What is the Power Miter Saw and is it better than the Circular Saw ?

When you want to crosscut mostly , very precise wooden boards – pieces with safety , quite enough of portability and in multiple angles , the choice of a good power miter saw is necessary .

The power miter saw is a basic power tool and even if it seems that you can do its job easily with a circular saw , this isn’t very woodworking accurate and correct .

What is the Power Miter Saw and where is it used for ?

” The power miter saw is a corded or cordless , several sized circular saw , sturdy attached to an “arm” which is pulled down with a “scissor like motion” , in order to accurate cut in several angles , a clamped steady wood piece on a fence , totally controlled , and safe . ”

See my favorite miter saw suggestions for your cuts , in HERE .

Is a Power Miter Saw more Precise , than the Circular Saw ?

Yes , it is way more precise than the humanly controlled circular saw , and because it is sturdy attached to the “arm” mechanism( and the laser beam-guide) , it has the ability to make very “surgical” and accurate cuts .

Is a Power Miter Saw , needed for Woodworking ?

Yes , the possesion of a power miter saw is essential for all the experience range of woodworkers , if they want to make very precise , vertical cuts , miter cuts , cross-cuts , several angle cuts , bevel cuts and the combination of all these .

Trying to operate manual a circular saw trying to do all the variety of cutting jobs , the power miter saw can do , you’ll realize that the precision and perfection of the power miter saw , cannot be achieved .

You may get close if your hand is super sturdy , but not very close .

What are the 3 types of the Power Miter Saw ?

1) The Compound Power Miter saw .

The power miter saws , that have the manufactured feature and ability of a leaning blade to several angles , in order to make angle bevel cuts . This is of course a very helpful feature .

You can find also double compound power miter saws , which they can lean their entire blade in both directions , left and right to make all the veriety of angle bevel cuts .

As you may suspect , with a double compound miter saw , every angle is possible .

2) The Sliding Power Miter Saw .

In here , the entire blade’s part of the power miter saw , can slide back and front , on a rail as a guide , in order to cut more wide wooden boards , pieces .

3) The Sliding – Compound , Power Miter saws .

This power miter saw type , can move back and front and left or right to any angle you like , during the same cut , giving you the ability to cut your wooden board to any bevel angle and width you need , with one move .

Can a Beginner use a Power Miter Saw ?

Yes , for sure it can , being very safe and effective at the same time and after a couple of cuts to be familiar with the saw’s specific features , he/she’ll do the cutting jobs fast and perfect .

Certainly it’s better and safer for a beginner to make cuts with a power miter saw , than a circular saw .

What you should Not cut with a Power Miter Saw ?

1) You should never cut in a miter saw other , inappropriate materials , than the material , the saw’s blade is designed for( in our case wood ) and has all the appropriate the specifications .

You should never try to cut metal , plastic , concrete , et.c , in a saw which having a blade designed to cut wood only .

2) You should not try to cut unknown random materials you find in the streets or anywhere else in a power miter saw , becsaue you don’t know what this unknown material has , inside its mass .

In our case the woodworking , if you try to cut a wooden piece you don’t know where it came from and inside the wood’s mass there is screws , pins , et.c from a construction maybe , or whatever , there is danger .

The kickback is certain and you don’t know what else .

Remember what you should do and cut safe , when you have to cut unknown wood , in HERE .

Should the Power Miter Saw’s blades be Sharp ?

Yes , your miter’s saw blades should be sharp and in the best – appropriate original condition possible , following the manufacturers instructions , in order to cut with safety , smoothly and correctly .

What is the difference , between a Power Miter Saw and a Compound Miter Saw ?

The power miter saw can only make only straight cross-cuts .

The compound miter saw’s “head” has the ability to lean to one direction left or right , making bevel angle cuts .

The dual compound power miter saw , can lean its “head” – circular saw in both directions , making whatever bevel angle cut you want .

Why use a Power Miter Saw Vs a Circular Saw ?

The biggest advantage of the power miter saw , is the very precise cross-cuts , the several angle bevel cuts and the several width(sliding saw) board cuts , it can perform .

The circualr saw is controlled only by the human hand and cannot achieve the accuracy , the sturdy attached mechanism of the power miter saw , provides .

The circular saw is included to the power miter saw machine . We can say that the power miter saw is the evolution of the circular saw , concerning the precision cutting field .

The circular saw is more portable than the power miter saw .

Keep woodworking and stay happy .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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