What is the woodworking Axe and how many do i need ?

The woodworking axe comes from the ancient times , it has many types and it’s a basic cutting hand tool for the carpenter , especially if you don’t have the help of power tools .

Even if you have all the variety of the woodworking power tools and machinery , the use of an axe will make your life easier out in the forestry , in your courtyard , et.c .

The woodworking axe is a double beveled piece of alloy metal( steel mostly ) shaping a long bevel and long cutting straight edge , steady attached to straight type handle , wooden or not .

See my Top carpenter’s axe suggestions for you , in HERE .

What is a Carpenter’s axe , Used for ?

A carpenter uses axes to accomplish several jobs , as the wood rough cutting , entire tree cutting , tree trunk “cleaning” from branches , log chopping , the logs – wood splitting , branch cutting .

How many Types of Axes exist and How many the Carpenters need ?

There is a large variety of axes and many axes the carpenters need , in order to fulfill their woodoworking projects .

We have :

1) Felling axes for entire trees cutting – log chopping .

2) Carving smaller axes .

3) Splitting axes- maul .

4) Double bit axes .

5) Mortising axes .

6) Joinery axes .

7) Machete type .

8) Tomahawk .

9) Broad axes .

10) Viking type axes .

11) Traditional woodworking axes .

The woodworker uses mostly the felling types , the splitting , the mortising and joinery , of course the traditional ones , the carving ones and the broad ones .

What is a Carving axe ?

The carving axe is an axe which is designed and made to slice into the wood mass . The other types of axes as the chopping – splitting ones are made for splitting the wood’s fibers .

What is the difference between a Carving axe and a Carpenter’s one ?

The carpenter’s axe has both the edge and the handle straight designed , but the carving has its edge and handle slightly or more curved , in order to help you make more precise , “surgical” cuts .

What is the differene , between a Felling axe and a Limbing one ?

The felling axe is the exact appropriate for the entire tree trunks cutting , no matter how big is the tree .

What is the difference , between a “bearded” axe and a Normal one ?

We call “bearded” axes the viking type ones and they aren’t the same of course , as the normal the traditional ones .

Their blade extends , not in all of its length , but as it goes to the end of the blade , making the edge .

What is a Hewing axe ?

This type of axe is made for squaring wood , that’s why it has its one side straight and beveled .

What is a Woodcutting axe Called ?

The woodcutting axe is called a felling axe and it has this name because it’s made for cutting entire wood tree trunks and chop logs , big or smaller ones .

What Type of axe , is Best for Splitting wood ?

The splitting axe – the splitting maul is the best hand tool for splitting wood .

What Length axe , should i get ?

The length of your axe is totally attached from your body proportions as height , length of your arms , your general structure , your upper – down body proportions and your physical strength of course .

A sorter or longer axe may cause you difficulties , concerning its weight balance ( from torgues ) and safety use , for all the needs you’ll face in woodworking .

The usual comfortable handle lengths are starting in the 15 ” – 17″ and raise .

Always have in your brain , that you should be feel and be , very comfortable and “in control” while

you’re using your axes .

Are heavier axes , Better ?

Yes , if you want to split wood mostly and your focused in that area of axe using .

What is the best angle for an axe ?

Usually at the end of the bevels the edge exactly is between the 30o – 40o degrees which is a fine angle and just before the edge a range of 15o – 20o degrees .

The USA Forestry Department says that if you have a wood piece with knots you should have a 28o degrees and if your wood doesn’t have knots , a 18o degrees angle is the appropriate .

I suppose that you should have all this knowldege in your mind and improvise , according to your needs and the type of wood , you have in front of you .

See the types we seperate wood in HERE .

What is the best Wood for an axe , handle ?

Usually the axe’s handles are made from hickory ( US and not only ) , but i’ve seen handles from white oak , alder , maple , pecan , yew which is very very tough & cheap .

Should a woodworking axe , be Sharp ?

Yes , it should be sharp , in order to cut , split , chop wood with accuracy , with the least possible blow and the least possible effort from the carpenter .

Do I need to sharpen a New axe ?

Yes , if you judge that the primary sharpening from the manufacturer isn’t in the level you want and the cutting job , you have to do .

Can i sharpen an axe , with a Knife Sharpener ?

Sharpening knife. Free public domain CC0 image. More: View public domain image source here

Yes , you can sharpen it , having the exact approach of the knife sharpening , but you may need a little more time , if your axe’s alloy metal is extra hard to sharpen .

