The linseed oil is the base , for many woodworking finishing methods , natural or not and it’s a huge column for the preservation – protection – sealing – preparing the wood or make the final coating , of any wood type , in every situation .
The linseed oil is a super useful oil , in any form you choose to use it , in any environment you live and act woodworking , for any type of wood ( luxury or not ) and for any type of finishing you want to combine it , upgrading any result .
I’m a big – huge fan of the linseed oil , mostly in its 100% pure form , but i use any version of it , extremeny often . I love linseed oil , but i suppose you should already know this from the countless times , i refer to it .

The 100% biological , pure and raw linseed oil is the liquid , extracted from the seeds of the linseed plant , using only cold elision methods with hot water as spacer between the seed and the oil , without the use of chemical elements , solvents , et.c , having a characteristic light golden – yellow color , a characteristic oily smell and rich in several fatty acids , glycerol and esters .

Some of the most viral and classical linseed oil products to buy , in HERE .
What are the Types of linseed oil ?

There are two types of the linseed oil you may find it in the markets , the pure linseed oil and the boiled ( double or not ) one .
Be careful in here , the boiled linssed oil isn’t literally boiled , but it’s enriched with several types of solvents and other chemical elements , in oder to dry faster than the long times of the 100% pure linsed oil .

What is Another name of linseed oil ?
You may find the linseed oil with these names generally and in the markets : flaxseed oil , flax oil , bleached oil , boiled linseed oil , double linseed oil , purified linseed oil , raw linseed oil .
Why is linseed oil so Good , for wood ?

The linseed oil ( raw or not ), protects the wood’s fibers , moisturizing the entire wood excellent , the raw isn’t toxic and it’s eco friendly .
It fills the wood’s fibers , it seals , the wood’s fibers , it’s an excellent primer – precoat for wood , it makes stronger the entire wood , but flexible at the same time with zero shrinking and it gives an amazing color – shade to wood .

You can use as a deep filler – sealer – primer , but you can also make it a top and 100% natural varnish , if you boil it – heat it , without adding anything else inside it .
It can be used as it is , mixed with several types of oils( teak oil , et.c ) with excellent fungi – bugs , protecting results and with every oil based finishing you can imagine .

The painters use linseed for their oil based paints and it’s a top class thinner , as a top class wood restorer – hydrate factor , from the tough weather conditions .
The final finishing astonishing beautiness result , mostly the raw but the boiled also , the linseed oil can give to any type of wood , no material on earth can reach !!!!!!

Yes , you may have a wide variety of other natural oils and other types of modern finishes , but the looks and beautiness the linseed oil provides to wood cannot be beaten from nothing . Period .
All the elite gun – rifle manufaturers , they use the pure linseed oil for the final finishing to their rifle handles , in order to have this astonishing color and shade .

They may use a variety of other finishes , as fillers – sealers , et.c , but for their final tough , the linseed oil is the best of the best .
What is so Special , about the linseed oil ?

Except the many protecting – filling – sealing , et.c features , the linseed oil provides to any kind of wood , the color and looks it gives to the wood , no other element on earth can provide .
Another extreme significance special feature of the linseed oil , is that when it dries it doesn’t shrink , or it may shrink only a tiny little .

It solidizes wood , but in a flexible strong way without affecting its shape . Yes , this is amazing .
This is very crucial , because the linseed oil film , doesn’t affect the another finishing coating you want to apply to your wood , providing a perfect uniformity to the entire wood project .
If you want to laquer a quitar , a piano or a very elite wood furniture and you want the best possible uniformity , linseed oil is a very fine pre-coating solution .
What is Best , than linseed oil ?

1) In the area of the protection of wood from bugs – fungi , the teak oil is better and many other chemical modern finishings ( polyurethanes , several mixtures of oils and bug medicines , et.c ) , can do a better antifungal job .
The pure linseed oil is good for bugs , but there are better focused materials for this .

2) In the area of the UV protection and the general tough outdoor conditions( boating , et.c ) , there are many modern products and mixtures of natural and chemical products , that can do a better job .
Linseed oil isn’t bad for the outdoors ( especially combined with bees wax or a teak oil ) , but the modern stuff , are better .

You think that many or maybe all , of the heavy – duty oils for the outdoors ( decking oils , et.c ) , are containing linseed oil in their formula , by accident ?
No . The linseed oil is a super oil and can reach total perfection if you mix it with some other ingredients .
Check some of the best natural & chemical combinations for your wood protection , HERE .

