The woodworking as a life’s job , i’m sure is a question that has crossed many minds , i suppose . We live in “strange” and difficult times and the jobs area is for sure a difficult area .
It’s always a blessing in life , if you can make your living by acting your hobby or something that you love so much and in our case the woodworking activity .
Have an “open mind” and Adapt when you search for a Job .

In my personal opinion when you are seeking to choose a job , you should have an “open mind” to the world’s conditions and adapt to them .
Yes , as all say , to be successful in your job you must love it , but this isn’t always achievable . You should love you job so you can do it with the motivation it needs , but this isn’t always realistic .
What i mean by that ?
I may like to be an ironworker making horseshoes and yes i may be the best in that . But in our times how successful would i be , or how much money would i earn from it , to live and evolute as a human being ?
Yes , the woodworking is a very good job to follow , no matter if the CNC machines , the artificial intelligence(AI) and electronics , are making the wood creations easier . The woodworking job is a very nice job to follow and make a living from it , because the human spirit , creativity , fantasy , aesthetics , perfection in imperfection(!) and the human soul cannot be copied .
Yes , the woodworking is a very promissing job for you to choose for your carrer , because the machines are created by the humans to help them , not replacing them .

Humans will go to fix a ladder problem to a house , a window theme , a wooden door issue , a wooden boat , et.c . Humans will think using their fantasy and experience to overcome a home issue and for that they’ll use the help of the cutting machines for detailed cuts , et.c .
Let me tell you the exact steps , you should make and consider , if you want to be a professional woodworker .
Step by step guide .
1) Clarify to your mind that you’re not a hobbyist anymore .

You should change your complete mindset and clarify to yourself that from the time you’re going to be a professional woodworker , you should always make your best to be the best version of yourself .
You should be prepared to be 100% serious and responsible as a pro and minimize the mistakes . You should always deliver to your clients , the best possible woodworking project .
In that way , you’ll create a “good name” in the industry , more people will trust you and you’ll be successful( making a lot of money ) as a professional .
2) Identify what type of woodworking area you like , you’re good with and focus on it .

As you may know there are many areas( mechanics , cabinetry , shipping , contructions , et.c ) in the woodworking profession and every type of these areas , requires the appropriate knowledge and skills from you .
Of course some general knowledge concerning the wood types , the woodworking tools , some maintenance knowledge , danger factors , self protection factors et.c , exist to all the types of carpenters .
Some basic types of woodworkers are :
1) Woodworking mechanic .

The first step of the woodworking area , is the cutting of the tree and transform it , into wood boards , logs , etc.
In here , this job is made by the wood mechanics .
They make the tree’s trunks into the wood pieces we see in the wood markets , ready to buy them . Their job is very important and they are very capable , using these big cutting/shaping woodworking machinery , trying not to hurt the tree .
They are paid , very well with their salaries being from $20/ hour , more or less making more than $50.000/year .
If you’ll choose this area , in your first steps you’ll get less money of course and for sure you’ll need the appropriate machinery driving/handling licences .

These woodworking machines , aren’t driving like our ordinary vehicles , so appropriate licences and practice are very important .
Make some calls to your country’s lumber mills and visit your Ministry of Environment site for more specific information . In every country/continent , different licences and approvals , exist .
2) Woodworking bench makers .

Mostly these carpenters are making benches for the professionals ( and not only ) . They are specialists to make your bench to your measures exactly , in order to work on it with no health issues( back pain ,et.c ) and be practical in real wood jobs/projects .
They are very experienced to what type of wood they should choose and what design it should have , concerning your needs . A wood sculpror needs different bench , from a “heavy-duty” woodworker .
Their average money are between the $40.000 – $50.000/year .
2) Furniture sanders and finishers .

These carpenters are specialists to keep your furniture’s appearance and “health” the best possible . These woodworkers know all the secrets of coating , sealing and staining your wooden furniture in the highest level .
They have great knowledge concerning the wood’s maintenance and protection , they can repair any damage of your furniture and can restore whatever damage , it may has .
Usually these woodworkers are very capable and focused in the antique furniture restoration area , but not only . Of course the money these carpenters they make is very good , because their job is more artistic .
In here the average of money they make , is kind of complex , because they do elite and artistic job , but a $50.000/year salary is very realistic .
Of course if you’re a very good antique restoration woodworker , “sky is the limit” for the money you can make .
3) Furniture makers .

In here , the complete woodworking furniture project is totally in your hands . You , create the furniture following the instructions of your clients .
Your clients will tell you the shape/design of the wood plan , ther wood you should use and whatever other feature they want .
In here the money is very well too and the $50.000/year (+) , is a very reasonable money number . Of course in here you should be quite experienced to take these kind of responsibilities .
If you are a trainee , half of the above money is the average and common sallary for you , at your first steps .
4) Constructions Woodworker .

These type of carpenters are mostly work in the constructions . Their main focus and the money they make , are from the wood projects they do in malls , block of flats , in commercial shops , etc .
They usually undertake from the total construction beginning the carpentry jobs and they deliver it complete . Of course many times , they are called to fix construction problems , after the construction completeness , by the owner .

These woodworkers are more “heavy-duty” ones than the furniture makers , the wood sculptors , et.c . They can start and finish all of the woodworking needs ( doors , floors, windows , frames , sauna’s , wood paneling , etc) of a construction-apartment .
They make good money starting from the $60.000/year and way more , if he takes the entire construction alone with his team .
Imagine to be called from the goverment and your country’s agencies to make the wood designs and works for the public buildings and public agencies . The money can be beyond your expectations .
5) Woodworking artists – sculptors .

