What is a typical Day of a carpenter ?

Many of you may have questions , concerning the “things” a carpenter does during his day , no matter if you want to be a carpenter , or not .

I should tell you that we’re talking about a professional carpenter mostly , because the person who has the woodworking activity as a hobby , doesn’t have a typical routine .

Carpentry is his hobby to relax his brain , so he can do whatever wants to do , when he wants to do it .

On the contrary , a professional carpenter should / must have a routine , in his job , because from this job he’s making his living and gains money .

A professional carpenter should have some “laws” he should “obey” , if he wants to be a good carpenter and his clients saying the best for him .

So the first and unbreakable”law” a carpente should have is to be always honest in front of his clients and never try to cheat them in any way .

Integrity , honesty , seriousness , professionalism , are some of the virtues a carpenter should have , if he wants to stay in the profession for many , many years .

The exact and specific obligations a carpenter has in a Typical day :

The day of a carpenter starts very early in the morning ( which means a good night sleep is needed ) and his woodworking “brain” is beginning to work from the first moments he awakes .

For sure a good professional always has in his mind the jobs he should do during the day , planned from the previous afternoon .

So after his early cup of coffee i suppose and a nice kiss to his Lady ( or Man ) , he checks his notebook to reassure the “things” he should do during the day , in order to organize them in his brain .

These organizational thoughts keeps him company during his driving to his carpentry shop .

If a carpenter has some appointments with clients , or he has some inspection jobs to do , or he has some meetings with construction mechanics , it’s better to have them before he goes to his carpentry shop .

It’s better to finish with the talking and your meetings in the morning , when your mind is “fresh” and clear and then go to your carpentry shop to do your woodworking jobs and whatever else .

When the carpenter finish with his meetings and stuff , he should go to his carpentry shop to continue with his woodworking projects , having in front of him “clean” time , without any interruptions .

Reaching his carpentry shop , the first thing he should do , is to go to the wood’s drying area to inspect the drying process and this is something he must never neglect .

If he wants to make second cup of coffee for the rest of his day , he can have it . Then it’s time for carpentry action and his woodworking plans are waiting him , to finish them and make them perfect for his clients delivering .

If the carpenter is all alone and doesn’t have any woodworking helpers / employees , he’s making all the jobs alone .

If he has employees , he has help of course but he should always guide his employees , to do what he wants to , in order the jobs and time will be well organized .

You know , to guide humans and being a leader isn’t an easy job , but if you want to be efficient and a good professional ( in any area ) , you should have and train leadership virtues .

So the rest of the day’s time is passing by creating , moving on and finishing your woodworking projects , you should accomplish .

During these hours , it may need to buy some materials for your jobs , you don’t have in your shop .

Make these supplies , trying not to waste much time and the most important : your attention and focus to the jobs you’re doing . Usually a carpenter is spending most of his time , inside of his carpentry shop , creating wood plans for his clients .

At the end of his carpentry day , as a good professional , you must see if you have any deficiencies of any of your materials you use and supplies .

If you need to buy something , now it’s the time to buy it , or order it , so the next morning ( very early ) , to have it in your shop steps . If it’s something easy you can supply it , yourself , go and buy it on the way to your home .

What is a typical day of a carpenter : Summary .

1) Early wake up in the morning .

2) Wise organization of the jobs you should do during the day .

3) Early finishing with your day’s meetings with your clients , et.c ,

4) Many hours working to your carpentry shop ( directing wisely your employees , if you have . )

5) Checking for deficiencies at the end of your day and immediate supply of them .

6) When you finish with all the above you can home home for rest .

*** Always checking the correct drying process of your wood .

How many Hours a Day , does a carpenter work ?

A serious professional businessman(woman) brain , never relaxes totally during the hours he’s not sleeping . He always tries to find ways to improve himself and his business .

He thoughts his business all day long , even in his vacations .

The serious professional carpenter is a businessman(woman) too . The minimum of the hours he should practically work in his carpentry shop , are usually 8 to 10 , but these hours can change according to the carpentry needs and obligations he has .

Some days he’ll maybe work “lighter” ( but always 8 hours at least ) , but some other days he may work 15 hours .

If the jobs he has to do , require 15 – 16 hours per day , to accomplish a woodworking “mission” for his clients , he must do it and work 15 – 16 hours .

The hours a carpenter needs to work every day , are attached to the dates and the carpentry jobs he has in front of him .

Some time periods you work “lighter” , some time periods you work as many hours it needed to finish your jobs , but never below the 8 hours per day .

Why never below the 8 hours ?

Because you need to plan the future of your business . You need to check the wood you have for drying . You need to get out in the markets to search for new clients .

You need to be active in your social media accounts , you should have . You need to make some videos maybe to promote your carpentry proffession .

You need to search for supplies in good prices . You need to do the maintenance of your woodworking tools and as you can imagine , the 8 hours of your presence is the minimum .

How much Money , do carpenters make per year ?

The carpentry is a very fine artistic job and no matter what , if you are a good professional , the money is good .

The 50.000 euros / dollars per year is an ammount of money , a good and experienced carpenter can make out .

Beyond that , the money you can make are attached closely to your talent you have as an artist carpenter and what woodworking creations you do .

There are very talented carpenters outhere , who can make masterpieces and wood sculptures which are extremely beautiful , diffcult and unique .

These creations can bring you , lots of money indeed . So don’t have any hesitations if you are willing to become a professional carpenter and you love it really . You’ll become good for sure and the money will follow .

Keep woodworking and be happy at the same time of course .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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