There is no other material – finishing , natural or not , that can reach the beautifulness to a wooden project , the linseed oil provides . Period .
Yes , the laquers , the modern polyurethanes , the acrylics , et.c , the other types of wood oils can emphasize the wood’s grain , in a high level , but the beauty the linseed oil above wood , cannot be reached .

It provides “millions” of shades to the wood’s grain and as it becomes older and older , it continuous to make wood an amazing beautiness , element .
So in the area of beauty , nothing can beat linseed oil .
Does linseed oil , makes wood Waterproof ?

No , it doesn’t make wood totally waterproof , but it makes it water resistant enough and if you make many layers of linseed oil to your wooden surface , “building” a strong film of well dried film , you can make your surface waterproof in a respectable level .
If you mix linseed oil , solvent and a small piece of beeswax and you apply it to an outdoor seat , furniture , et.c , you’ll make it almost waterproof .

The solvent will tranfer the linseed oil and the beeswax , very deep into the wood’s pores , sealing it in a high grade .
Does linseed oil , Changes the color of wood ?

Yes , it does it a little and accordingly to your wood type the color shades and the grain’s appearence , are emphasized to the whole range of the earth’s colors and shades .
Your wood may become , blond – yellow – orange – light brown – dark brown , et.c and maybe all these mixed , together in a “magical” way .
Does Linseed oil , Harden wood ?

Yes , it make wood stronger , more solid , more hard , more durable to external forces and general conditions , but being flexible at the same time and without shape changes of its mass .
The linseed oil doesn’t shrink while drying .
Will linseed oil Darken , wood ?

Yes , it may darken your wood piece if your wood type is a darker generally one , or closer to the dark shades of the color range .
Does linseed oil , protect Untreated wood ?

Yes , it can protect untreated wood , as it does for any kind – type – shape of wood , no matter how tropical – “strange” , damaged dry it is , or general damaged it is .
Does linseed oil , make wood Shiny ?

Yes , it can make wood shiny if your wooden surface is very well smoothen – prepared and especially if you boil your linseed oil , tranform it into a top natural varnish , your final coating will be extremely shiny and uniform .
** Always boil your linseed oil outside and with maximum care , for the fumes or fire , even if this is rare to happen as you see below to the beekeeper video , who boils his hives .
It’s on Greek , sorry , but you’ll get the point .
Does linseed oil , Damage wood ?
No , it doesn’t damage the wood , on the contrary it “heals” the wood .
Does linseed oil Smell , go away ?

Yes , the 100% pure and natural linseed oil smell goes away , after the complete drying of it , which may be many weeks – months , while the smell of the boiled ones you get from the markets , goes sooner .
The solvents and the other chemicals of the markets boiled linseed oil , are smelling and i don’t recommend you to use it for your indoors , et.c .

The pure linseed oil you boil yourself , remains a natural element .
Is smell of linsed oil , Harmful ?

No , the smell of the 100% pure and totally natural linseed oil isn’t harmful , as all the smells of the naturals oils , the olive oil , et.c , we eat and use .
If the linseed oil , contains other ingredients inside as the ones we put to the boiled one , for faster drying , yes it can be harmful as all the chemicals to the human body .
Is linseed oil , safe to use Indoors ?

Yes , the 100% pure and totally natural linseed oil , is safe for your indoor woodworking projects and it’s highly recommended , because it’s safe for your skin and general health .
See some of the most safe natural finishing combinations , in HERE .
Can i use linseed oil , Outdoors ?

Yes , you can use it certainly and if you make some very nice natural oil – waxes mixtures , or even mixtures with several chemical factors( solvents – paint , et.c ) combinations , you can have a very durable coating for your outdoor wood .
See some very interesting chemical finishing combinations in HERE .
Is linseed oil , Explosive ?

No , it’s not explosive , but it can catch fire by spontaneous combustion while it’s drying , that’s why all the clothes and stuff you use to apply it , you leave them outside to completely dry and then you storage them .

What can i Mix , linseed oil to preserve wood ?

You can mix linseed oil with all the variety of the natural oils ( teak , olive oil , et.c ) , to take the benefits of each oil properties , along with pure beeswax or totally pure shellac , if you like totally natural results .

Also you can experiment and mix linseed oil with : oils , waxes , shellac and chemical factors ( paint , laquers , polyurethane , varnishes , stain , et.c ) , in order to get the exact result you need .

What do you Dilute linseed oil with ?

You can dilute linseed oil with other oils , with several types of solvents , several types of mineral spirits , turpentine .
Is linseed oil , Antifungal ?

The 100% pure linseed oil , makes the wood very resistant to wood bugs – fungi .
Does linseed oil , protect wood from Insects ?

