What is the most Dangerous woodworking Tool ? ( +real life safety Tips .)

The most Dangerous Woodworking Tool and the mentality approach behind all this , in our so fine and “magic” woodworking hobby i wanted to share with you quite sometime now .

Safety and life , are above all and what is the meaning to act a hobby , or whatever else if you jeopardize your life , consciously and the worse thing , unconsiously .

The most dangerous woodworking tool is the one which , can hurt , jeopardize or even terminate your life and it can be a hand tool , a power tool or a simple and “innocent” auxiliary tool , having all the same dangerous posibilities , even if this sound a little overwhelming , but it’s not .

All the woodworking tools can be dangerous , equally in the “wrong” time , the “wrong” place . Any woodworking tool , no matter how “innocent” seems to be , can make the heaviest damage to you . People suffered pain and have lost their lives , from reasons we cannot imagine .

Even the smallest tool , can damage your life big .

If a “simple” , common , light , small screwdriver slips out of your hand( when you push hard to screw in a tough surface) , penetrates your skin and cut an artery , won’t you die from bleeding , in a couple of minutes ?

Axes , chainsaws , hand saws , sharp carving knifes , electric ribbons , power drills , are at the top of the danger “pyramid” , but there aren’t the only ones .

The axes , chainsaws , the hand saws and in general the large and sharp woodworking tools , are very impressive in your eyes and they can take someone’s life , but there aren’t the only ones .

One per cent(1%) danger posibility , caused by a carpentry tool , is more than “enough” , in my opinion and i don’t want to put my life and the life of others in any kind of danger .

Yes , the woodworking hobby – activity , has serious Dangers .

I know that you entered to the woodworking activity because you always had an attraction for wood , you didn’t understand why or a friend suggest you to be a woodworker .

If we want to be 100% precise , we should admit that maybe there is no activity in life , which is safe 1000% and that all the human’s activities include some kind of dangers .

Even if you are seating in a chair for your whole life , there is danger to “die from boring”(!) , or something else .

I don’t won’t for nothing in the world to cause you fear in any way , about our hobby , but i want to tell you that DANGERS exist and some of them are BIG dangers .

If we want to proceed our thoughts more and be more detailed we can separate these dangers in 2 big categories :

1)The dangers , concerning the finding of wood in Nature .

2) The dangers , concerning the use of your woodworking tools .

The dangers concerning your actions to find your precious wood is many and in different levels . You need to be in good physical condition , in order to walk many hours in the forest .

You should have the appropriate equipment for your outdoor “wood hunting adventures” . This equipment should be in the best “shape” .

You should be very careful where you step , how you step and if the material you step on , can handle your weight . You should be able to pass rivers , make difficult climbs and so many other outdoor stuff .

In all these actions of yours , dangers exist and as you become more experienced in the woodworking area , in all of its areas , you’ll be more safe .

The woodworking tools , “hide” Dangers and need your fully Attention .

The dangers of the second category , this of the woodworking tools are maybe way worse , than the previous ones .

The woodworking tools are a different situation and while you are about to create your first “newbie” and very common woodworking project , you’ll face many of them .

The woodworking tools have big dangers for the experienced woodworker than an amateur one, in the same grade and in my opinion , maybe in a higher grade .

I believe that the experienced woodworker , is in greater dangers than the complete amateur or the person with a little experience .

Don’t let your Confidence , lower your woodworking tools Focus & Discipline .

There is a “golden – unbreakable” law in life , which says : As your experience rises in any area , your safety “shields” are lowering , driven by your confidence and you become more careless . As long as you are an amateur , you are more careful and discipline .

The time you’ll say to yourself : ” I’m good , i’m the best ,et.c” , that time , the problems are starting .

Dangers exist in the hand Tools , as in the power Tools Equally .

Dangers exist in the tiniest wood tool to the most expensive one . You can find dangers in the most common woodworking tools a beginner starts this hobby – activity , to the most elite ones .

Dangers exist , while you are out in the forest , searching for your ideal wood branch – log and you carry a woodworking tool attached your body , mostly a hand saw .

Imagine the time you are about to climb a hill , steping on wet rocks and slippery leaves and your hand saw cuts your leg , your arm or anything , during your climbing tries .

Imagine carrying with you , a hand saw , a small axe , a small wood knife to rub something and this sharp woodworking tool , hurt you while you are walking for any reason . Usualy this reason is just a bad luck , a “bad moment” .

This sharp wood tool will hurt you very easily and remember this : You are all alone in the forest with no help near you .

That’s why you sohuld always carry your sharp hand tools , inside to their sheaths .

You can imagine what serious dangers exist by the woodworking tools you carry , attached to your body , if for some reason , you slip , you fall , et.c .