In here the money depends from your woodworking sculpturing talents , mostly . In here , if you choose this carpentry job path and you become good , you can make a lot of money per year .
How can you cost the artistic talent and for sure the wood sculptor is an artist . In here there is no limit at all . You can create a wood masterpiece and gain from it , many thousands of dollars .

You are setting the money limits in here and you can start from just making small wooden toys and gain a $1000/month , to many – many thousands .
Remember what i’ve shown you in THIS post , concerning the woodworking artists and choose wisely your woodworking profession . The certain is this : woodworking sculpturing is an art and arts are timeless .
6) Woodworker for boats/yachting and Churches .

This type of carpenter is something between the constructions woodworker and the artists/sculptors one . It needs the holistic approach a construction woodworker needs and the elite sculpturing technics in the artistic area .
You may create the wood jobs for an entire church , which is a very tough and big job and you may also called to fix the woodworking designs in a million dollars yacht .

For these two carpentry missions , you’ll need to be a very experienced professional carpenter and know exactly what to do .
The money in these areas are very good to excellent .
3) You should learn woodworking Theoretically & Practically .

After the types of the woodworking professional you want to be , you should learn the woodworking in a professional level . You’ll need theoretical knowldege , diplomas and for sure practical experience .
a) Theoretical Knowledge , sources .

For the theoretical knowledge you can go to a college , study and take your diploma in 3 – 4 years according to your country . Of course you can learn woodworking online and have as your teachers , the best in the area .
The Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) and the Woodwork Career Alliance for the North USA exist , but you should check what your country’s educational system has .
Visit the site of your Ministry of Education and the Chamber for the Technical jobs in your country , to get information , concerning the physical and online lessons you can have . Every country has its own education system . Ask questions , send them e-mails and start learning .

Of course if your country’s solutions aren’t good for you , you can find online woodworking lessons from all over the world , without your physical presence required .
I’ve written a post of the basic mentality and the best way to learn woodworking realistically , in HERE .
b) Practical Knowledge , comes from training .

Many woodworkers , especially the “old days” ones , have become woodworkers without any theoretical knowledge , but in our days this isn’t the right way .
For sure you’ll need to be a trainee , close to an experienced carpenter for your first steps , but the correct way is to combine theory and practice the same time .
Being near and train yourself close to a professional woodworker has many benefits . The most important is that your mistakes will be corrected immediately from the pro and this very crucial .
4) After your Theoretical & Practical training , you should apply for a job .

After your time as a trainee , you should apply for a real woodworker job , in order to take your first carpentry “baptism” in real conditions , with realistic wood plans-jobs , in real pressure .
Don’t be afraid of anything . Remember : the Champions were competitors once .
What primary and basic skills the woodworker should have ?
The skills the professional woodworker should have are many and complex . In the physical area and in the mind area , these are the skills you should have :
1) You should have the basic physical strength .

You’ll need to carry – lift – move – reverse , wood pieces above your woodworking bench , inside your machinery and this requires some basic strength . Not extreme things .
2) You should be an engineer minded , to understand the architect’s designs , to proceed in its creation .

You should be able to understand holistically and in the 3-D dimensions , the design of the architects . According to this plans , you’ll make your wood supplies and make preparations .
Don’t be afraid . You shouldn’t be something extreme in this area . A basic understanding level , will be just fine .
3) You should identify if these architect plans are compatible with the wood industry standarts and with your clients needs .

You should create wood projects , compatible to the wood industry safety – environmental – techical standarts and of course with your clients orders and needs .
If something is overtaking the limits of this standarts , you should inform your architect and client in order to make adjustments .
4) You should prepare and set-up your woodworking machinery .

In here you should have a mechanic’s brain( a basic level only ) and set-up your wood machinery , in order to start creating . Hand tools and power tools will be your helpers and many times this machinery will be programmed with PC’s .
Your cautious in here should be high , as for the times in which you’ll use CNC machines . Basic maths and some geometry will be needed here .
I’ve written a helpful article for the maths a woodworker needs read it , HERE .
5) Attention to Detail for measuring – marking – cutting correctly , is needed next .

Any tiny mistake in the measuring , the marking and the cutting of your wood , will be a disaster for you , so try to be 100% accurate and focused in this .
6) You’ll need to use your mechanical skills , in order to work efficiently with your woodworking tools .

All the types of your woodworking tools (power or hand) , they’ll need your mechanical “eyesight” and practical skills , to work with accuracy and operate well .
This can be learned very easily and during time and practice you’ll get the confidence and experience .
7) Your creativity is always a crucial factor .

Your personal creativity and fantasy , to complete a wood plan is something it cannot be replaced by machines . Let yourself free to express and give solutions .
8) Teamwork is something you cannot avoid in the carpentry activity .

Except your personal skills , you should be able to work with the skills of others . The teamwork always helps and try to be an “open minded” woodworker .
You’ll need to corporate with : clients , trainees , suppliers , markets , architects , wood factory workers , public agencies for your licences , et.c , and you should have the ability to “control” all these people .
Woodworking and Books are “Immortal” .

I think the woodworking job is like books . Everyone was saying that the computers , laptops , tablets , et.c , will “terminate” the books , but they were wrong . People wants the “warmth” of a new “fresh” book in his hands to read and travel .
Reading many books is a sign of “luxury” for your brain , having real wooden furniture is concidered as a sign of luxury and prestige of your pockets .
So if you want to be a wood professional , try to learn all the wood “secrets” and techniques to become good with it . If you become a well trained woodworker , the opportunities to make money and live from the wood “will come by their own” .
And don’t you ever forget this : To be successful to any job , you should be happy doing the job .
Keep woodworking and inner happiness will follow .