The pure linseed oil makes wood resistant to termites and bugs – fungi in general .
Does linseed oil , stops Mould ?

Yes , the 100% pure linseed oil can stop the mould from spreading more to your wood and it prevents it in a high grade .
Will linseed oil , stops wood from Cracking ?

Yes , the linseed oil penetrates very deep inside the wood’s mass ( warm goes deeper ) and it makes the fibers stronger , more solid and durable , and the same time flexible to several types of power forces on them , from different directions .
Linseed oil makes wood stable – solid – strong – durable , but flexible and not stiff .

What are the Disadvantages of using linseed oil, on wood ?

1) The 100% pure and top quality linseed oil , it’s kind of more expensive than other wood finishing materials .

2) It’s doesn’t make 100% wood waterproof , as a polyurethane does . Polyurethane is literally , plastic and water cannot pass the plastic film .

3) The pure linseed oil needs , way more longer drying time than other elements . The 100% pure linseed oil , may need many months for complete drying in a place with no good air circulation and difficult weather conditions .

4) The tough weather conditions will need shorter re-applying time periods and for the outdoors this is a certainty .

5) It can catch fire while drying from spontaneous combustion , that’s why you need to be carefull and let your applying equipment to dry outside , before the storage .
This can happen if you boil yourself your linseed oil , as the beekeepers do , but things aren’t dramatical as you see in the below video from real life .

6) It’s not the best protector for bugs – fungi , even if it’s very capable . The teak oil and other products ae more capable .

7) It’s not the best protector for mould as the modern elements( polyurethane , et.c ) , even if it’s capable enough .
Can you use , Straight linseed oil on wood ?

Yes , you can apply linseed oi to your wood , even if you haven’t made any preparation on it .
Can you use linseed oil , on Old wood ?

Yes , certainly you can and it’s a first class restorer – “healer” – moisturize factor for old and not very well maintained wood .
Can you use linseed oil , on Plywood ?

Yes , surely you can and even if the pores of a plywood isn’t so wide open , you’ll give extra beauty to it , except the other linseed oil features .
How can you Restore furniture , with linseed oil ?

If your wood is extremely dry from sun and weather conditions( grey color ) , some applying layers with a top natural linseed oil , will do ” magic” to the wood’s fibers , moisturizing it perfectly .
You won’t believe the healing power , linseed oil has to a dry – stiff wood . It’ll make it “alive” and well , in a glimpse .

If your wood has several other problems , gaps , missing parts , mould , bugs and fungi , you’ll need more than a couple of linseed oil layers .
What is the Boiled , linseed oil and what its advantage ?

The boiled linseed oil is a pure linseed oil , we’ve taken and add in it , several types of solvents and other chemical elements , in order to make it dry way faster than the pure linseed oil .
The boiled linseed oil , we see in the markets isn’t a 100% pure linseed oil , after this treatment from the manufacturers .

If we take pure linseed oil and boil it ourselves , without adding anything else , except 100% pure beeswax maybe , we’ll still have a 100% pure element for our wood treatment .
ATTENTION : linseed oil can catch fire while we heat – boil it , because of its linseed acid & more it contains . This process requires the maximum of our attention .
The beekeepers boil their hives in linseed oil , for better oil penetration , but always in 100% attention and seriousness .
See the below video , sorry it’s Greek , but you’ll get the process .
What is Double linseed oil used for ?

We use the double boiled linseed oil we have boiled ourselves , exactly for the same techniques and ways , we use the pure – raw linseed oil , or the one time boiled linseed oil .
You should have in mind that the double boiling tranforms the linseed oil into a natural varnish , making it more thick like a varnish , giving amazing finishing coating to the wooden surface .
We can tranform our pure – raw linseed oil , into a very nice and durable 100% natural varnish , if we boil it , very well once or twice .
I’ve learned this , asking our National’s School of Wood Science in Greece , professor and he kindly share his knowledge , informed me that the pure linseed oil tranforms into a top natural varnish , if you boil it two times .
Usually it needs one time boiling , but twice is better .
I’ve done it myself , as i’ve showed you to this past video and mix it with wax .
How Long does it take for Double linseed oil to Dry ?

The double linseed oil , which the process of boiling tranforms it into a natural resin , wants less than a day for complete and totally drying , in normal weather conditions .
After a couple of hours , you may touch it , but for complete drying a couple of days are needed .
What is the difference , between Raw linseed oil and Boiled linseed oil ?

The totally raw linseed oil , is a totally natural and harmless oil , you can use to your wood , while the boiled linseed oil you see in the markets , it’s not literally boiled , but it contains several solvents and chemicals , in order to make it dry faster .

