Is woodworking Hard in the Physical and the Mental area ?

If the woodworking is hard physically and mentally is a question i hear inside the wood “planet” very often .

The one thing that i like very much is that i see many people and of course many ladies been atracted by the woodworking hobby / activity and they want to learn .

I’m sure that , you can find wood “lovers” in all over the places in the world and there are no limitations , which can stop you from do what you like and gives you happiness .

And for sure the woodworking activity is a colossal activity , which gives you enormous happiness and soul relief from all the daily routine .

Yes , the woodworking techniques need some body strength and there are maybe hard in some cases , but not as much as you may think . The woodworking activity needs body strength in some kind of level , but not extreme “things” the “common” people cannot do .

Yes , the woodworking activity needs some mental abilities and knowledge , in order to create correct , nice carpentry projects and be safe the same time , but not extreme mental needs .

No , the woodworking isn’t a hard activity – hobby to act in the physical and body area , even if you’re a totally amateur and you don’t need specialized body strength and elite body condition levels . The basic body and mind powers are good enough .

In no case you should be scared to be a carpenter .

If you can do the “normal things” you’re ok and don’t think that you should be the “King” Lebron James ( the NBA star , is a true muscular “beast” ) , to act the wood hobbie .

So here are the physical and mental needs , in order to be a woodworker . I’ll separare the question into 2 sub-categories and analyze them for you :

1) The Physical needs of the woodworking activity .

2. The mental needs of the woodworking activity .

Of course you already know , that there is no activity on earth , which needs zero effort . Whatever you do , even for your fun and joy , needs a minimum of physical and mental powers .

Even if you are on your couch , drinking your favorite coffee or whatever , you need some effort to rise the cup(!) and be a little focused , not to spill the coffee .

So have in mind that yes , every action needs something “back” from you . So let’s begin to my answer to the question , concerning the “hardness” of the woodworking .

1) The Physical needs , of the woodworking activity .

In order to act in the wood “planet” and start this astonishing hobby and way of life , yes you need some kind of physical – body powers .

The woodworking activity needs body powers , in order to find , cut , shape , rub , and carry to its final destination , your wooden project .

Even if you are going to create ONLY small wood plans ( small cases , boxes , sticks , et.c ) , physical power and good body condition is needed . Even if you are going to be focused only in small wood “cases” , a minimum of body strength , is needed .


You don’t have to be a super trained athlete , or a professional bodybuilder , or something “extreme” to create woodworking projects .

You don’t even have to be an ex- professional athlete , or have any athletic experience . You can be a Woodworker , even if you haven’t trained in any sport , never in your life .

Yes , you need to have some strength and physic to be a woodworker , but no extreme or advanced “things” . You can be 90 years old or a 8 years old kid and be a woodworker , with no problem .

Ok , maybe you won’t be able to create a huge wooden library from big logs by your own , but you can do smaller projects .

If you can Walk , you can start searching for the basic woodworking material , the wood .

In order to find your wood pieces you’re about to shape them into wooden projects , you’ll have to make long walks in the forests .

Of course you can go to the wood markets and buy your wood , but will you able to do that continuously ?

But except the money issue , it’s very entertaintment and gives you happiness to go out by yourself or with a close friend to search for wood . These long nature walks require from you , to have a basic level of physical condition .

Before these searching walks , you should have passed with “flying colors” your basic medical tests , to be certain for yourself . Never forget your health check-ups and advices from the doctors .

For every person the woodworking has different levels of difficulty , because all the physical conditions , aren’t the same .

There are people with very good body condition , and other without so good physic . For sure if you want to have long and enjoyable forest walks , you need to take care of your body a little bit .

No extraordinary “things” , but from some kind of a level and above . For example if you have never walked more than a couple of miles ( with resting brakes ) , how can you walk all day till the afternoon in the forest , searching for wood ?

You know , if i’ve never have run 5 miles without to stop , it’s very possible not to run for a marathon , or something like that .

I just try to make some long walks a couple of times during my week , to keep in shape . The daily ( if you can ) walks outside the house alone , in the nearest park , or whatever , gives you happiness too .

Imagine combining the long walks with the woodworking activity . Enormous emotions .

If you can walk on Tough surfaces with no problem , even better .

Anyway , to have the best possible physical condition , helps very much the woodworker , amateur or not . Personally i try to exercise my legs a little bit more , for maximum stability in the outdoors .

In nature you’ll have to pass a difficult river , by stepping on a small rock with your one feet sometimes , or climbing a hard surface and so many others .

Strong legs which can lift your body with easiness , is a welcomed “thing” . So in here the level of your body condition , it’s up to you and how much trained you want to be .

I think that a basic physical condition is very ok and all can have it .

The woodworking techniques , need some Basic strength , too .

After the strength you should have to search your “precious” wood , the woodworking techniques need some kind of strength too .

You should be able to cut some wood branches by your own , because you won’t be able to use the hand and power tools always .

The woodworking power tools may give you easiness to cut your wood , but in some wood plans , you’ll need accuracy and the control of your hands .

