The finish remover in the woodworking activity is a super important material for your pre-finishing steps and maybe is more important from the other elements you use to fill the wood’ pores , to seal the pores , to restore the pores , et.c .

The finish remover is the natural or chemical element which allows you to totally remove and clean only the outside surface of a wood piece from any unwanted natural or chemical coverage the wooden surface may have and leave the surface totally clean and 100% unharmed .
The finish remover is extremely important for any type of wood , outside surface because it “returns” wood in its primary natural condition , without anything blocking its surface – molecules , “cleaning” the fibers deeply without damaging them .

You want your surface to be totally and 100% clean from any previous finishing natural or chemical , in order to proceed to your new finishing treatment and have success .
If you have a previous factor above your surface , this will affect the coverage you want to do with a new factor and in many cases , this may cause damage to the wood’s surface .

Many chemicals above it some old and some new , along with the weather conditions may cause themes to your surface’s health .
If you have old and new finishing above your wood , how can you know how these different materials will react during time ?
How can you know if these materials will react to each other and if the neutralize each other , damaging the wood ?
So it’s seriously important to have a very capable wood remover and be very strict when you clean a wooden surface . In this way , you secure your future finishing and treatment success .

Every material – product is targeting primary and mainly to do only one job in the highest level . If parallel can make another “job” to your wood , in a good level , it’s ok , it’s welcomed . But mainly it’s designed for only one “mission” .
A filler can be a nice sealer , but first of all it’s an extremely good filler , designed with this “mission” from the manufacturer . Then all the others .
So , all stuff aren’t the same , because they go inside the wood , or whatever else .
I’ve chosen some top finish removers from the markets to get in HERE .
What is a good Stain remover ?

When you have to deal with chemical stain above your wooden surface , you should choose a finish remover from the markets , which the best appropriate for the type of stain your wood has(and you suspect) and be compatible to its solvents and chemical formula .
When you have a very old stain above a wood , it’s very difficult to identify its type , but you can suspect by touching it a little , scratching it or take a piece and show it to the market you’re going to buy , your remover .
For natural made stain , dyes , above your wood , sometimes alcohol can be a solution , to remove it without do any harm .
What Liquid , removes paint from wood ?

This depends from the type of paint you have above your wood and if you have a chemical paint , you should use the exact and appropriate remover , you can find in the markets .
In a natural dye – paint , made with natural colors and pigments , the alcohol helps , sometimes acetone , several common solvents and thinners , from the stores .
The “key” in here , is to identify , with what you’re dealing with . What type is the paint – dye – varnish , whatever is on your wood .
Can you remove wood stain , with Vinegar ?

Vinegar has acids and in many cases these acid , help to remove some specific types of stain on wood , without damaging the wood . Yes , you can try it .
What removes Varnish from wood ?

A very good and capable finish remover can do the job and if the varnish is a very old and “stubborn” one , you should use a very capable remover , many times before the complete removal of the varnish .
The last “weapon” , if the varnish is so tough and strong and cannot be removed , is to sand it , but in most of the cases , the very top removers , can do the job .
How to remove Varnish from wood , without sanding it ?

The top quality’s finish removers can do the job without damaging the wood . The evolution in chemistry is so big , that it’s very rare to find a varnish which a very elite remover , cannot “brake” it’s molecule structure and clean it from the wood .
If you have a super difficult case and you don’t want to sand your wood , you may use an “old school” trick , the painters use , all the time .

You may try to heat the old varnish , soften it a little and try to pill it off from the wooden surface .
The painters do it all the itmes to clean the old paint from the walls . It may work with your case also .
Can you remove , Permanent varnish ?

Yes of course you can , by using the so many top removers from the stores and do the old varnish removing process , as many times it’ll need , in order to clean the area 100% .
If this won’t work , the sanding clean perfectly the wood , no matter what material it has on it and how “stubborn” this is , to the removers .
Will Turpentine , remove varnish ?

Turpentine is a solvent and of course can remove many types of varnish from a wooden surface , without damaging the surface .
Can yo use paint Thinner , to remove varnish from wood ?

Yes , certainly you can and the thinners contain several types of solvents which are very capable to “brake” the molecule bonds of many types of paint , in order to clean the field and leave the wood unharmed .
General Approach to remove any unwanted element from wood .
1) Identify as better as you can , what type of paint – varnish – laquer , et.c , is above your wooden surface and if its needed take photos , or even take a small piece with you to show it to the people they ‘ll help you with this .
2) Go to the stores , exchange info with the professionals and pick the best posible remover for the job .
3) Do the process as many times is needed to clean the area perfectly .
4) If whatever tou tried didn’t work , then proceed to sanding the area to clean it up perfectly .
Keep woodworking and the happiness , is certain .