What is wood Glue and what “secrets” , are essential ?

Woodworkers and people in general experiment since the beginning of time , of how they can join together , two wood pieces and how to secure this connection , the better they could and the wood glue was the most primary way to do that .

They made wood glue from nature , resins , plants and stuff like that , because you know , screws , bolts , nails and wood joinery wasn’t as it is today .

The wood glue is extremely essential to the woodworker , for countless reasons . It connects , holds , secures , reassures and helps the carpenter big , no matter what wood joinery he preferes .

So let’s begin , creating a very easy and helpful wood glue guidebook , to use as a “lighthouse” for your purchases and not only of course .

The wood glue is a liquid mixture of natural or chemical formulas , containing several natural or chemical ingredients in the exact prefered dosages , in order to glue any type of wood pieces together very strong and permanently .

Wood glue is a must for all and see some classical pieces from the stores to get , HERE .

What did people use , Before wood glue ?

The old times , people used mold , clay , several resins from nature , flour and water , fish bones extracted glue( very popular in Greece ) , et.c .

What is wood glue , Used for in woodworking joinery ?

The wood glue is used to combine – connect – hold tight together two or more wood pieces of any type and permanent when it fully dries .

When should i use , wood glue ?

When you want to connect two or more wood pieces together as a primary and only join material , or as an assistant and extra security for other types of wood joinery .

Why do Carpenters , use wood glue ?

The wood glue is a traditional and a very basic wood bonding element – process to use all alone , or with other types of joinery , as extra securance and bonding shield .

If you don’t have any other joinery equipment , the wood glue can hold two piece of wood together , extremely strong and for many – many years , under certain circumstances .

Is wood glue really Strong ?

Yes , the wood glue is a very strong glue which can hold a pressure of 3000 – 4000psi . The wood glue when it dries becomes the same or stronger than wood itself . It can hold several thousands of continuous pressure , with excellent results and strength .

Is Epoxy or wood glue Stronger ?

The epoxy is a stronger glue than the wood glue .

How Deep does wood glue , Penetrate ?

The wood glue can penetrate up to 6 -7 cells inside the wood’s fibers and molecules .

What glues are Strongest , than the clasic wood glue ?

The wood glues aren’t the strongest glues you can find on earth and many other chemical formulas for other materials , as carbon , titanium , general metals , steel , et.c , use strongest glues for their connections .

The constructions several types of glues are better than the wood glues . They have heavier duty jobs , to accomplish .

Is wood glue , Better than Superglue ?

No , the super glue is strongest than the common wood glue .

Is wood glue , Permanent ?

Yes , the wood glue result is 100% permanent , when the two or more wood pieces are clean from anything previous in their surface you’re about to glue and the glue is fully dry .

Is wood glue , Waterproof ?

No , it’s not waterproof , but there are wood glue chemical formulas that are very resistant and capable for enough time to water .

It has waterproof abilities , but not totall resistant of course .

What exact wood glue is specialized , for wood ?

The specific and strongest glue for wood is the PVA glue , which the polyvinyl acetate .The PVA( polyvinul acetate ) , is the most common wood glue we all know .

Is PVA , just glue ?

The so called PVA glue , which is the polyvinyl acetate is of course wood glue , but the glue formula contains more than the polyvinyl acetate .

Will PVA glue , Hold wood ?

The PVA wood glue , is a top glue for wood .

What materials aren’t suitable to use PVA wood glue ?

The PVA wood glues aren’t for elements as plastic , waxed things , glass and metals .

Is PVA glue , stronger than Wood ?

Yes the PVA when it fully dries , is extrememly strong and better than wood itself .

How Long does PVA glue take , to Set on wood ?

The PVA glue , needs from a couple of hours up to a whole day( depending your place ) to set correctly to the wood and provide its benefits .

Does PVA glue , Dissolve in Water ?

The PVA glue is water soluble and of course water can damage it .

What happens when PVA glue , gets Wet ?

The PVA when it gets wet will lose its water resistant properties and the general properties it has and provides wood .

What are the Disadvantages of PVA glue ?

The major disadnantage of the PVA glue is that it isn’t 100% waterproof .

Is it better to glue or Screw wood ?

The wood glue is better if you use a top quality glue , and you’ve made all the appropriate preparations to your wood , because when the glue fully cures , it becomes stronger than wood itself .

The connection it provides is super strong , more than the wood’s mass – fibers .

