores and you’ll be ok .
If you can warm the wood , so the old school woodworkers , even better .

Should you Clean deck , before oil ?

Yes , you should clean your wooden surface from old varnishes and general coating and dirt , dust et.c , so the wood’s pores will be free to suck the new oil coating .
What happens , if decking oil gets Wet ?

If your deck gets wet and it’s not totally dry form the oil , you’ll have fade issues , maybe discoloring( whitening ) and in general the water will damage – brake the oil film you’ve made .
Can you put decking oil , Over danish oil ?
Yes , certainly you can and this would be nice , because the decking oil will enrich the danish oil mixture properties , make it more it more strong , as it’ll do for the entire wood project .
Can i Paint , over decking oil ?

Yes , you can and the deecking oil will react as a fine primer – filler – sealer so the paint , will come and cover all this providing color – more strength – more protection , more tough coverage .
Can you put , Too much decking oil ?

Yes , you can but you should be aware for the longer drying periods you’ll have , no matter if your oil has solvents in it .
Bigger quantities , bigger mass to dry , bigger time .

Does decking oil , Peel off ?

No generally , it doesn’t and it’s a penetrating element for the deck’s wood . The posibility to have too much polyurethane( plastic ) inside and have peel off issues are very little . The modern products are top .
Does decking oil , Seal wood ?

Yes , it does in a very big level and it seals – fills wood’s fibers very deep .
Why is my deck Sticky , after oiling ?

You have used big amount of oil , you haven’t clean it properly from the old stuff and you haven’t let it dry completely are the most common reasons .
Shall i oil my deck , every Year ?

Yes , if the tough conditions require that , you should do it . Inspect – indentify – correct , is the “name of the game” , in here .
How Long , does decking oil Last ?

If you use decking oil in other “softer” conditions than the sea and boating , it can last many years .
The salty – sea conditions need way shorter reapplying – refreshing times . Once a year at least , for the sea conditions is the best thing if you want to keep your deck in the best possible shape .

How many litres of decking oil , do i need ?

This depends from the types of wood , your sanding pores opening and the quality – type of the decking oil .
Ususally for the soft wood needs , around the 10m2 per liter and the hard types of wood , require 20m2 per liter , but this change of course .
Remember in HERE , what is the soft wood and the hard types of wood .
What is a good Alternative to decking oil ?

The linseed oil is a very fine alternative for the tough life of the decks and if you use the double linseed oil , which has become a top natural varnish , even better .

Make a first deep penetration coating with pure linseed oil and then use the double boiled to seal the surface , using it as a varnish .
Buy in HERE , the best linseed oil versions .
What are the disadvantages of the decking oil ?

The biggest disadvantage of the decking oil , is its high price because we’re talking for the ultimate industrial mixture of natural and chamical elements , in order to get a super product .
And this costs .
The decking oil is the ultimate combination of the two worlds of the natural and chemical elements , for the wood protection .
Certainly it provides the best properties and it worths every penny .
Keep woodworking and happiness will be your company till the “end of days” .