What is wood Acetylation and does it make your wood Better ?

Wood is an “alive” material , the woodworking activity is for sure a hugely alive activity , that’s why the wood acetylation process , is a great evolution for the wood .

The wood industry and scientists are continuously trying to discover new ways to make wood stronger and better .

They use for this , all the technology and equipment our modern times are providing them and this equipment is helping the most .

The evolution is attached to the humans DNA , since the beginning of time and as the ancient Africans were hardening their wooden speirs and the Vikings were burning – modified wood to make their ships , so we try to do the same nowdays .

See in HERE a helpful list , with the ways you can protect your wood from wear .

You can modify and protect wood with so many ways . Some are natural and some are chemical .

The wood modification with the acetylation process is a chemical process .

Of course i should remind you , that all the chemical the pro factories and the wood industry , use for wood modification , are harmless and aproved for use .

There are mostly salts , alcohols and for sure they’re approved and they have all the appropriate licences . If you go to a place which doesn’t have these approvals , you should not proceed to make business with it in no way .

What is the wood Acetylation process ?

The acetylation process is a chemical proccess , in which we replace the free hydroxyls(OH) of the cellulose and the lignin of the wood , with acetyls groups , through a chemical reaction in high heat .

All this is taking place into ovens with specific temperature , pressure and time periods .

This modifies wood in all of its mass .

What are the Benefits of the wood Acetylation ?

The benefits are many and very serious ones . We take an extremely modified and improved wood . The modified wood is considered as a “class A” wood . We have a very low wood shrinkage and swelling for our wooden final product .

The biological resistance of wood is “launched” . Your modified wood wil be very resistant to the UV radiation . Its natural resistance will be the same as the teak wood has .

The wood resistance to wood bugs , fungi will be way higher , than its previous state .

The wood acetylation produces , timber of very high class and prestige .

Recent tests have shown that the wood acetylation can produce very high resistant wood for sea or near the sea constructions . It’s very easy for painting and it has great resistant to water and moisture conditons , in general .

Is wood Acetylation a “Green” process ?

Yes , it is and even if we use chemicals for the wood acetylation , the whole process has all the eco approvals an it’s considered as a green process . The timber we use , comes from plantations .

See in HERE my top suggestions to buy , for green wood protections , without using strong chemicals .

Does the wood Acetylation , has disadvantages ?

Yes , it has some . It’s kind of an expensive process . It also requires expensive and specific paints , because of its acidity . If you don’t paint a wood acetylation modified wood and the external conditions are wet , it may unveil “black spots” .

You should use only stainless steel joinery parts , which cost a little more than the simple ones .

If you want to see some top products to protect your wood with dyes – stains , et.c , check THIS .

Where can you use wood Acetylation Wood ?

The applications for the wood acetylation modified timber , are many .

You can trust it , for glued timber , for public seats , for wood paneling , for flooring , for house frames ( especially near the sea ) , for bridges and big outdoor constructions , for fences , for decking , for doors and windows and many more .

Till now there are zero referred problems during the wood acetylation treatment .

The wood acetylations is a very nice process to modify and make your cheaper wood , way better .

Along with the wood furfurylation are great alternative ways to get way better wood , when you cannot afford the expensive pieces .

See in HERE the wood furfurylation treatment .

These two wood treatment methods are very modern ones and they combine best the green technology , with the high level results .

Keep woodworking and gain the maximum of happiness .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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