Why are carpenters pencils , Flat ? ( simple & funny answer .)

Why the caprenters pencils flat and not round ones , i’m sure has entered the minds of all people , they see them . The answer to this so simple and “common” question is very simple and maybe a funny one .

Why pencils are Flat , has “troubled” many amateur woodworkers and not only .

I’m sure that this question has passed the brains of all people who are walking the markets and see woodoworking tools , equipment and stuff and they feel “strange” in front of the carpenters pencils .

Why this thing is flat and not round as the other ordinary pencil we all use in our daily lives ?

I didn’t know either why the woodworkers pencils are flat , until a friend of mine told me , while he was giving me a slap in the back of my head , smiling .

Woodworking area is such a huge and “strange” area .

Nothing or a few “things’ in our woodworking way of life and activity , exist by luck . Everything has a reason to be , as it is . The wooden field is a colossal area , which includes many sciences inside .

I’ve told you that the wood identification is a very large and difficult field . Geologists , chemists , weather experts , physicists , soil experts , microscopes , laboratories , material experts and so many other “guys” and “girls” , are involved to the wood identification .

The Carpenters pencil in the carpenters Ear , is a “cool” and timeless technique” .

Imagine working in a house roof , fixing something or whatever and you want to put your pencil somewhere , except your ear .

Yes the ear placing spot is an “ancient” one and very cool to put your pencil . All carpenters do that , and i like it very much .

So imagine being in a high roof and you try to let your pencil on the roof . The pencil will start rolling and fall down to the ground . It’s very easy to imagine the continue to this scene .

You spitting aroung and saying some very bad talking , because if there is noone downstairs , you must step down , to catch the pencil and continue measuring , et.c .

The carpenters pencil is flat , in order not to be able to roll from the surface you’ve put it and get it back , very easily and continue your marking . When you’re flat you cannot roll away and the flat pencil will be in the exact spot the carpenter wants it to be .

A flat pencil is more stable for sure , so you can put it to may different surfaces , without the danger to seek it on the ground , holes , dirt , waters , snow maybe , grass , et.c .

What Kind of wood are pencils made out of ?

The woodworker’s pencils , should be from a good quality’s wood , because you need accuracy to mark your wood distances , for your woodworking plans .

The pencils , not only should be from a good wood’s quality , but you should have them very nice sharpened , and have a well pointed edge . Every single milimmeter counts in your measuring and marking and the pencil , is your “weapon” for this .

Usually the carpenters pencils are made from red ceadar trees , which you can find in big amounts in the US and in Kenya . You can find red cedar in more places than these , but in these territories the quality of the trees are very high .

In the California’s Sierra Nevada mountain you can find incense cedar , from which you can “drag” very elite wood pieces and create pencils of the highest standarts .

See some of the best pencils & lead holders purchases in HERE .

Keep woodworking my friends , supply the best pencils you can and it’s ok to put it i your ear , for easiness . The woodworker is an inventive human and a happy one , of course .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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