What is the Tung – Oil , for the wood finishing area ?

In woodworking and in the finishing area , the materials we use are so many and in the area of the pure and natural ones , the tung oil , is another basic and a totally natural oil , you can use .

The tung oil and the several versions we make , using its pure form , is a very versatile and capable wood finishing to any wood type we use and in any place we are in the globe .

Oils , waxes and the shellac aren’t used to majority of the industrial wood finishing products , you can supply in the markets , by luck .

Their properties are unique .

See some very top tung oil versions to buy , in HERE .

The 100% totally natural tung oil , is the liquid we take from the Chinese tung tree with mechanical ways , using the cold elision and water( as all the natural extracted oils ) as a spacer , in order to seperate the tree’s seed and the oil and it contains , esters , glycerol and several fatty acids .

What is the not 100% , Tung oil ?

The Tung oil , which isn’t 100% pure and natural from the Chinese tung tree , can contain many ingredients in its mass , other types of natural oils ( linseed oil , teak oil , et.c ) , several types of natural waxes or wax mixtures and several types of chemicals , as solvents , mineral spririts , turpentine and whatever else .

What is Tung oil , for ?

The tung oil , in its pure and natural or mixture version , it can fill – seal the wood pores , it can be a primer , a restorer and a top hydrate factor for dry wood , it can be a thinner for other oils and a top under coat as a top last wood finishing element .

What is the Difference between Tung oil and Tung oil Finish ?

When we speak about Tung oil finish , we’re talking about the heated or boiled tung oil , which because of the heat – boil treatment , it’s polymerized and it has become a very top and capable natural varnish , excellent for the last coating .

The process and approach is the same , as the linseed oil heat – boil process .

How Deep , does Tung oil penetrate ?

The tung oil is kind of a thick oil in general with a high viscosity( syrup has high viscosity compared to water ) , which isn’t so good for the very deep penetration .

You can overcome this feature , by heating a little ( not boil ) , the oil , making it more capable for deeper penetration .

Does Tung oil , Protect wood from Sun ?

In the pure , natural version of the tung oil , you won’t have serious sun protection , but if you heat it hard , boil it and make it a polymerized natural varnish , the protection from the sun is way better .

Does sunlight , Cure tung oil ?

Yes , it does and in general the heat dries tung oil , with extreme heat polymerize it .

What Wood is best for , tung oil ?

The tung oil can do its protecting – finishing job to any type of wood , it does better to the more open pores ones and the walnut and the cherry wood , are its favorite ones .

Remember something about the wood types in HERE .

Is tung oil , Waterproof ?

As all oils the tung oil can protect a wooden surface from water in a acceptable amount of time , but of course it doesn’t make wood totally waterproof .

How Long until tung , is Waterproof ?

A couple of hours , depending from the general weather conditions and the heat the place has , the tung oil can be very hydrophobic and a good water protector . But not for a very long time .

Do you Sand , between coats of tung oil ?

Yes , if you want to create a very smooth wooden surface and a glossy shiny shade and wood texture , as a final result . If you want to have very open pores , you don’t sand between the coats and you sand after the complete oil drying , to finally smoothen the surface .

What Sandpaper , to use on tung oil ?

If you want to have the more open wood pores possible , you use an “aggresive” sandpaper and if you want smoothness and a perfect final result you sand between the coats and at the end of the drying process , with a light sandpaper .

The most classical sandpapers and other abrasives to get , in HERE .

Can you Brush , tung oil ?

This depends from what you want to do to your wood project in general and what design appearance , you want to give to it .

You can brush before the oiling with the tung oil , to open the pores along with your sandpapers and have a more matte looks , as you can brush after the complete drying to have a specific shade and texture and general final result .

if you use a boiled tung oil and brush it after the drying , you’ll have a very nice matte result .

Does tung oil turn wood , Yellow ?

Yes , but only for a little because it provides more the golden – blond shade color to wood .

Does tung oil , Darken wood ?

Tung oil provides mostly a very nice matte looks to wood and doesn’t darken it very much .