Of course you can boil your linseed oil , on your own and tranform it into a natural varnish , if you don’t add anything else in it .
But the one you see in the markets , isn’t a natural oil from the moment the manufacturers , have added several chems in it , for their quick drying purposes .
What is the difference , between Raw and Double boiled , linseed oil ?

The heat and the double – intense boiling , tranforms – polymerizes , the raw linseed acids of the linseed oil , into a natural resin having all the benefits and properties the resins have .
The double boiling – heat makes it thicker , extreme durable but flexible when it’ll dry and with amazing smooth applying uniformity .

It’s like you apply to your wooden surface a very strong layer of melted “chocolate” , or a thick “syrup” , concerning the texture of the element .
This is a very nice feature , the linseed oil has .
Is linseed oil , Always boiled ?
No , it’s not always boiled and you can find it i its pure 100% raw and biological form , without having any industrial treatment in it .
Why boil , linseed oil ?

Boiling the raw linseed oil on your own , you have the ability to transform it into a resin and have all the advantages of a very capable natural resin , without buying a resin .
You can have 2 products , buying only one . Have some pure – raw linseed oil , take a part of it , boil it and you’ll have a top natural resin , to make whatever natural combinations , you want .
If you want to see , more totally natural finishing combinations , go HERE .
What is the best way , to Apply linseed oil ?

You can apply it with everything you want and the exact result you want , requires . You may use , brushes , cloths , sponges , you may “drown” it into a linseed oil bath as the beekeepers , your fingers and whatever else .

The fingers are a top solution if you want top control the oil amount above the surface . The gun – rifle restorers and owners are using their fingers to apply “surgically” the oil to the places they want , to the handles .
Do you Apply linseed oil , with Brush or Cloth ?

You may apply linseed oil , with both of these materials accordingly to the result you want to give to your wood piece , having in mind that the cloth gives a more light layer of oil to the surface , comparing with the bigger amount the brush , can provide .

Do you Wipe Off , linseed oil ?

If you want you may wipe off , if you want to “drown” your wood piece into linseed oil and let it “suck” the more it can , you may let it above the surface .
Many repeated thin layers of linseed oil in order to dry fast , wipe off , the excess oil and do this process as many times you can , is a very popular “building” method .

The elite gun – rifle manufacturers and the elite cabinet makers who use linseed oil , do this “building” technique , with excellent results .
Is One coat of linseed oil enough ?

This depends from the condition of your wood project , the type of the wood and the next finishing steps you’ll do . If your next steps require only a thin coat of linseed oil , you should do one coat .

If you need to use linseed oil , as a primer or a filler in a very difficult – open pore wood type , you’ll need more than one coat .
Have a vision of what you want , adapt to the circumastances and proceed wisely .
How many coats of linseed oil ?

This depends from the exact finishing result you want and the design requires , the type of wood you have ( open pore or not ) , the next finishing element you’ll use , the drying time you want to spend for total drying and of course the generic looks – color shade , you want to give to your project .

Should you Sand , between coats of linseed oil ?

It’s not necessary if you don’t want to sand and maybe you want a specific color shade , or you don’t want your wood to be smooth and you maybe want a more matte condition .
You may sand at the beginning only , if you want to open the wider you can the wood’s pores and let the linseed oil to penetrate inside .

You may sand between the coating layers if you want to adapt the oil penetration to a specific way you desire , or to adjust the general smoothness of the surface .
You may want to sand extended between the oil coats , because you want to give the bigger uniformity , you can possible can , so the next layer will “sit” better .

The cases are”millions” and there is no “unbroken law” in here .
What happens , if you use Too Much linseed oil ?

You’ll need way more time for your wood to partly dry and to fully dry and if you use a pure linseed oil , you may need many months .
If you use a lot of linseed oil and this oil is a boiled one you’ve made yourself , this linseed oil has tranformed into a natural varnish and it’ll be kind of thicker above your surface .

This may cause uniformity issues and you may need to light sand it a little after the complete drying . Imagine that the natural boiled linseed oil , has a serious fattening and it’s thicker .
How Often , do you apply linseed oil to wood ?

This depends from the specific needs your wood projects requires , the wood type , the weather and general conditions , the shade – color you want to give to it and if you want to use it as a filler – sealer and in general for the inside needs of the wood , or as a top coat .
As final top coating you’ll need less mayers i suppose , than a “hungry” and “thirsty” wood , with open pores .
How do you Remove linseed oil from wood ?

