Choosing hand – tools or power tools for your woodworking projects , is a “situation” all the woodworkers have confronted in their “wooden lives” .
For all of us in the wood “planet” , the question of what kind of woodworking tools , we should use for our projects is a question , requires mostly our emotion .
Woodworking Tools shouldn’t necessary be Expensive .

You can choose to do your hobby with every tool you have available and no matter how much you have in your pockets . It isn’t necessary to make your woodworking plans with the one way or the other .
We act and be in this magnificent hobby to relax our brains , our hearts and soul from the daily routine and “countless” problems . We don’t create problems to bother us .
Sweat from woodworking hand-Tools is Pleasure .

You get sweaty and tired , but this tiredness is the best “psychotherapy” and stress relief exercise .
This tiredness is so sweet and combined with the satisfaction of doing the “job” with perfection , endorphins from happiness are satisfying your brain and reduce your soul’s “waste” .
The hand tools are very enjoyable to work with because they give you psysical touch more than the power tools and the sense that you are an “artist” .
Hand – Tools or Power – Tools , are the best for you ?

The Combination of hand tools and Power tools , is the most “wise” approach you can have . Hand tools are giving us the “artistic” happiness of the woodworking activity .
Combined with the easiness , the extremely high accuracy and efficiancy of the power tools , our woodworking life can reach the highest levels of happiness and efficiency .

If you’re a totally amateur in the carpentry activity , you should begin your “wood life” based in the basic tools of course and these are mostly the hand tools .
You shouldn’t have big requirements from yourself , during your first carpentry attempts and this is very normal , of course .
First you learn to stand on your feet , then to walk and then to run . That’s the life’s path for all .
You shouldn’t “stress” yourself , wanted to use the chainsaws , the table saws , the miter saws , the sanders an the so many other power tools , at once during your first momments .
Go step by step and after a while you can use whatever tool you like .
If you’re an experienced woodworker of course you know already that the combination of the hand tools with the power ones , can give you the ability to achieve whatever wood design you want .

Can you achive the same Accurate Results , if you use only Woodworking Hand tools ?
No , you cannot achieve the same results as the carpentry power machinery can do , no matter how capable carpenter you are , or how stable hand you have , because humans cannot achieve the micrometric accuracy of the machines ( as the CNC , the table saw , the band saw , et.c ) and that’s why they’ve created the machines , to “fill this gap” .
I know that there are many woodworkers out there , that they like to use only hand tools and they find it very “vintage” and “old school” beautiful . Of course i respect them and i kind of agree with them , but not totally .
Yes , the feeling of using hand tools only is unique and it’s a primitive joy for the carpenter , but not using carpentry machinery totally , limits you .
The human hand – body , cannot do many jobs , the power tools can do with the level of accuracy and perfection which is requested .

Of course i’m not talking for creating wooden art . Art needs human soul except from skills and in this area , the humans will always be many steps in front of the machines .
Anyway , begin your woodworking “journey” with slow but steady steps , begin with some basic hand tools , then make combinations with power ones and you’ll see that your life would be easier and your wood plans more complete and perfect .
If you want to remember the complete list of the woodworking tools of more than 90 tools and their maintenance , remember it in HERE .
Before you’ll start to supply your wood tools a nice and well created woodworking bench , is a “must” for you . Above this workbench will create your wood projects , so try to be as best as possible .
Remember this : The height your workbench should have , should be in the height of your belly button or a little higher . In that height you won’t have to bent or stretch and you’ll avoid back pain .

For your outside woodworking actions , you’ll need something portable and a toolbox with some basic wood tools inside , will “do the job” .
Keep Woodworking and the happiness is certain .