Does tung oil finish , need to be Sealed ?

The tung oil is a very fine wood sealer in its pure form – in its mixed version with chemicals and in its boiled version which is like a varnish . If you want extra sealing , you may do so after the drying , it’s not forbitten .

Does tung oil , need a Sealer ?

The tung oil is a very fine sealer in all of its versions , but if you desire more sealing power and you have a specific result and shade you want to give to your design , it’s not forbitten to use more sealers and other stuff .

The most basic sealers for your extra sealing , are in HERE .

Do you Stain , before tung oil ?

No , you don’t and usually the stains , dyes , paints , et.c , are final coats for a wood piece . Of course we won’t “put you in jail” if you do that , for your reasons .

In the case of the boiled tung oil which is tranformed into a natural varnish , after your stain finish you can apply a coat of boiled tung oil , as the final varnish protector of the whole project .

What is best finish , After the tung oil ?

Natural varnishes , oil based varnishes , all the types and purity of waxes ( beeswax , carnauba , et.c ) and oil based paints , are some of the most suitable to “bond” with the tung oil and provide , perfect results .

Of course you can use , boiled tung oil which is a top natural varnish , along with the pure one , you’ve used before , as a sealer – filler , et.c .

For more natural & chemical finishing combinations , go HERE .

Can you Polish , a tung oil finish ?

Yes , of course you can and there are no limitations to the materials you may use to polish a well dried tng oil surface , even if the oil based products , kind of better .

You can also polish your surface using your polishing wheels , in very low revs of course in order to keep the temperatures low .

Do you put anything , Over the Tung oil ?

Yes , you can put whatever last coat , you like over a well dried tung oil surface , but i suggest you to prefer more oil based elements , to be more compatable with your oil undercoat .

Can you put , Too much tung oil , on wood ?

Yes , you can but have in mind that you’ll need way more time for complete drying and be aware of any uniformity themes , you may have ( and don’t want ) from the excess of oil .

Does tung oil , dry Hard ?

The tung oil needs more time in its pure and natural version as all the pure oils and the exact time depends from many factors as the weather conditions , the wood type , the quality of the oil , the air circulation .

When it dries it provides a solid , hard enough , but flexible result .

How Long should tung oil Sit , before wiping ?

This depends from how fast the tung oil will penetrate deep to your wood , the type of wood and how “thirsty” it is and when you’ll judge that the penetration is over , wipe the excess so the drying process , will start normally .

What is the best way to Apply tung oil ?

This totally depends from your personal preferences and the type of job you want to do , from the type of the wood , the time you have for drying ( too much oil needs more time ) , the pre-coats if they exist and the fiinal color – shade you want to have .

Should you Buff , tung oil ?

Yes , you can use your wheels to buff a well dried tung oil project and give the shiny texture you want to reach .

Is Tung oil , a good Indoor finish ?

Yes , the pure tung oil and the boiled one you’ve made yourself and have no chemicals inside , it’s a first class indoor oil for your furniture .

Is tung oil , a good Outdoor finish ?

No , the pure tung oil and the boiled one with no chemicals inside , aren’t so good for the tough outdoor circumstances , even if the boiled one is like a natural varnish , being more durable than the pure one .

For the outdoors , you’ll need more UV , weather , et.c , protection .

See some very basic only chemical finishing combinations , in HERE .

How Long does Tung oil , last ?

The pure and boiled tung oil have time limitations , way more shorter than the chemical enriched ones , but a couple of months , one or two years , are a reasonable time for an oil refreshing .

Always the general weather and other conditions , affect this approach .

Is Tung oil , Permanent ?

Free public domain CC0 photo.

No , it’s not and it needs refreshing , reapplying , et.c . No element or process is permanent , not even the Shou Sugi Ban Japanese technique for wood protection .

See this Japanese method , HERE .

How Long , will Tung oil last on wood Outside ?

Surely way less than the indoor treated wood with tung oil and this depends to the general conditons, the heat , the UVs , the moisture , the wood type , the quality of the oil , et.c .