Will wood glue , hold a screw in wood ?

Yes , it certainly can do that and the combination of the screw and the glue is excellent for any type of wood , for any type of joinery .

How Long should wood glue Dry , Before Screwing ?

You should let the wood glue fully dry and cure and this means you can screw the next day from your gluing .

Can i use wood glue , Without screws ?

Yes , you can and the connection result will be perfect the next day , after the fully drying – cure of the glue .

Can i use wood glue , Without Nails ?

Yes , certainly you can and the result will be perfect , if you let it dry and cure naturally and do your actions the next day .

Can i Drill a Screw , into wood glue ?

Yes , you can with no problem to a totally dry wood glue area , because the area after the complete drying , will be solid and strong .

Why my wood glue is , so Weak ?

Maybe the surfaces aren’t totally clean from previous materials , or your glue doesn’t have enough place to bond to and start curing becoming strong .

Can you Soften Dried wood glue ?

Yes you can if you soak the yellow and white glue into vinegar and for the hide glue into warm water and that’s it . You cannot soften the polyurethane glues .

How Long does wood glue , Last ?

The wood glue can last many years . As all the elements on the planet , but to have a complete failure you may need to pass more than 50 – 80 years !!!!!

Why is wood glue , Yellow ?

It’s colored in this way , to show its better quality and superior abilities . It’s thicker , more strong and solid .

Is wood glue , Toxic to humans ?

Yes , it is and you should be very careful when you act with it . Everything that contains chemicals , needs attention and safety measures .

Is dried wood glue , Toxic ?

Yes , it is . It’s still a chemical element . The drying process didn’t transform it , into a natural element .

Is wood glue , Safe for Skin ?

No , it’s not and even if you have allergic themes or not , the safety measures , gloves , et.c . are necessary and use plenty of water and soap to wash yourself .

If you see something not normal , to your skin , go to the nearest hospital – doctor for specialized advices and care .

Wash your hands with soap and water , remove any glue from them and if you see something not normal , go to the doctors and nearest hospital for advices – treatment .

Can you revive Old wood glue ?

Yes , you can do that with little water .You can use water to make it “alive” again and this is a very simple and effective way to reactivate your old wood glue .

How do you Liquify , dried wood glue ?

You can use the bain marie method to do it . Put the old dried glue into a can with hot water and the glue will start to become liquid again .

Can wood glue , Fix Cracks ?

Yes , it can do that and if you use some wood glue , along with some wood’s chips – sawdust or a little wood dust( if the crack is too small ) , the result can be very tough and durable .

Can you glue , Cracked wood ?

Yes , certainly you can , you just have to be careful the surfaces you’re gluing should be in the best shape and not badly cracked and damaged , because the glue won’t grab enough place to work .

Should you Wet wood , Before using wood glue ?

Yes , if you use a polyurethane glue only and not any other type of glue , because the water based glues will have dissolving friction issues with a wet surfaces .

Is 12 hours , Enough for wood glue ?

If you want perfectly dried wood glue you need a day or so , depending your general weather conditions and moisture .

How do you Speed Up , the Drying of wood glue ?

The heat helps the faster wood glue drying , because the water evaporates , leaving behind the chemicals do their joinery job .

Does wood glue , Shrink as it Dries ?

Yes , it shrinks as the inner water dries and leaves behind the other chemicals to work and do their gluing “mission” , to the two or more pieces of wood .

Is wood glue , Removable ?

Yes , you can sand it and totally remove it from the wood’s mass . Of course you should sand – go , as deep the wood glue has penetrated the wood’s mass .

In this way you’ll remove 100% the wood glue from your wood .

Why wood glue is such a good joinery method ?

Using a wood glue you can join together two or more wood pieces , extremely tight and secure ,without using any other woodworking equipment and super easy .

What are the Disadvantages of wood glue ?

You need clamps to secure your wood joinery together till the drying and if you’re gluing big pieces , you’ll need assistant for sure to have precision and not clamp awry .

Get some top clamps from the markets , in HERE .

The wood glue is maybe the most simple way to join together two or more wood pieces , even easier than the screws and pins , while the result is super strong and solid .

Anybody can use some glue and a couple of clamps for a day or so and then you can have a entire woodworking project ready , using only wood glue and noone laugh at you !!!! Maybe !!!

This is very nice and cool .

Keep woodworking and glue your happiness very tight .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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