Can a Girl be a carpenter ?

I’m a girl and i live in a big city with many factories , businesses and in general many of our modern life’s business activities .

My parents are working in 2 of these big companies and as you can imagine my life’s path was “programmed” to work to a big company also .

Since i remember myself i remember that when i was a small girl i liked to make “things” with my hands and create tiny toys , paint a little and stuff like that .

I knew of course that my profession will be in the science area , or something like that because i was good at school , but i also knew that i had some kind of a talent doing stuff with my hands .

So i grew up , i went school , i went to college , i got married and have 2 beautiful children and i work in a big tech company .

The working hours are quite many as you can imagine , but i’m not complaining because i like what i do . I always have an elegant and careful appearance because the needs of my work are high .

So my day as you can imagine is more than full of obligations , because when i return home , my 2 kids are waiting for their mommy and you know 2 kids with endless energy , require endless energy by me .

My day starts very early in the morning and ends very late at night . The intermediate is so tough and if you want to be inner balanced as a person , the way to have a hobby and something that relaxes your soul is more than necessary .

Every person has something that can gives to him happiness and of course i couldn’t “escape” of this “law” , too .

I know that you may laugh and you may not expect this , but my personal “psychotherapy” and hobby is the carpentry hobby .

YES , a girl can be a carpenter and if she loves the woodworking activity very much , she can be a very good carpenter . There is nothing a man can do to the carpentry hobby , which a girl cannot do . The woodworking activity has absolutely no limitation for the human beings , who have deep desire to be carpenters and act with wood .

Yes i’m a girl , working in a big company and live the modern way of life as you do , but you know we the Ladies have passions too , even if these passions are considered men’s passions .

How did i get this hobby , which requires kind of more body strength than other , more “woman” friendly hobbies ?

From my very early years i discoverd that i had some talents working with my hands , some artistic talents and these artistic talents were “targeted” to the woodworking area .

Since i firstly touched , smelled , hold in my hands this astonishing material , i fell in love with it and this love is still “alive” till now and i suppose till the end of my life .

The love for wood is so strong and fills so many inner “gaps” .

Of course when i begin to act with wood , i had some questions and maybe fears , if i could manage to be an amateur carpenter , because i’m a girl , i’m a woman , et.c .

I thought that only men can be carpenters and only the ones who have big body strength can be one .

I thought that even if i had an artistic talent to shape wood , to carve it and do such nice small woodworking creations , i could never be a carpenter because i’m a girl .

I thought that because i’m a girl , everybody will make fun with me and noone will take me seriously and help me , to become a carpenter .

An amateur carpenter , but still a carpenter .

I thought that only men can create “things” with their hands and women no and how wrong i was .

Anybody can be a carpenter and for sure a girl can be one , because woodworking isn’t a difficult “situation” and everyone who can carry small weights , cut some cuts , drill some holes , rub some wooden surfaces and nail some nails can be a carpenter .

Do you want me to remind you that in the amazing youtube videos you see from the woodworking carving championships , many of the carpenter – artists are women ?

Women can carry the chainsaw for many minutes – hours in order to create their amazing woodworking carving sculptures .

How much strength do you need to cut a small branch or a log ?

How much strength do you need to make some cuts , carry your power or hand drill and make some holes ?

How much strength do you need to use your chisels and make astonishing carving wood sculptures to your wooden piece ?

How much strength do you need to catch your meters , your level tool , your caprenter’s pencil and make some accurate marks and in general take some measures to a wooden surface ?

How much strength do you need to rub your finished woodworking project with your sandpapers , planes and then use some good quality’s penetrating oil to protect it from the weather conditions , et.c ?

I don’t think that you need much of strength , everybody can do these carpentry actions and for sure a girl also .

I can understand a lot the Ladies outhere who see big wood pieces , as logs , entire tree trunks , huge wooden tables , chairs , big sculptures and stuff like that and they feel maybe more “weak” than the “traditional” men carpenters .

Let me say to you that not even men can lift these big wood pieces by themselves only and most of the times they had external help .

Who can lift and carry an entire or a very big one tree trunk , or a big log without any help from others ? I don’t know , i suppose Arnold Schwarzenegger in the famous Comando movie , who carried an entire log on his shoulder , but a “common” person , it’s kind of difficult .

So my Lady friends , don’t feel intimidated concerning the body powers you have .

You can be a carpeter and if you use wisely the emotional golden “world” the women have and your high sensitivity , you can be a very good carpenter , creating astonishing wooden creations .

Don’t you forget , that carpentry except all the others , is concidered as a very elite art and everybody can create art , if he has the appropriate talent and love .

Keep woodworking and happiness will never abandon you .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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