What is the woodworking Shaving Horse ?

In the green woodworking area , the shaving horse auxiliary tool – bench is a very helpful assistant of the carpenter , even if you have a nice and complete workbench to work with .

If you have already a well made workbench , this doesn’t mean that a shaving horse isn’t a necessary auxiliary tool , which can give more shaping wood , options , fast and easy .

Here are some of my favorite workbench suggestions for you .

The shaving horse assistant tool , is a primary tool , way before the coming evolution of the power tools which completed the woodworking tools “planet” .

This is the reason why you don’t buy a shaving horse and you create it , to your measures . The process is very emotional and woodworking deep .

There are many types of shaving horse and every conuntry – continent has its own shaving horse “culture” and approach . The German type , the Swiss type , et.c .

I deeply believe in simplicity and the most simple and classic shaving horse approach is the below :

The shaving horse is an auxuliary wood tool , that consists of a lengthy 4 leg bench , having in the opposite side of your seat – area , a shorter attached board above , been able to clamp-move as a “jaw” facing you , operated by a “ladder”- type moving frame , having the last stair as your footpeg and the first stair , clamping steady your woodpiece , when you press the footpeg .

What is a shaving horse , Used for ?

We use the shaving horse to totally stabilize along its length , a wooden piece of all kinds ( mostly round pieces ) , in order to roughly shape this piece with our cutting – shaping – slicing , woodworking tools , as chisels , planes , drawknives , scraper cards , rasps , files , et.c .

The shaving horse gives the ability to use your physical feet power totally controlled , through the footpeg and keep steady a wood piece , while we’re shaping it in all the variety of ways , we like .

What does a shaving horse , do ?

You use the shaving horse to shape – slice a flat dimensioned or not wooden piece and adjust it to your preferences by creating a bevel edge , reduce its round or flat thickness , trimming roundness to be perfect circlular , transform flatness to roundness , round an edge – a corner or even flatness into a pointy edge , et.c .

What can you make , on a shaving horse ?

You can create wooden sticks of any thicknesses for your walks , your sports ( cricket sticks) or your hand tool handles , wooden spokes for carts , et.c , small or big bowls(outside shaping) , spoons and other kitchen equipment , chair and other wooden furniture legs , wooden dowels for your joinery , et.c .

Do you know the best selling wood crafts that will sell eternally ? Here they are .

How do you Use , a shaving horse ?

You seat confortable in the edge of the shaving horse , you place your wooden piece between the first “ladder” frame stair and the shorter board which moves as a “jaw” , then you put your feet to the last stair and by pushing away , you stabilize the woodpiece .

You’re ready to start shaping – slicing your wooden piece with your drawknife , et. c .

You Pull or you Push , on a Shaving Horse ?

The shaving horse is made to pull your shaping hand tool from far away towards to your body , in order to slice and shape your woodpiece , but if for some reason you need to push for shaping , you can do it , there is no limitation .

Are there any “Secrets”, for my sitting Position to a shaving horse ?

1) According to your body measures , your knees should be around the 90o and not very bent , when you seat in a shaving horse . Not soo high , not too low .

2) Your sitting place opposite your wooden piece , should be in a distance that when your arms are moving back and forth , won’t be fully stretched at either end of the movement .

3) The entire shaping movement should be very relaxed , controlled , having a flow and not tiring your body powers .

If you’re shaping wood in a shaving horse and you’re getting tired very quickly , you’re doing something wrong . You’re sitting wrong .

The woodworking should not be “tough” for your body and here is WHY .

4) You elbows , should not pass your body , when you’re pulling the drawknife towards to your body , at the end of the pulling .

5) If you want to shape a very sort area of your wood piece , then you can seat closer to it , let your elbows pass your body line when you’re pulling and have your feet almost totally spread .

How Long , should a shaving horse , be ?

Usually the shaving horses are around the 1.5m(5 ft) long , around the 30cm – 40cm of width and having enough thickness to withstand your body weight , but this isn’t something stable and depends of your body measurements and woodworking needs .

I suggest you to make your own shaving horse , create a “bond” with it and always gain the most of the woodworking happiness .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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