What is the wood Restorer , and is it crucial for the wood finish ?

The wood restorer to the “chain” of the wood preparing and finishing process is a very crucial “ring” and from this stage you secure in a high level that your wood project , will last long .

The weather conditions , the previous treatment and the general previous bad life and conditions of the wood , may have caused serious problems and wear to it and this should be fixed .

The wood restorer is the natural or chemical penetrating very deep element – product , we use to “heal” any previous damage to any type of a wood piece trying to bring back its good “health” and properties and make it recover from a problematic previous situation , which was leading it even to its total destruction .

If you don’t “heal” a serious damaged wood totally perfect and you proceed to your next steps using your filers , sealers , primers , et.c , you may overtake this step thinking that you “made a fool of it” , but this will be for a short period of time .

A serious damaged wood from rot , blue spots , serious fading from UV’s , fungi – bugs attacks and many more issues , won’t go far in time . That’s why , is so crucial and important to deal first with these problems and then do the rest .

The ways and methods to restore wood are many , some come from the “old school” woodworkers , some are using the modern era chemical products .

You can make countless combinations and use whatever elements you want , in order to succeed perfectly and resotre – heal , your wounded wooden piece .

I have some very classical restorers to buy from the markets in HERE .

You should only be aware that before you proceed to any finishing step and process you like , your wood should be 100% healthy and restored to the best possible state .

You cannot use your fillers , to a rotten wood , or to a wood which has fungi issues and expect that you won’t “pay this” in the near future .

What is good for restoring wood ?

If your wood doesn’t have any other serious theme as fungi – rot or any other wood’s – tree’s illness , an excellent restoring – hydrating wood product , is the pure linseed oil or the boiled one .

Of course all the suitable for wood oils are good restorers and hydrate wood , but the linseed oil , is highly recommended from me . It brings back the lost brightness of a UV’s troubled wood , in a very short period .

I have some top linseed oil suggestions to supply and make combinations , in HERE .

If you want more protection from fungi and bugs maybe you may combine teak oil and linseed as well , with excellent results .

How do you restore Faded wood Naturally ?

Faded , dried wood from the extreme UV’s is restored perfectly with a couple of linseed oil layers( or any other suitable wood oil ) and if you want to maximize the protection with an oil based paint( if the oil is linseed even better ) , as the last finishing tough .

There are in the markets paints , based on linseed oil and using natural pigments in order to be totally natural and eco friendly .

See some top wood paints to buy in HERE .

But have always in your mind , that linseed and other oils are top restorers and hydrate factors for “wounded” wood .

If you have rot , bugs and other illnesses of trees – wood , to treat it totally natural is kind of difficult . You can use maybe vinegar and other natural acids , but the chemical medicines are very capable .

Does Vinegar , restore wood ?

Yes , vinegar can be a serious helper because its acid can kill some types of wood fungi and bugs , without making damage . If you have serious themes with your wood , the help of the professionals and chemical medicines , are the solution .

Call the professionals , the “wood doctors” to identify , what your wood has and give you the exact medicine for it .

You cannot jeopardize your wood project , a log house maybe with rot and a specific illness of its logs , by making experiments .

Can you use Olive oil , to restore wood ?

Yes , you can use it as all oils which are suitable for wood , are very good hydrate -restore factors for wood .

Can you fix , Sun damaged wood ?

Yes , you can fix a wood which is damaged from the high UV’s if it’s not totally destroyed maybe from many and many years of being exposed to the hot sun .

The UV’s are making the fiber so of wood grey , which is a sign that your wood needs hydration . Use your linseed oil and the wood will “be back” .

What is the best Oil , to restore wood ?

Pure linseed oi is the Ferrari of the oils which restoring and hydrating wood , of any type .

Does Beeswax , restore wood ?

Yes , in some kind of a level because the wax cannot penetrate deep the wood’s fibers , but for its external looks and surface , it can moisturize it and give to it a nice and more healthy appearance .

Of course the wax protects wood from any factor which want to penetrate the surface , making a blocking film .

Can you use Baby oil , on wood ?

Yes , you can use baby oil , but only if it’s a 98% and more mineral based oil .

General Approach for restore – recover wood .

1) Make fast and correct identification of the restore problem and act fast .

2) Seek help from the professionals , if the problem is more than a typical wood dehydration , which can be healed with a couple of linseed oil layers .

3) Use the best and appropriate medicine to fix the problems and never proceed to next steps with “unfinished business” behind .

4) Proceed to your next steps only when your wood is , fully recovered , 100% healthy and ready .

Keep woodworking and the happiness will visit you no matter what .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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