You can remove – clean the linseed oil from a wood , with several types of solvents , with aceton , pure alcohol , turpentine , petroleum or gazoline and generally with everything that “brakes” the oil molecule bonds .
Be aware of the toxic elements and always take the safety measures .

How Long , does linseed oil takes to Work ?

After a couple of minutes , you can identify what the linseed oil treatment does to a “thirsty” dry wood and how it emphasizes its grain , making it so “alive” and healthy .
The more layers and the more time you give , the more work it does to so many areas on wood .
How Long does the linseed oil , need to Dry ?

The 100% pure an natural linseed oil , needs many days , more often weeks to fully dry and in many difficult case with tough weather , many months .
In general have in your mind that the pure linseed oil needs a very long time to fully dry .

The single – double boiled linseed oil from the markets , dries way faster , maybe a couple of hours are enough .
The boiled linssed oil , you boil yourself , dries serious faster than the pure version , even if it’s still a natural linseed oil , without any solvents in it .
See in HERE , how can you dry your wood totally natural , along with some “ancient” secrets .
Does linseed oil , dry Completely ?

Many say that the 100% pure linseed oil , never dries 100% completely and it keeps drying till the “end of days” , because of the linseed acids it contains . I think that they maybe right .
I have my wood desk treated with pure linseed oil for more than a decate and it’s still extremely slightly drying , every day .
The linseed oils with solvents and stuff inside them , they dry completely .
How can i Speed Up , the linseed oil drying ?

The good air circulation , helps the most for the quicker linseed oil drying .
The thin repeated layers – coating of linsed oil , in a place with good air circulation is a very nice suggestion , for quick drying .
Does Heat , make linseed oil dry faster ?

Yes , the heat helps the polymerization of the linseed oil acids and this makes the drying quicker .
How do you know , when linseed oil is dry ?

It’s not sticky in your touch and you can feel it as a matte feeling when you pass your hand over the wooden surface .
Of course the smell dissappears when the oil dries completely and the surface starts to have the benefits of the oil finishing , waterproof , shiny or matte , et.c .
Can i mix linseed oil with Vinegar ?

Yes , certainly you can and many use this technique to stop and protect infections form bugs and fungi to their wood .
Bugs and fungi don’t like the acid environment .
What is better , Danish oil or Linseed oil ?

There’re different oils for wood because danish oil is a mixture of a high quality tung oil and other natural oils , while the linseed oil stands on itself .
The danish oil may contain linseed oil in its ingredients to get the profit from its properties and generally the danish oil is more versatile oil , more capable to do several jobs than the linseed oil alone .

Danish oil combines many wood oils and their properties being more capable and effective than the a single oil , alone .
Can you use Olive oil , instead of linseed oil on wood ?

Yes , certainly you can and it’s a nice solution for your kitchen’s equipment ( cutting boards , et.c ) , of course the 100% pure and natural olive oil .
We use only 100% natural oils for our kitchen equipment and not mineral ones , as many say in youtube videos , et.c , from chefs and other people .

MIneral oils are coming from minerals and there aren’t pure natural oils from seed – plants or animals .
I clarify this so serious theme in the main oils post , read it in HERE .
The pet doctors suggest the dogs ot chew olive oil wood sticks , impregnated with pure olive oil , for the health of their teeth .
The 100% pure olive oil is totally harmless .
Is linseed oil , better than Varnish ?

The pure and natural linseed oil , cannot win a modern type of varnish , concerning the strength , durability to hits , water , weather , sea and performance in general .
The modern chemistry makes whatever produst you want , with the exact features you want , winning of course a total natural element which has limitations .
Of course the modern chemical varnishes , polyurethanes and other stuff , are their disadvantages and there aren’t , perfect .

Can you put linseed oil , Over paint ?
Yes , of course you can and if this paint is a oil paint one , you won’t have an issue , on the contrary you’ll make good to your wood , moisturizing it .

Do you paint , Before or After linseed oil ?
Usually the paint is the final coat finishing for a wooden project , but it’s not wrong or “forbitten” to use linseed oil above the paint .
Generally you can moisturize wood and apply linseed oil above from anything , but if this paint is an oil based one , even better .

The linseed oil isn’t the King of the wood treatment concerning the oils , by luck . It’s an amazing natural oil to use it alone , or to make countless combinations with it , with every element you can imagine .
It’s my favorite one and i still remember my grandfather applying to his farmer house external windows , a couple of pure linseed oil layers and nothing more , twice a decate .
The house is in southern Peloponnese with 8 months in 30 – 40 celcius temperature and the windows are still in a best shape .
Keep woodworking and be happy , no matter what’s going on in your life .