The T – handle auger is a very well known woodworking hand tool , from the old times and it gives serious help when you ac with green wood , but not only then .
It may seems a little difficult to use and gain its benefits , but it isn’t as it seems and every carpenter can use it , amateur or not , strong or less strong .
The woodworking T – handle auger is a versatile spiral shaped drill hand tool , that constists of a wooden and strong enough handle , that rotates the spiral drill manually using the human’s two handed , torgue force .
How the T – handle Auger , works ?
The created torgue from the woodworker’s screwing movement to the handle , rotates the spiral drill , forcing it to bore – enlarge – shape a hole to the wooden surface totally controlled and precise , driven by the lead – screw , located at the drill’s beginning .
Is a T – handle Auger , a Drill ?
Yes , the T – handle auger is a manual drill , which uses the rotary force and torgue of the carpenter , to drill holes in any type of wood , with accuracy and easiness .
In the place of the brace we have the T handle shape , in order to rotate and make the drill we like , using the appropriate drill bit .
How many Types of Augers are there ?
There are two types of augers . The manually rotary ones – hand moved auger and the machine moved one .
Is an auger , Easy to use ?
Yes , it’s an easy to use and control hand tool , even if it seems that you need extra physical power , or expertise knowlede .
Everyone can use an T – handle auger , regardless his/hers physical power , because the drilling force is created by the torgue you put on the handle , rotating it .
The longer is the handle , the easier you can rotate the entire auger . It’s just physics .
Many think that woodworking is tough . I don’t . This is why .
Can One person , operate a T – handle Auger ?
Yes it certainly can , no matter how hard is the wooden surface you want to drill and by adjusting the length of the handle , you can adjust the power you put for rotation .
The longer the handle , the easier the rotation and the drilling and vice versa .
Are All drill Bits , the Same ?
No , there aren’t the same and we have several types of sizes for them , with the most common , be the 1″ around , drill bit .
What should i look out , when i buy a used T – handle Auger ?
There are many places to buy , T – handle augers and you’ll find some very old and rusty ones , abandoned to a corner and some in a decent condition .
You can deal with the rust , by furbish and clean the auger . You can deal with a broken wood handle , by replacing it with a new one and in your measures .
You can deal with a damages spiral , by sharpen it and be very cautious not to change its drilling diameter and you can do that by sharpen the inside of it .
If your used T – handle auger has a badly damaged lead – screw ( flat – very dull ), which is very tough to re-make , this is a serious theme and maybe you should avoid this purchase .
Keep woodworking and always gain happiness .