What is the Teak – Oil , for the wood finishing area ?

In the woodworking finishing – protecting area , the teak oil is a column oil for wood , having serious advantages and properties , you cannot neglect .

The teak oil , all alone or in several mixures , is a basic protection finishing elements for any type of wood , being a specialist to the ourdoor wood , but not only .

The 100% pure and totally natural teak oil , is the oil( 3 molecules on 1 glycerol molecule = triglycerides ) we take from the teak tree , using mechanical methods , cold elision and water as a spacer between the seed and the oil , getting a totally pure oil , with fatty acids , glycerol and esters .

See some of the most classical teak oil products to get , in HERE .

What is Similar to teak oil ?

For sure the linseed oil and the tung oil in the 100% version and totally pure form , are similar and can give the similar protection and finishing properties and a very beautiful color – shade to wood .

What are the Ingredients , in teak oil ?

The totally pure and 100% natural teak oil , contains only natural esters , several types of oil acids and elements and nothing chemical else .

What is the Mixture , for teak oil ?

We can mix the teak oil with all the variety of natural oils , with pure beeswax , with all the variety of wax mixtures , and with all the variety of chemical ingredients as solvents , mineral spirits , turpentine and all the derivatives of petroleum , in order to get specific features – abilities .

Is teak oil , Petroleum based ?

Yes , if we talk for teak oil chemical mixtures and not in its pure natural form and the additives of these mixtures , are petroleum based .

The 100% pure teak oil , is an oil as all natural oils nature provide us .

What does teak oil , do to wood ?

The teak oil , as all the oils we use in woodworking , it penetrates the wood’s mass , goes deep inside and make bonds with the wood’s molecules . It generally protecting wood , sealing wood , filling wood’s pores , moisturizing wood , preserving wood from the weather conditions .

It also acts as a primer and as an extra feature , protects wood from bugs – fungi , totally natural .

When should i use teak oil ?

You can use the teal oil , as you use the other types of the appropriate oils for wood use , but it’s best when you want the best possible bugs – fungi only natural protection .

What Color is natural teak oil ?

The pure teak oil , has this honey – gold – yellow , “alive” shiny color and shade , which is very close to the linseed oil color one .

Is teak oil , Glossy ?

Yes , it can be and if your wooden surface is very smooth and you use many teak oil layers , you can make a very nice glossy texture and appearance .

Is teak oil just , for Teak ?

No , the teak oil can be used to any type of wood providing the unique properties it can and multipurpose protect – preserve – prepare and finish wood in an excellent grade .

Can teak oil be a Sealer ?

The pure teak oil is a fine sealer for wood from the moment it penetrates inside , filling it with its oily molecules , but you can have mixtures of teak oil , with several other oils , waxes and chemicals , in order to give specific properties , to it .

Does teak oil , needs a Sealer ?

The teak oil is a very nice natural sealer by itself , but if you want and your wood design requires more sealing properties , you can extra use any other sealer you like , natural or chemical .

Should you Seal , teak oil ?

The teak oil is a very capable sealer by itself , but if you want more sealing power and performance , you can use whatever sealer you like form the natural are or the chemical one .

See in HERE , some very nice natural & chemical finishing combinations for wood .

Is All teak oil , the same ?

No , it’s not and the 100% pure teak oil , comes from the teak tree and the differences between the natural teak oils , are extremely few . In the markets the several mixtures of the teak oils you can get , have differences concerning the ingredients they contain .

Every teak oil mixtures manufacturer , makes it own chemical formula with many different teak oil additives , as waxes , other oils , maybe polyurethanes , several varnishes , laquers , et.c .

When , Not to use teak oil ?

You should never use teak oil even the natural one , for your kitchen’s equipment and only use the appropriate licenced 100% natural oils for this use .

Of course if you have allergic themes , you should check what industrial teak oil mixture , you should use for your other general wood finishing jobs .

Chemical additives , need attention from all .

Does teak oil , Repels wood bugs – Fungi ?

Yes , the teak oil is a first class totally natural bugs and fungi protector for wood and it’s an excellent element to use for the general protection of your indoor – outdor wood , from bugs – fungi , if you don’t want to use chemicals .

