The wooden maul is a hand tool that everybody has seen in a village or a warehouse and not only the woodworkers and for sure it isn’t an auxiliary tool , used only rarely .
If you’re a woodworker who likes to work and make carpentry designs using green wood( and not only ) , the wooden maul is a basic tool and a serious helper for you .
Yes , the wooden maul is an ancient and primary tool for the human beings .
The wooden maul is a woodworking hand tool , that consists of a heavy metalic ( steel ) and two sided wedge shaped head ( sledgehammer + wider head axe ) , which is slightly curved to prevent jamming and attached to a long and straight wooden handle .
What is a wooden maul , Used for ?
We use wooden mauls for manually splitting – seperating and chopping wood pieces ( logs , et.c ) of all sizes – but mostly big ones ( mauls are heavy ) , only along the wood’s grain .
How do you split wood , with a maul ?
You place your log – piece on a very stable place ( above of a bigger log most of the times ) , you find a weak spot in its cross section , usually a gap between the growth rings and you hit this spot with power and totally vertical .
The log will split very easily , most of the times you won’t hit a second time .
Is a Maul an Axe or a Hammer ?
Maul is both a heavy hammer ( sledgehammer ) from the one side and a dull , a conical shaped axe from the other side . The wooden maul is two hand tools in one .
What is the Difference between a Maul and a Hammer ?
The one side of the maul’s head is a hammer , but it has some differences with the hammers :
1) You hit wood with a maul , using both of your hands .
2) The maul is way more heavier than a hammer .
3) The maul hit way more stronger and with bigger force than the hammer .
4) The hammer doesn’t have a wedge shaped conical axe side , as the maul has .
See what the hammers & mallets are and some of their “secrets” in HERE .
What is the Difference , between a Sledgehammer and a Maul ?
One side of the maul is a sledgehammer , but these two hand tools are different , because of their way of use .
The flat , big similar surfaces of the sledgehammer and its heavy weight is targeted to bring demolition force to an area( without being very precise ) and usually for demolition causes , not targeted wood splitting , as the maul is doing .
Using the maul’s conical – wedge shaped side( and big weight ) , you can seperate wood with a high level of precision , if you’re careful enough .
The sledgehammer doesn’t do that . It hits hard , demolishes , pushes big force , in a wider general way and it’s used mostly in constructions , et.c .
Why are mauls , Blunt ?
Mauls aren’t axes , aren’t chisels , aren’t sharp cutting hand tools , you use to cut the wood’s fibers . Mauls are made to seperate – split wood fibers along the grain , very fast and not so “surgical” precise .
The maul should be dull and have big thickness and weight as tool , in order to have the wedge tool specialty and conical design , in order to split wood using constant and uninteruppted pressure to it .
How Heavy , should a Maul be ?
Mauls are heavy hand tools and the most common weights for them are between the 6 – 15 pounds .
Can you hit a Wedge , with a Maul ?
Yes , surely you can and you’ll have very good precision to your splitting , using the help of a wedge , no matter if you split a large or a small log .
Of course you use the sledgehammer side of the maul and you hit the wedge , after you’ve placed it in the exact weaker spot of the wood .
If there is no weaker spot and you’re ealing with a very “stubborn” piece of wood , make a small gap to place your wedge .
Most of the times , by using the wedge and hit it a little in order to stabilize it vertical , or maybe a small axe .
Is it Better to split wood , with a Maul and a Wedge ?
Yes , it is for sure to use a wedge if you like because the wedge gives you splitting precision to the exact spot , you want to seperate wood , no matter if it’s a small log or a bigger one .
If you have a big log – wood piece , the use of a wedge is necessary , because the weight of the maul won’t be able to do the job for a couple of hits .
Remember that if you have to hit your wood many times to split it , the posibilities to “lose” – miss your hitting spot are very big .
See some of my top splitting Wedge suggestions in HERE .
Should a wooden maul be sharp ?
No , it shouldn’t be sharp , it should be conical enough , well balanced and have the correct V – shaped head design , in order to seperate wood along its grain .
How do I sharpen , my Maul ?
I don’t suggest you to sharpen your maul . Mauls should be conicals not sharp , but if you want to give a little sharpeness , use you grinder and be careful not to make the edges curved , even slightly .
The edges should be straight all the way and you can do that , if you put the exact same pressure during sharpening .
How do i Choose a maul ?
1) A maul should be heavy enough .
2) You should feel it very solid in your hands , but not only that .
3) A nice maul should be very well balanced and this is something you feel it on your hands . Make some movement tests before you buy it . You feel it balanced ?
4) The quality of the metal should be the appropriate . You don’t want rust themes , when the color will go from the hits .
5) The handle is very important . It should be long enough , solid enough with nice finishing , strong enough in the head’s area and gives you a very comfortable feeling .
6) The conical V – shaped head , should be very well made and designed .
7) The general feeling should be very good and gives you the sense of a solid well balanced hand tool .
Keep woodworking and the happiness is certain .