The combinations to fill a wood’s pores and repair it , are countless and for sure the wood putty is a very classical and helpful solution , for the woodworkers .
The old days , they made their own self made putty to repair wood , but in our modern days the products you can find in the markets are too many and very capable , to repair wood .
The wood putty is a mixture of several plastic type of elements , along with several types of oil solvents and it can be a water based material or a petroleum based one , having the texture and looks of the common stucco .
The importance of the wood putty is undeniable and it provides serious help to a carpenter who has themes with his wooden projects and the other materials won’t help much .
The help of the wood putty is unique and very targeted .
See in HERE some top wood putty suggestions i have for you .
Is wood putty a Filler ?
I know that you may confuse the so many names in this woodworking area such as fillers , sealers , primers , et.c , but have in mind that everything that fills ( deeply or not ) the wood’s pores is a filler .
Later and according to the main – specific job we want this product to do to the wood , the manufacturers give to their products , specific features and chemical formulas .
A wood sealer firstly – mainly and primary seals the wood pores and then if parallel it does some other “job” , it’s ok . We don’t have a problem .
But first it’s a sealer . Then all the others .
Of course the wood filler go before the finishing , while the wood putty comes after the finishing to fix a hole and then sand and finish again .
Attention : If you can have all these material having the same production approach , even better . If you use a water based paint , use a water based putty .
What is wood putty mainly , used for ?
The main job – “mission” of the wood putty is the fill large holes – gaps to a wooden surface , giving a long lasting , strong result and make the wood ready for the next finishing steps .
The wood putty is specialized for that kind of woodworking jobs and that’s why it looks like the common stucco we all know , concerning its texture and general nature .
Is wood putty Stronger , than wood filler ?
Yes , if you choose a petroleum based type of wood putty which becomes very hard when it dries , but the wood putty and the wood fillers have different main jobs to accomplish , for a wooden surface .
Does wood putty , gets Hard ?
Yes , if you choose a petroleum type of a wood putty because the water based aren’t getting hard after drying . The petroleum based wood putty is focused mostly for the outdoor conditions .
Is wood putty Waterproof ?
Primary no , but if you can find specialized wood putty products , which can handle the outdoor wet conditions .
Surely the wear of a wood putty which doesn’t have a protecting last finishing layer above it and be in wet conditions , for a long time , will be big .
How do you apply wood putty ?
You can use the tool which looks like a common scraper and it’s from a thin flexible metal in order to bend and help the spreading , or you can use your fingers if you have a difficult spot you want to reach .
How long does it take wood putty to dry ?
This depends form the specific product you have purchased and the weather conditions you have , but a couple of hours ( 2 – 5 ) or a couple of days for the larger holes , would be enough for total drying .
Why does wood putty Crack ?
Usually the wood putτy is designed to have big tolerance to shrinks , expansions , et.c and don’t crack , but in some case if the weather conditions are switching very “aggresively” , you may have cracking themes .
Does wood putty need to be sanded ?
Yes , certainly because after the complete drying of the putty in your hole , you’ll have for sure a little material around the hole , from the appying process and the surface won’t be perfectly smooth and straight .
Use a medium sandpaper and then a light one to make perfect smoothness and uniformity .
How long , does wood putty Last ?
This depends from the type of wood you have , the type of wood putty you have ( water or oil based ) , the weather conditions of the place you live , the last finishing product you’ll use , if you’ll screw or pin the putty after drying and the general treatment the wood will have .
In a cool place with no moisture a good quality wood putty can last for more than 10 years , with no significant wear .
Can i Thin wood putty ?
Yes , you can with water if it’s a water based one and with the appropriate solvent the putty has already , if you use a petroleum based one .
Can you screw into dry wood putty ?
Yes , you can and he surface of a totally dry wood putty is quite strong to withstand a screw , a pin , et.c .
Can you mix paint with wood putty ?
Yes , you can and if this paint is the paint you’ll use for your final finishing , this is a very nice and smart approach .
You’ll get a very nice color uniformity to the entire of your wooden project .
Can you paint Straight into wood putty ?
Yes , you can paint above a totally dried and well sanded wood putty with no problem .
If you match a water based putty with a water based paint or a petroleum putty to a compatible paint , even better .
Keep woodworking and the smile from happiness , is certain .