No matter if you are an experienced woodworker or you want just to begin and you think that maybe carpentry is tough to do , the basic hand-tools is something you should know , very well .
You can have woodworking tools that are very top quality and expensive , but it isn’t a bad thing to have some lower priced ones , in order to carry them inside your toolbox and don’t be very afraid to “treat” them , more hard than usual .

Woodworking isn’t complex , but it “needs” some basic knowledge and tools of course .

The 2 basic knowledge “columns” of our hobby , are the wood and the woodworking tools . The wood is the one and only basic material we use to make our carpentry projects .
Without them there is nothing we can do , we can only dream to be carpenters .

The use of your woodworking tools , “requires” your full Focus and Attention .

I’ve seen and heard many woodworking accidents , caused by this “having fun” attitude and of course it wasn’t good experiences .
You should have in your mind that cheap or not , all the woodworking machinery you’ll have in your life , require the same safety seriousness from you .
I’ve written a complete article for the dangers in the carpentry activity , remember it in HERE .
The 10 hand tools you can buy with less than 100$ are these :
1) A hand saw ( 10$) .

** see some top panel saws suggestions & more hand saws for buying in HERE .
2) A metalic hammer ( 5$) .

3) A mallet ( 7$ ) .

4) A folding meter ( 3$ ) .

5) A tape type meter ( 7$) .

6) A carpenter pencil + sharpener ( 5$ ) .

** See some top pencil & lead holders to supply in HERE .
7) Three clamps set ( 5$ ) .

8) A cheap chisel set ( 30$ ) .

9) A basic calliper ( 7$ ) .

** My best caliper suggestions for you in HERE .
10) A marking Knife ( 8$ ) .

** My top prefered suggestions for striking – marking knives in HERE .
The above are making a total of 89$ and you can also take some pins and screws and a small bag with dowels maybe .
Of course a screwdriver and a wood glue aren’t expensive and they are very helpful to a carpenter , concerning the stability of his joints and other connection methods .

If you also like you can rise a money level up and purchase a little better quality of the above list’s tools , in order to reach the 100$ money limit .
As you see the carpentry activity isn’t necessary an expensive hobby as you can read in HERE , especially if you’re kind of a more hobbyist person and not a strict professional .
This doesn’t mean of course that you cannot create very nice and strong wood plans to enjoy for many years .

These cheap woodworking tools need Maintenance , as the more expensive ones ?

Yes , for sure they need your care and some basic maintenance actions from you , in order to be the best operationally possible , untill you buy better ones .
I can understand that you don’t get much of inspiration by having some cheap carpentry tools , but remember that the woodworking “planet” , is an emotional “planet” .
Many carpenters have their first cheap wood tools and toolbox with them , all their lives because they have deep memories with them .

Can i Work Expensive wood , with Cheap Woodworking tools ?

Yes , for sure you can but you should be aware that the best results need the best possible equipment and this is valid in all areas . Valentino Rossi needs the best bike in order to win , Elon Musk needs the best possible computers and technology to do his “magic” , et.c .
You can create very nice woodworking plans with kind of cheap tools , but your attention to detail should be higher in order to overcome the cheap tools abilities .

Are there any Advantages , working with Cheap 100($) , tools ?

Yes , there are . You can , “abuse” them , force and push them above their limits , you can neglect a little(!) their maintenance , maybe you can break them and damage them big , without worrying much because the’re cheap and you haven’t spend much for their purchase .
You can make experiments and try new techniques with them with more “freedom” than expensive ones .
If you like to remember a complete list with the carpenter’s tools , see it in HERE .
As you see , you don’t need a fortune to begin woodworking and you can start with a few money . At least at your beginning , because as your demands and abilities will grow , your tool needs will grow .
Keep Woodworking and gain happpiness .