Even the best wood saw of any dimension outhere , cannot reach the “nano-control” of your own hands .

The human body is the best “machine” you know . So to apply some wood techniques , physical strength is needed . Not big , but it’s needed .

Your precise wood cuts need your hands and your 100% focused eyesight . The Japanese hand saws which we use for accurate cuts , need your fully attention and ability .

If you can Rub and Sanding wooden surfaces , you can act carpentry .

The wood rubbing -sanding , to smoothen the surfaces needs body and arms strength , even if we have several kinds of power woodworking tools( orbital sanders ,et.c) and sandpapers to help us .

Try to rub a vintage wooden chair ( as the ones the Kings & Queens had the old times ) , with the “millions” of design carvings and you’ll understand what i say .

Your arms from the intense and with 100% focused rubbing , will be above their limits for many hours and to get back in their normal condition , several days will pass . But i don’t want to “scare” you , no way .

Ok the wood rubbing-sanding is tough sometimes , but your arms and body will get use to it and become more and more strong and the best part of it ?

After the end of rubbing , the time you’re about to wipe the wooden dust and paint your “masterpiece” with finishing oil , the gates of Heaven are opening for you .

Woodworking tiredness , is happiness.

The inner satisfaction , the happiness , the pleasure , are beyond words . Yes , you smile so widely when the rubbing process is over and the tiredness is forgotten in a glimpse .

You get sweat , kind of tired and your “newbie” arms are hurting a little , but after that the “magic” begins . You have finished your wood plan , you are about to oil it and then admire it for the rest of your life .

2) The Mental needs of the woodworking activity .

In here , the mental needs for woodworking , is another situation . I think the mental and psychological needs , are kind of bigger than the physical ones .

Why ?

Because your body should be able to carry a wooden piece – log , walk many miles to find it , but your mind and your focus are the ones which must control with a 1000% safety the woodworking tools , in order to make your wood projects .

This is very serious and needs your extreme attention . The woodworking machinery is sharp and it can cut wood with easiness and the use of it needs 100% seriousness .

The Woodworker is a 100% focused in Safety , person .

Except the safety measures every woodworker MUST keep , the safety “laws”, don’t stop to these safety measures . The use of your tools can scale to a very dangerous activity , if you aren’t 100% good mentaly and have clear mind .

The hand saws ( power or not ) , the hammers , the pins and screws , the drills , the extreme sharp axes , the “countless” different cutters , the electrical ribbon need your 100% of your caution .

The chainsaws should be in the best services “shape” ( always trust the official service manuals and orders ) .

Your woodworking tools and equipment must be in the best condition. Yes i know that sometimes , money aren’t enough , but never “make discounts” to your safety and the safety of others .

In the best possible condition , your psychology and brain , must be too .

You need clear mind to pass a difficult river , stepping on unstable rocks and material , but you need the best of your focus when you cut wood .

You need the best from your body and brain when you go down a hard mountain slope , but you need colossal attention when you cut with your chainsaw .

There is no “having Fun moments” , when you use your woodworking tools .

No mistakes are “allowed” when you chop wood logs with your axes , and the same when you use your electrical drills , ribbons , rubbing machines , et.c .

No “having fun” moments are “allowed” when your hands are near the electrical ribbon , when you peg a nail , when you sculpture with a sharp chisel a wooden surface .

In my previous article about the “magicians” wood carving “guys” and “girls” , i showed you some of their astonishing creations . These wooden masterpiece sculptures are made with electrical chainsaws .

Can you imagine a chainsaw of that size , “escape” from the hands of the wood carver ?

I don’t want even to imagine the consequences .

That’s why i say that maybe the mental tiredness is bigger than the body condition . When you are creating a wooden project which requires many hours of working with it , your brain gets tired .

It’s very normal and it happens to all the activities , in which major attention is needed and for long time periods . So don’t hesitate to make long brake times and rest a little .

Drink some coffee or whatever else you like sips , go outside ,take some deep breaths to give your brain fresh oxygen and relax your focus a little .

Make as many woodworking brake times , you need to clear your brain .

These mind brake times are very important . They give you freshness from the many woodworking hours inside a warehouse . In my opinion the mental needs , are more demanding than the physical ones .

Yes the mental needs are more than the body ones , but they are also so sweet . The times after those focus demanding hours , are the one who makes us the woodworkers so happy .

You know , always after a difficult “battle” , winning is so sweet .

And for you , winning will be the accomplishment of your beloving woodworking project . You’ll be tired , “drowned” in sweat , your brain will be exhausted too , but your “wooden soul” will be so happy .

So don’t let some hardships the woodworking life has , to “block” you from these happiness . Yes , you’ll need to be a little in body shape and in your mind too , but the benefits are way to big .

An old Greek motto says , that the “bread which you get with big difficulties , is way more sweeter than the “easy” bread ” .

In our case the wood creation you made by your own “blood , sweat and tears” is the one who counts the most and provides you the one you want : Your soul’s “massage” , happiness and a “mystical” satisfaction which keep your “batteries charged” for long time .

Keep woodworking and gain happiness from it .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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