Except all the other variety of hand tools and power ones , you’ll need the helpful assistance of some secondary tools , to fulfill your carpenter tool “armory” .
These secondary maybe tools are great helpers to the carpenter , because they complement the “main” woodworking machinery , “quiet” and very efficiently .
One of this serious helpers is the woodworking miter box and it has many types .

The classic woodworking miter box , is an auxiliary carpentry cutting tool , which consists of a box floor and two perfectly vertical sides , attached to the floor and both being engraved with three engravings – saw cutting guides .
The two or more , engravings are totally vertical to the box floor , but forming two opposite angles to the box’s sides .

These engravings are making an X , if you see the entire miter box from above and they usually to create the 45o angles . The other , 3rd engraving ( the 90o angle ) is totally vertical to the sides and the box’s floor .
Another very common miter box type , especially in the antiques area , is a metal frame in which we attach our backsaws to cut wood , in many different angles .
** See some of my Top miter box suggestions & tips in HERE .
What are the advantages of a Miter Box ?

1) You can cut wood in angles , very accurate and avoiding to use power cutting machinery .
2) If you set up your nice backsaw right , be careful with your marking spots and you have a miter box with perfet cut engravings – guides , you can cut wood extremely precise .
Maybe better results from a circular saw .
3) You can cut the same angle to several wood pieces , again and again and again , having the same perfection .
4) You can cut totally vertical for ALL your wood’s piece thickness , without cutting awry/sheer off , for a little and for a tny length , because of the human’s arm sensitivity and mobility .
You cut vertical and the exactly the same from “A to Z” .
If you take a caliper and measure your piece after the cutting , you’ll see that it has exactly the same thickness , in all of its length .
See some very nice caliper suggestions , in HERE .
This is a detail , but very important , especially if you need to place your woodworking project , in a place having specific dimensions .
5) It isn’t an expensive auxiliary tool , even the antique ones .
How do I Use the Miter Box ?

1) After your perfect wood marking , you set your wood piece into the miter box .
2) The mark you’ve made on wood , must be exactly above the engraving – cutting guide .
3) We press the wood piece to be perfectly tight attached to the box floor and sides . Maximum stability is needed here .
We should even be very careful to our breathing , in order not to slightly move the wood piece .
4) We pass our backsaw inside the engravings – cutting guides and we proceed to cutting , after we’ve secured that the wood’s marking and the engravings are still perfectly attached .
** Of course a nice miter box needs some very good handsaws , to be completed .
See some of my favorite handsaw suggestions , in HERE .
Can you make your Own Miter Box ?
Yes , for sure you can and you can create a perfect one , if you’re carefull enough , during its construction to make perfect angles and achieve “surgical” verticality .
How do you make a Wooden Miter Box ?
See these two marvelous youtube videos from Paul Sellers , being a poor man(!) or not :
Can I use a Circular Saw , with a Miter Box ?

Yes , for sure you can it to “save” yourself for the cutting effort and sweat , even if you won’t make more precision cuttings , than using your well made miter box and your backsaw .
What angle cuts , can be made using a Miter Box ?
The classic wooden or plastic miter box will give the 90o and 45o angles( the X form engravings , in the 2 sides ) and using the frame type miter box , your backsaw can be adjusted to any angle you want .
Keep woodworking and gain tons of happiness .