The mountain is different from the near the sea – salty place and the wear of the wood is different also .

Why tung oil Not recommended for Floors ?

It’s not recommended , because it has longer drying times than other stuff , but you can use it it’s not forbitten , if you’re willing to deal with the drying time .

Is Tung oil , better than Teak oil ?

There are different oils , maybe similar and maybe the tung oil is a glimpse better for the outside , but for sure the teak’s oil bugs – fungi protection , is unique for the teak oil and cannot be reached by no other natural oil .

What is better , Tung oil or Polyurethane ?

There are totally different elements , even if we take the tung oil with chemicals inside its mass . It’s still an oil , while the polyurethane is literally plastic .

Polyurethane has way more advanced protection properties from any natural oil material , no matter what else has inside .

How can you win , plastic ?

The best polyurethane stuff and more water based finishes , to buy in HERE .

What is best , Tung oil or Danish oil ?

The danish oil isn’t a pure natural oil , it’s a mixture of several types of oils . There is no danish tree , we extract , danish oil . The manufacturers , make it and they use whatever oils mixture they want for their needs .

Most of the time it contains tung oil inside . Many times it contains tung oil and linseed oil , or just boiled ( polymerized ) linseed oil , which they call danish oil .

I suppose this several types of oils mixture , can win the tung oil alone , combining the more oil abilities in one place .

Is tung oil , Like varnish ?

Yes , if you boil it yourself and polymerize it , it becomes a top natural and pure varnish .

Can i Mix , tung oil and varnish ?

Yes , you can and you may combine pure tung oil with boiled one , or if you want another type of varnish try to have an oil based one .

Is Tung oil , better than Varnish ?

The tung oil can be a natural varnish if you boil it and the heat makes it a varnish , keeping its breathing abilities and the flexibility it has to external powers , as expansions , shrinking , et.c .

The industrial varnishes don’t have these abilities so extended as the boiled tung oil .

The tung oil in its pure form and not boiled , is a material that penetrates deep enough and very deep ( if you warm it ) , while the varnish isn’t designed for this .

Varnishes are mostly for the last coating and there aren’t so versatile .

Can you add Beeswax , to Tung oil ?

Yes , surely you can and the result wil be a very strong and versatile wood finishing , natural or not if you use a tung oil markets mixture .

Warm the tung oil ( not boil it if you like ) , in order to melt the beeswax inside and you’re ready . The ratio usually is , no more beeswax than the 10% of the quality of the oil .

100 grams of oil , less or up to 10 grams for beeswax .

Some of the best wax types to supply , in HERE .

What do you Thin , tung oil with ?

You can thin it with other natural or chemical oil mixtures having lower viscosities , with several solvents , with mineral spirits and with vinegar giving to it , some antifungal properties .

Can i use Turpentine to thin , tung oil ?

Yes , surely you can and it’s a very popular mix you can find in the stores .

Is boiled linseed oil , the Same as tung oil ?

No , it’s not even if the boiled linseed oil becomes a natural varnish , too . These are different oils , from different tree seeds extracted , containing different esters and fatty acids .

Is tung oil , Toxic when dry ?

No , it’s not but always have in your mind that allergic themes aren’t very rare to happen if you’re allergic and be sensitive .

Is tung oil , bad to Breathe ?

The 100% , pure and totally natural tung oil , smells as all the natural oil smell from their fatty natural ingredients . This isn’t bad for the health . The industrial tung oil with several chemical additives inside it , of course needs attention and the safety measures , as face masks , et.c .

What is the Disadvantage of Tung oil finish ?

The totally natural oil finishings have limitations in their performance , compared to the industrial made ones and most of the times the natural oils are more expensive than other type of finishings .

The tung oil is another natural oil we use and create more oil and other finishing elements , taking advantage of the unique properties , a natural oil provides .

You cannot erase it , from your brain and you can use it in many versions you can find to the markets and target a specific wood result .

I like the natural versatile oils , much .

Keep woodworking and the happiness won’t abandon you , ever .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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