What are the advantages of teak oil ?

Except its totally natural action as a bugs – fungi “killer” – medicine and healing factor, teak oil protects wood from the UV even in its natural form , protects wood from acids and alkalis in a high grade , protects wood from water effective enough and can be easily enriched with other natural and chemical elements , upgrating it properties .

It’s not a basic ingredient for many decking – boating oil formulas , for the tough sea – salty conditions , by luck .

What are the Disadvantages , of teak oil ?

1) As all the totally natural oils – materials , the teak oil has limitations and it cannot compare it to the very capable chemical – industrial created wood protecting finishing materials , with the very strong chemical formulas .

2) It’s also kind of more expensive than other natural oils , because it comes from an exotic tree type , which is the teak one and the extraction processes are more expensive .

3) It cannot win the linseed oil , concerning the beautiness it provides to wood , even if nothing can win the linseed oil’s beauty , to wood .

4) It’s not the best natural oil restorer – moisturize factor as the linseed oil , even if it’s very good in this .

The best linseed oil to get from the markets in HERE .

How Waterproof , is teak oil ?

The teak oil is waterproof in a high level and can protect a wooden surface for the penetration of water – moisture , for a couple of hours , but not for ever and permanent . No pure oil can do that .

Is teak oil , Permanent ?

No , it’s not and the protection and properties it provides to wood , has limitations and accordingly to many factors , you should refresh – reapply teak oil , periodically .

How long teak oil , Last ?

This depends from the general weather conditions ( UV , moisture , aggresive conditions changes , et.c . ) , the type of wood you have , the generic use you do to your wood and of course the quality of the teak oil , you use .

Does teak oil , Restore wood ?

Yes , it can restore – “heal” a badly wounded from bugs – fungi wood , it can restore a stiff – “thirsty” – dry wood , hydrate it as all the oils do , but it’s not as good as the linseed oil in here and of course if the wood has other serious issues – illnesses , it cannot do much .

Does teak oil , Ruin teak ?

No , on the contrary it can do a very nice protecting – preserving – filling – sealing – finishing job to wood , is a top primer and upgrade the teak wood . Remember , the teak oil , comes from the teak tree .

Can i use teak oil , on Oak ?

Yes , you can use teak oil to oak and any other tree type wood piece , you have with amazing results and properties .

Is teak oil good for Outdoor wood ?

Yes , the teak oil is super for the outdoor use and in its pure version is extremenly capable and best , in its so many and capable mixture versions , you can find in the stores .

Is teak oil good for Indoor furniture ?

Yes , teak oil is a very nice oil for your indoor furniture and its antifungal and anti-bug protections , is a very nice feature , you cannot neglect if you want this type of protection and staying in the natural area .

You can use also the teak oil countless mixtures you can find in the stores and get the most of it , if you don’t mind using chemical mixtures for your inside place .

But , why not to take advantage of the natural bugs – fungi protection of the pure teak oil and totally avoid the chemicals ?

I highly suggest you do that .

How do you Apply teak oil to wood ?

Apply it with brushes if you want plenty of it , with soft cloths for more detailed and thin coating , with sponges , with your fingers for totally “surgical” and controlled results to difficult spots .

It’s not forbitten to “drown” your wood, in teak oil for better penetration , as you do with your linseed oil or other oils . You can warm it also , to make it thinner and better for penetration to the wood’s pores .

Is teak oil , Easy to Apply ?

It’s super easy to apply teak oil to every surface , even to the most elite ones as expensive furniture , difficult designs , rifle handles , et.c .

What is the best way , to Apply teak oil to wood ?

This depends from the job and the level of penetration you want to give to your wood , from the time you have for complete drying , from the shade – color you want to have , the design and difficulties this design requires and your personal preferences .

A tough furniture design or an elite gun handle , will require your fingers maybe , while a bigger and flat surface a big brush .

Remember : many thin repeated layers of oil ( whatever oil ) , “builts” better the final result and dries easier .

How long to leave teak oil , Sit ?

I suggest you to leave your oil to sit and “bond” to the wood , the longer you can and adapt accordingly to the place you are and the general weather conditions .

