In woodworking the use of power tools is necessary , even if you can do many jobs with hand tools and for sure the drill press is a necessary power tool , in order to drill holes in wood .
The drill press is an electricity powered motor machine , which spins internal belts that rotate a spingle that hold a chuck with three jaws that catches several drill bits and moves up and down , in order to create or enlarge precise holes – mortises , in a steady clamped piece of wood .
Check my Top drill press suggestions , in HERE .
What are the two Basic Types of Drill Presses ?
The two basic types of the drill presses concerning their portabilty , are the floor – stable drill presses and the benchtop ones .
What is the difference between a Bench Drill and a Drill Press ?
The bench drill is way more portable than a stable drill press . It’s also way more smaller sized and of course it has limitations concerning , the size of wood you can drill , the size of the used drill bits , the motor power , the electricity needs and how heavy-duty a bench drill can be .
What can i make with a Drill Press ?
Using a drill press you can create a hole in wood , you can enlarge a hole in wood , you can finish a hole in wood , you can make mortises in wood , you can remove the unwanted wood for your big sized mortise and then finish – squaring the joint with your chisels .
Why use a Drill Press , instead of a Drill ?
Using a drill press you have some very significant advantages , that you don’t have with your hand holded drill .
1) The drill press creates perfectly precise holes in the wood .
2) The drill press moves totally vertical and create totally vertical holes .
Of course the radial drill presses make angled holes , but extremely accurate in the angle we like , in all the wood’s thickness !!!!!
3) The drill press creates totally vertical holes in the entire thicknesss of the wood .
4) Using a drill press , you can create the exact same holes .
5) The drill press , gives you micrometric accuracy and drilling control for all the depth of the hole .
This is very important when you remove the waste wood from your mortise and it’s very helpful in the hard types of wood , or a wood that is difficult – sensitive to work with .
What is the biggest advantage of using a Drill Press ?
The biggest advantage of the drill press is for sure the extreme precision , you can drill holes , but it’s not the only one . The drill presses are way more powerful than the traditional drills and this is very important for the hardwood . It’s also more heavy-duty
The drill presses have a large variety of drill bit sizes and features .
What are the disadvantages of a Drill Press ?
1) The lack of portability , easiness . Even the benchtop drill presses don’t compare to the portabilty of a hand holded drill .
2) The weight and the size of course . The drill wins in here too .
3) The drill presses have limitations to the distances they can drill a piece of wood , exaclty in the middle . You see it in the stores drill presses called the “swing” .
4) You need enough space to have a drill press , even the benchtop ones .
5) You need to check the electricity features of a drill press machine , in order to work correctly and with safety .
6) The drill press has bigger maintenance needs of course , as a bigger and more complicated machine .
Remember my tool maintenance post and some “secrets” , in HERE .
What is the Drill Press “Swing” ?
It’s the feature that shows you , in how large diameter your wood should be , in order to drill a hole exactly in the middle .
How can you measure this distance ?
Measure the distance from the middle of your drill’s bit holding spot , to the front spot of the cylindrical “arm” – “leg” , that holds the floor standing drill press . This is a radius of an imaginary circle .
This distance multiplied by 2 is the “swing”( this is the diameter of the imaginary circle ) and it’s the maximum wood’s length you can put in your drill and be able to make a hole exactly in the middle .
What Size Drill Press , should i got ?
The stationary drill presses in the range of 18″ – 20″ will give you a “golden balance” of power , sturdiness , the ability ot use large bits and general drill a big variety of holes , for all the wood types .
The bench drill presses , will kind of restrict you to the range of 10″ – 12″ swing , which is kind of a small one , in order to make many drill jobs .
How much Horsepower , should a Drill Press have ?
The horse opower motor the variety of the drill presses are between the 1/2HP for the smaller , 8″ inches bench drill presses yp to the 3/4HP for the 12″ and the more powerful ones .
What type of Drill Speed is needed for Wood ?
The range of speed , for drilling correctly , accurate and with the maximum control for all the types of wood is between the 3.000RPM – 4.000RPM .
Is it better to drill Slow or Fast ?
It’s way better to drill slow than fast , in order to make correct , accurate and control perfectly the drill for all the hole – mortise , depth range and be more safer whilw driling in general .
Drilling slowly , you preserve your drill’s press lifetime and of course you don’t overheat your bits , damage them , making them dull , awry , “tiring” the bit’s metal and reducing its lifetime , et.c .
What is the biggest Hazard for a Drill Press ?
The biggest hazard when you use the power drill press are related to the safety area of course , the level of focus and total seriousness you must have , when you use a drill press .
1) You never put your hands or whatever else when the bit is spinning .
2) You never change , try to change , or try to tighten a loose bit , when the bit is spinning .
3) You never “play games” or have fun with friends et.c , when you use your drill press .
4) You never neglect the correct maintenance of your drill press .
5) You never take risks , touch , try to fix , try to wrap a worn wire .
6) You never try to move the entire press and change its place when you use it .
7) You always be very careful for pieces of “flying” wood that can hurt your eyes , while drilling .
Many people think that some power tools are more dangerous than others . I have my personal safety approach , concering your safety of the entire area of tools . This is i it , ( + some tips ) .
Is it Worth having a Drill Press ?
Yes , it is definetely worth having a good quality’s power drill press , because you’ll drill your holes , you’ll use it for your mortises and you’ll have precision and holistic control of the whole process , in the highest level .
Keep woodworking and have happiness in the highest level .