Working with wood as a complete amateur or a more advanced carpenter , is one of the most popular hobbies-activities in the world and for sure a unique psychotherapy .
But why Woodworking is so Popular ?
If you have ever touched a fresh cut wood part , in the forest and hold it in your hands , receiving the warmth and positive energy , it gives you an idea .
If you have ever walked in the forest , alone , without any distractions and touch a tree , a log , a fallen tree branch , feeling the sensation of pure mother nature , you have an idea .
Woodworking is about Feelings & Emotions for the Woodworkers .
If you have ever created a wooden stick ,on your own , to use it as a walking “helper” , for your forest relaxing walks , and felt the “bond” between you and this “simple” wooden stick , you have an idea .
If you have ever made , on your own as an absolute amateur , a small wooden seat , a wooden table for your afternoon coffee , a wooden carving board for your stakes or whatever , and your smile was bigger than the Joker’s (!) , you have an idea .

If you have ever , taken a wooden rough surface and after some soul relaxing hours of rubbing it on your own , you made it a smooth one , you have an idea .
If you have ever put your ear close to a wooden surface , tree , log , or whatever ,and you’ve heard “heartbeat” , because wood is an “alive” material and this feeling made you smile again , feeling “full” inside you , you have an idea .
I can talk endless hours about , the happiness the wooden “planet” , in all its forms , can give to anyone who “discovers” it , but some things cannot been “closed” into words .
Welcome aboard to the Woodworking “Planet” .
The “journey” has just began and it will last forever .

**My first wooden seat was similar to the photo above and i wanted to share this with you . From wood parts , i’ve found in a abandoned forest cabin , since the 1900 , in southern Greece – Peloponnese .
Super simple , super nice , super easy to make , super cool .
Keep woodworking and the happiness , will always be there .