Is teak oil , good for Boats ?

Yes , the teak oil mixtures with several other oils – waxes – solvents – UV factors and other preservatives , are some of the best solutions you can have for the tough sea – boating conditions .

Of course you can combine all the above with pure teak oil , if you like a a pre – coat , with excellent results .

See the best only chemical finishing combinations , in HERE .

How to Use teak oil , on Boat ?

Use it as a very deep bug – fungi protector ( let it penetrate deep ) , then use it as a very nice sealer – filler – a UV protector , to the wood’s pores and then as a final varnish to your deck along with a wax maybe .

How to Apply teak oil , on Boat ?

On boats , we want big quantities of teak oil and protection , so the brushes , the rollers and the sponges are the most suitable for the decking applying and the rest .

How many coats of teak oil , should i use on my Boat ?

This depends from the type of wood you’re dealing with ( for hardwoods , teak oil is best ) , the general conditions ( dry , et.c ) of your wood above the boat and the level of protection you want to give and have your mind calm that you did your best .

How many coats of teak oil , should i use Generally ?

This depends from the frequency you’re treating your wood , the wood type ( open pores or not ) , the condition of the wood ( “thirsty” – dry ) , if it has other oils – materials inside its pores as fillers – sealers , your finishing next steps so you can have uniformity and your personal preferences in order to be certain that you did your best .

Do i need to Sand , before applying teak oil ?

You can do whatever you like and if you want to have the most open pores wood , you can possible have , you should sand with an “aggresive” sandpaper , to open the pores very widely .

Can i Varnish , over teak oil ?

Yes , certainly you can and the teak oil is a first class undercoat element for the majority of the varnishes , especially the oil based ones .

Can you Paint , over teak oil ?

Yes , certainly you can because the teak oil is a fine undercoat material and if you use an oil based paint , even better for the general uniformity of your wood piece .

Should i Wax , over teak oil ?

Yes , surely you can and this is one of the most classical wood treatment – finishings , combining the bugs – fungi power of the teak oil and the totally sealing power of the wax .

If you use totally natural products for both these two , even better .

See some of the most classical , only natural finishing combinations , in HERE .

Should teak oil , dry in the Sun ?

No , you should not and i don’t recommend you to interfear to the natural time and conditions of the wood drying , with any finishing element on it , teak oil or whatever else .

Let the materials , “bond” together naturally and then provide to you , naturally their capabilities and characteristics .

How long does teak oil , take to dry ?

This depends and there are no specific numbers for the complete and correct drying of the teak oil .

It depends from the type of wood , the weather conditions , the amount of oil you’ve used , the pre -treatment you’ve done , the quality and type of teak oil you’ve used , the air circulation and many more factors .

Does teak oil , Smell ?

Yes , in its pure – natural form the teak oil have the smell all oils have and goes away during time and the drying .

If you use a teak oil mixture , you’ll also have the smell of the extra ingredients it contains and if these are chemical ones , you should be aware of this situation .

Use only pure teak oil for the indoors and mixed with chemicals , for your outdoors needs .

How do you make , your Own teak oil ?

You can make only mixtures of teak oil , because to find the teak tree and extract the pure and natural teal oil , by yourself is kind of difficult i suppose !!!!

But not impossible . Maybe there are guys/girls outhere that can do it .

If you want ot make your own mix using teak oil , you can supply some pure one , from the stores and enrich it , with millions of combinations .

You can warm it , boil it with several waxes ( pure or not ) , you can use solvents , other oils of any type and percentage , mineral spirits , oil based paints , varnishes ( natural or not ) , shellac ( in all of its versions ) and whatever else you can imagine .

Some basic – classic natural & chemical combinations are in HERE .

The teak oil , gives the colossal advantage of the its serious antifungal and anti-bugs action , without the need to use chemicals .

This makes it a precious gift to the woodworker and especially to the carpenter that makes mostly indoor wood projects and wants to avoid the chemicals , but he needs bugs – fungi protection .

Never “underestimate” the teak oil usage and benefits and use it , making experiments and combos .

Keep woodworking and protect your happiness naturally with teak oil(!) .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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