Can i sharpen an axe , with a knife Stone ?

Yes , you can sharpen it , following of course the correct stone approach sharpening and techniques , starting from the rough one and then proceed to the more finer stones .

Can Steel Wool , sharpen an axe ?

Yes , you can have sharpening results , but don’t expect big bevel angle shaping results . You cannot change the edge profile , with steel wool .

Steel wool is mostly for the refine and finishing of your mainly sharpening .

Can you sharpen an axe , with Sandpaper ?

Yes , surely you can , but you cannot change its edge profile with a sandpaper . You can mostly refine , finish your mainly sharpening . It’s the same case , as the steel wool .

Remember to start with a rough grit sandepaper and then proceed to the more fine sandpaper grit .

It’s ok to use whatever sandpaper you have , aluminum oxide or silicon carbide .

My top suggestions for sandpapers – abrasives , et.c ofr your wood finishing in HERE .

Can you sharpen an axe , with a Dremel ?

Yes you can , but i suggest you to use dremel only to fix a serious damage of your axe’s blade and for a specific spot , not the entire axe’s blade .

You cannot sharpen equal the entire blade with a moving dremel in your hands . Other tools are more appropriate .

Can you shapren an axe , with a Belt Sander ?

Sharpening knife. Free public domain CC0 image. More: View public domain image source here

Yes , you can sharpen it and have excellent results , readjusting the bevels and the profile , having the exact sharpness you want .

How Often , should you sharpen an axe ?

This depends from the heavy – duty jobs you’re doing with an axe , the types of wood you cut , the quality of the axe’s alloy metal and how capable it is to keep the previous sharpenings .

Should you Oil an axe ?

Yes , you should oil both parts of your axe ( metalic & wooden ) and it’s a very correct , easy , cheap and natural way , for your axe’s maintenance .

The light oil film protects the metalic parts form rust and an appropriate oil for wood , will protect its wooden parts .

Attention : I avoid using the same oils with chemicals for the metalic part and the wooden part .

If you want to use oils with solvents , et.c ( and not 100% natural ) for your wooden handle , use the ones which are suitable for wood.

See some oils and waxes suggestions to protect wood , in HERE .

Can i use Olive Oil , on my axe head ?

Yes , you can use olive oil for both your metalic part and the wooden of your axe . Olive oil is suitable for surely for wood .

If you want to be 100% certain , learn if your axe’s metal alloy will have an issue by the olive’s oil acids( all oils have acids ) , by asking the manufacturer .

How Often , should you oil an axe head ?

This depends from the place you live , the weather conditions , the moisture , if you cut green – wet wood often , how often you use your axe and how many days – weeks it’ll be stored .

An axe which is used every day , doesn’t need the oil maintenance of an axe which is used , 5 times per year .

How do you Clean an axe , after use ?

1) Clean it – wipe it from water – branch fluids – general fluids .

If it has oils , maybe with gazoline mixture from a previously chainsaw remains on wood , wood bugs , et.c , use water , maybe with a little soap to remove all the remains .

If we’re dealing with strong chemicals , tar , resins , et.c and water with soap aren’t enough , we should use the appropriate chemical removers from the markets .

This is very important . We need the metal to be 100% clean .

3) We do the same with our axe’s handle . If it’s a plastic – polymer one , we only clean it with soap , removers , et.c .

If it’s a wooden one , we do the same , but we should be careful , not to damage the finishing while cleaning it .

2) After the cleaning , wipe it very well . Zero water – moisture is acceptable . If you can put it near a fireplace , et.c , for perfect drying , even better .

3) After the correct cleaning we may use a steel wool to , throw away remains – waste from the edge , and proceed to the handle maintenance .

The correct & appropriate tools maintenance , in HERE .

Is Beeswax good for an axe handle ?

The beeswax is a very good protecting – finishing solution for an axe’s handle , because it seals the wood’s pores , it can last for a long time and the most important , it’s a totally natural finishing , which is top for your skin and health .

What makes a good wood axe ?

The most important feature a wooden ( and not only ) axe should give you , is the comfort feeling , from the first touch , the immediate body – tool “bond” and the nice weight control and balance .

The sharpness , the bevel , the correct angles , et.c , are things you can fix . The “magic” and immediate comfort feeling from the first touch , you cannot fix .

Keep woodworking and remain happy .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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