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A way to dry raw wood without cracks , is something all woodworkers should have in mind and it's not a very hard process to do all alone . You can dry your raw wood you've cut , doing some small...
When you cut Unknown Raw wood , there is a danger Inside its mass .
So , you are ready to begin your cuts in the wood piece you've collected out in the forest , or you bought it from a carpenter shop , or whatever . I prefere to find wood from a forest , which is...
There are million trees in our astonishing planet outhere and of course there are many types of wood , with different properties , different looks , different use , different beauty ( all kinds of...
There is a way to straighten your dent "injured" wooden surface you want to and you don't know how to do it . This so precious "secret" , comes from very old knowledge and i didn't know it...
During the process of drying and keeping inside your home , the wood you have found in the wild forests , there is something you should know , so you can avoid "surprises" . See this little...
So the time has come and you are so anxious to make your first wood box , your first wood small table for your afternoon coffee or whatever your "thirsty" wooden soul desires . And you love the...