This safety mentality is an unbreakable “Law” , every woodworker and not only , respects hugely .

Have your woodworking tools you carry on you , always inside their cases , even if they are folding tools . You’ll never know , maybe for some reason a folding wood knife , a folding hand saw , can open and hurt you .

Dangers exist while you have found your tree – log , to cut ( and always with the appropriate forestry licence of course ) and you are about to cut it , with your ax .

Do you want me to tell you what will happen to a body part of yours , if you hit it with your ax accidentally ?

Never have a body part , near to the spot – area you’re cutting , for stabilization reasons . This is another unbreakable “law” .

I’ve seen my cousin’s foot sole , after he hitted it with a small ax , between the foot’s fingers . He was steping the wood piece to stabilize it , so he could chop it with the ax and his hand made a mistake hitting his sole .

I still remember the blood flow . Like a water fountain and if we aren’t a couple of cousins around to help him , who knows , what would have happened . So be very careful , to the choping with axes , hand saws , electric chainsaws , bandsaws , table saws , et.c .

Another danger with a woodworking tool , is while you are going to cut a log with your chainsaw .

If inside the log there is a nail ( of course nails don’t exist in the nature’s logs , but in pieces you find elsewhere ) , the chainsaw will “jump backwards” and the danger is great .

If the backwards “jumping” power is huge , the danger to hurt yourself of others , is colossal .

All the sharp woodworking hand tools , hide great dangers if you aren’t 100% focused , while you are using them , and of course they aren’t the only ones .

Dangers exist using your hammers and nails , in order to peg a nail to a surface and especially the hard wood surfaces are more hard to get pegged .

I’ve written a post for this and what can you do to avoid it , remember it in HERE .

The pain by a hammer’s awry hit to your finger , or a screwdriver’s piercing to your hand’s palm , while you are trying to screw in a hard wood surface , is something you don’t want for sure .

All the Hand woodworking tools “hide” dangers , if you aren’t Focused .

All the hand wood tools , hide dangers in several levels and grades . The wood planers can do big damage to your hands by their sharp cutting blades .

The hand drills have the abilities to drill your wood surfaces , but not only . They can drill flesh too , without hesitation (!) , if they “ordered” by their user , you .

The carving knifes , the chisels , are great spots of danger , too . If you aren’t in control with them , your body is in danger and you know these tools are usually very sharp .

Even the marking tools as the diabetes , the carpenter’s flat pencils , the marking gauges , can harm you . Your eyes , your skin will always be vulnerable to their pointed edges .

All the Power tools have bigger or smaller dangers , never underestimate them .

Of course i don’t wish you any pain in life and for sure the power tools hide great dangers too , professional woodworking tools , or not .

All the power tools , which cut wood pieces and drill holes can make great damage to your body and its parts .

For the power rubbing tools , i suppose the dangers are kind of fewer . Yes , you may rub a little your skin if the machine slips your hand , but i think that “things” are more controllable here .

Auxiliary woodworking tools aren’t “innocent” , also .

The pins , screws , vice , pliers , several kinds of hammers , and whatever else auxiliary tool helpers you have in your warehouse as a woodworker , can make you an “issue” , if you aren’t focused in the “job” you are doing .

Yes i suppose that you say that i exaggerate (!) , but have in mind that the accident can comes from the place you aren’t expecting and of course the “wrong” time .

All the power tools of the people who has the woodworking activity as a hobby , or the power tools of the professionals , can make damage to your body . Yes the level of the damage these tools can make to your body , isn’t the same for all the tools , but dangers exist .

Bigger or smaller , but exist .

Dangers from the use of your hand only tools , or the power ones , but exist . Big dangers , which can jeopardize even your life , or smaller ones which can make serious problems .

While you’re cutting or drilling with your wood machinery , never have your focus , elsewhere .

While you are cutting in the ribbon and not only , or you’re drilling your wood piece , never , never , never , talk , chit – chat with friends , or do something , which spoils your 100% focus .

No music , no talking , no dissagreements with your wife( you’ll lose !! ) , your kids , the neighbor , whatever else possible . Your focus must be , only in your cutting .

Nowhere else .

Countless examples exist , of cut woodworker’s fingers from low focus and having fun , the cutting ribbon times . Be very careful to this . Don’t allow a relax atmosphere , harm you .

Electricity of your power tools isn’t a wood tool , but it can “terminate” you , in a glimpse .

If electricity leak caused from wοrn power tool cables , hits” you , won’t you die , immediatelly ?

The electricity isn’t a woodworking tool , but it can terminate you , in a glimpse . Be careful and aware to the cables of your power tools and replace them if they have even small damage .

Have the same safety approach to all your tools and this approach is to be 100% serious and precisionist , concerning the safety factor . Keep woodworking .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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