What is the Table Saw and is it a Super Basic tool ?

For many woodworkers , the table saw is the best and the most important carpentry tool in the woodworking cutting area and the number one tool you should buy first , for your power tools “armory” .

For sure the table saw , is a column importance tool concerning its necessity and a major helper to a woodworker , in the area of his power tool equipment .

The table saw is a circular cutting blade , which emerges in several adjustable heights from a flat table – surface’s slot and cuts wood , in all dimensions ( widths , height , lengths ) assisted from a “fence” , helping us squaring it , or just cut it in the side we want .

See my top table saw suggestions and some accessories for you , in HERE .

Do you need a Table Saw for Woodworking ?

Yes , you should definetely need to have a table saw , because it’s a basic power tool for your woodworking machinery , together with your bandsaw , your miter saws and circular saws . The table saw is a very important power tool , we use to generally cut and square wood ( boards , cubits , et.c ) .

After your power jointer , to flatten your edges and face of your boards and the thickness planer for total equal thickness , your table saw is the last power tool to square boards .

What are the different Types of Table Saws ?

1) The Construction’s Fully Portable table saw .

This type of table saw is the saw you see inside the constructions of any kind and its major advantage is , its full portability from one place to another , with easiness and without the need to be super strong .

It’s the table saw you see in a block of flats maybe or whatever else and the workers move it , from one place to another , by using the wheel base it has , like a trolley .

You may also see folding legs to adjust it to the height it’s comfort for you , to work with . It’s a jobsite table saw and it’s the smallest of the other 2 kinds of table saw .

It’s very comfortable to work with and take it with you in several places . Of course it doesn’t have the motor power or the heavy-duty cutting abilities of the bigger ones .

Motor Power :

It is the weaker of the table saws with less than 2Hp , or maybe less than 1Hp and it also doesn’t require a 3 phase electricity circuit .

2) The Construction’s Bigger and less Portable , Table saw .

This talbe saw isn’t a fully stable and heavy one , but it’s for sure less portable than the jobsite above and it’s usually doesn’t have wheels , but stable legs folding or not .

It has more motor power than the jobsite portable saw and it’s a very nice medium range solution , for the woodworkers who aren’t 100% professionals and want something between the weaker and the stronger one .

Motor Power :

This type of saw have motor power to the 2Hp area and they don’t require a 3 phase electricity circuit to your place .

It’s a very “decent” solution and they can cut hardwood and thick boards , if you’re careful enough and let it “rest” a little .

3) The Cabinet & Stronger Table Saw .

This is the strongest and the most professional version of the table saw , you can get . Of course it isn’t portable as the other two ones and it has the most powerful motor of all .

You can move it if you like , but with “serious” help . You can cut whatever thickness and hardness wood you want and whatever wood type you like , even the hardest types .

Remember how many wood types we have and why in HERE .

Motor Power :

The power of these kinds of table saws is between 2Hp( horse power) to 8Hp .

If you like to have the best possible table saw power , or you’re 100% pro , you’ll need to have a 3 phase electricity circuit , in your workshop .

*** Of course for all the table saws and their needs for electricity , you should consider the continent you live and work , because in some places ( as Greece my country ) the 220V are standard .

In other places there aren’t .

I suppose all saw brands are considering the specif features of the countries-continents , they’re about to sell their products(and adapt) , but for any case you should check the Volts and Amber requirements for the place you live .

What is the ideal Power Range for a Table Saw ?

The ideal power range and ability of your power saw is totally related , to the woodworking cutting jobs , you do mostly .

If you’re a totally professional carpenter and you cut mostly hardwood , you’ll need of course the most powerful table saw . In here you won’t only the best possible cutting power , but also saw resistance to saw “fatique” in several and constant hard cuts .

If you aren’t a totally professional woodworker and you do al the kinds of cuts , even hardwood sometimes , a medium power saw with 3HP-4Hp , will be just fine .

What you should NOT cut , on a Table Saw ?

You should never cut , or experiment to cut(many times from rush) in a woodworking table saw , other materials than wood and show disrespect to your table’s saw manufacturers specifications .

No metal , metal alloys of any kind , plastic , steel , carbon and whatever else cuttings in your table saw , is allowed . Always read the manufacturers feature book and the most important : Respect this book !!!!!

** And of course never push your table saw power , cuttings , resistance to high heat while cutting , et.c , in its limits .

What is the most Important Rule , when you working with a Table Saw ?

The most important rule when you work – cut with your table saw is : NEVER DISRESPECT SAFETY MEASURES .

Never disrespect your safety measures , for any reason , no matter what . Thousands of cut fingers , hands , et.c , have been cut from lack of attention – focus while cutting and general disrespect to safety measures .

I’ve written a post with the best SAFETY mentality a woodworker should have in my opinion , concerning the dangers in woodworking , the use of the wood tools , et.c . Remember it , HERE .

Big safety “Secret” , while Cutting .

I have a big “secret” for you while you’re cutting wood in your table saw . This “secret” hides big wisdom inside and i’ve been told this , by “old school” carpenters .

By guys they didn’t have much of safety featured table saws , in the past .

Here it is :

When you want to cut hardwood , or in general “tough” wood in your table saw , you use more power to push your wood to the table’s saw fence and floor , in order not to miss your marking line .

This physical force you use is directed subconsciously towards to the cutting blade also . If something goes wrong ( even if you use a push stick ) , you’ll hit the blade with your hand directly , from acquireable speed .

All this will happen in milliseconds , with zero posibilites for reaction – avoidance from you . The results will be very bad of course .

What can you do to reduce this , if something goes wrong ?

Force and train yourself to push the wood piece more diagonal , than directly to the saw’s fence and blade .

In this way , if something goes bad , you’ll hit sideways the blade and not directly , minimizing the damage for your flesh .

What Safety features – equipment , a Table Saw is Important to have ?

1) A Blade Guard .

This is a must have feature , most of todays table saws have and it’s usually a good quality’s plastic guard , which protects you while cutting wood . Remember this is NOT a total protection . Your 110% focus and seriousness , is .

2) A Splitter .

This piece of metal which is attached to the saw’s blade and they are behind the blade . They prevent the kickback of the blade , while cutting . It’s removable when you cross cutting .

3) Anti Kickback Hooks .

There’re attached to the blade and they keep – hold the wood down when you cut large pieces of boards and the cut wood goes uphill to you .

4) Turn Off the Power Switch .

This is a large switch , you can hit with your leg very immediately , if something goes dangerously wrong .

5) Flesh – Detecting Table Saw Brake .

Back in time , just before the 2000 entering , Dr. Steve Gass invented the technology of the instant stop( within 5 milliseconds!!! ) of the table’s saw blade , if flesh – finger is detected .

Not all companies have this AMAZING technology . The Sawstop company has it .

6) The several Types of Push Sticks .

The push sticks are the cutting helpers i highly recommend you to use , in order to avoid your hands – fingers come close to the cutting saw blade .

There are many types of them and even if they seem maybe “naive” from a more experienced woodworker , but there not . I don’t like to put myself in danger for any reason .

Keep woodworking , gain happiness but never neglect safety .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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