They say i’m a master carpenter and everybody in the carpenter profession respects me , very much . They say i’m a master carpenter and when people have problems or “issues” with their wooden furniture , or anything which is from wood , they’re coming to me for my opinion .
They say that i’m a master carpenter and when people , relatives or my friends want to buy something from wood for their homes , they come to me and they listen to my opinion , as if i’m a big “guru” of the woodworking area .

They say i’m a master carpenter and when someone who has bought a house , has problems with the wood in his kitchen , living room or wherever else , he comes to me for solution even if i haven’t made the project .
A master carpenter is a perfectly knowledgeable person for wood and its properties , as he’s a very capable sculptor highly precisionist in his actions , an artist in a general way , an engineer thinker and a architect , thinking and visualizing in the 3 – D dimensions the architecture plans , in order to materialize them , into a perfectly finished woodworking project .

He’s a perfect woodworking trouble identifier and he’s ready to give solutions not only for a couple of months , but for many – many years .

A master carpenter isn’t only a good carpenter . He is at the top of the “woodworking pyramid” concerning his knowledge , his abilities , his experience , his judgement in extremely tough carpentry situations and of course his ethics as a person . So don’t be confused .
A master carpenter is for sure a good carpenter , a good carpenter isn’t always a master one !!!!!

A master carpenter , can take over the carving a small chair , a cuckoo watch , or even an entire trunk’s carving , a luxury boat , to a complete block of flats making everything that the apartments will need from wood .
He can correct the shaking of your furniture no matter how bad their condition is , to the entire correction of a house’s floor or replacement .
A master carpenter can be a totally perfect wood’s sculptor and the same time being an architect and an engineer , visualizing in the 3 – D dimensions his project , in order to fit it perfectly in a specific area .

A master carpenter can visualize the future changes of an area(from weather , et.c) and adapt his wood plan to these changes so his clients won’t have any correction themes in the future . He thinks holistically , so his work can be perfect holistically and last many – many decades .
He has more than the average knowledge of mathematics , of physics , of chemistry ( don’t you forget the chemicals , a carpenter should use for many wood jobs ) he’s a designer and a decorator .

A master carpenter can do the wood jobs , other carpenters cannot do or avoid to do because they don’t have the experience and the appropriate confidence to their powers .
Many times has other carpenters under his supervision . A master carpenter has a very high prestige as a professional because of this ability to do the jobs , other avoid to do .

See how a Master carpenter’s life , looks like , more detailed .
I always wake up early in the morning and after a couple of coffee sips , i enter to my car and go to my carpentry shop , to start my day .
Of course i always have in my mind and i ‘ve planed from the previous day the jobs i should do today , so i can be organized and avoid “surpises” .

When i take a woodworking project from my clients , i must do what i’ve said and agreed with them , no matter what . When i make an agreement with my client , i try my absolute best to fulfill my promise to him and deliver the wood project , the exact day i’ve agreed .
I never say lies or “sneaky” half -truths to my clients , to just take the job and then deliver it , whenever i can .
I never say lies to my clients , concerning the money issue and i never say that i can do a job , if i’m not capable to do it , just to take the money .

I know that i’m a very capable carpenter , but i’m not GOD and for sure there are wood plans outhere that i cannot do , even if in my huge carrer i’ve done so many “things” .
So having these philosophy as a “lighthouse” i made this big and good career as a carpenter and many people come to me for woodworking solutions . So having these thoughts , i arrive to my carpentry shop and my day is beginning .
Two times per week i go to the back of my carpentry shop , where i dry my wood pieces , and i check the drying process . If i need to make some adjustments , i make them without second thoughts .
The correct drying of the wood , it’s a major factor for the carpenter’s success .

After this drying checking , i take some phones to get some more wood supplies for the projects i work and of course when i talk for supplies , i must be a “tough” negotiator with the wood stores .
My mathematics knowledge is helping me of course in here , to calculate exaclty what wood i want and in what price .
Nobody wants to pay more for something and i must be very careful , in order not to waste money . After the wood’s supplies finishing , i have nothing else to distract me for my woodworking jobs i have to do .

I have agreed to take over an entire block of flats and make all the wooden furniture the apartments , will need . The kitchens , the floors , the living rooms decorations , the window and door frames for all these apartments and in general , all the wooden parts this block of flats will need .
Except this block of flats job , i have to make a couple of wooden libraries from solid and very expensive wood , with some difficult carving designs on them .
I have also agreed to correct some wooden chairs from shaking after the many years of use and give them back their primary freshness . I should do the same for an outdoor wood table , also .

I try to have my woodworking tools in best “shape” for these heavy – duty jobs and i always keep them in the best “shape” .
If you lose your “armour” during the battle , you’ll lose the battle and for me , my armour is my woodworking tools . I never thrown them here and there and i always protect them from rust .
I try to sharpen my chisels and the other tools if they need sharpening , at the end of the week in order to have a nice phychology and be in the correct mood for sharpening .

So my next many hours will be in here in my carpentry shop , making these wood jobs , i have to do , being 100% focused in these jobs and nowhere else .
I don’t “allow” my fatigue to reduce my performance and when it’s needed i take small break times for a couple of water and coffee sips .
I know that i should always take care of my body and physical condition .

If you’re working in a very hot than usual environment , you should always be careful not to dehydrate and the opposite .
If the environment is very cold , warm up yourself with clothes and heating devices . It’s very crucial to be comfortable when you’re working in your carpentry shop .

Till he afternoon i’ll work with my projects and if it needed , i’ll go to the places i should put these projects , to check again the measures i’ve taken and see again in the 3 – D dimensions the space .
I always visualize in the highest level i can , the project i work adapted to the place i’ll put it after .
I try to calculate the weather conditions because the wood as a material is alive and i don’t want in the future , my clients have complaints concerning wrong fittings .

So if everything will be ok and i manage to finish my day’s schedule work , i make a “step back” and take a breath . I sit in my office and organize my next day’s programm and make adjustments if i’m delayed .
I check again my supply needs and if everything is working as a “swiss watch” , i go to my home or wherever else i have to go .
I leave the carpentry shop only if everything is ok and i never leave pending issues behind . If i want to be a good-master carpenter as they say , i must be a precisian continuously till the job is done .
How much money does a Master Carpenter make ?

A master carpenter can make enough money for him and his family and depending his abilities , he can make 6 figures and more . A master’s carpenter usual salary is about 40.000$ – 50.000$/ per year .
The hour of such a carpenter is paid more than 20$ and can rich the 30$ or 50$ , or way more . Many times the carpenter makes an holistic agreement with his client and doesn’t get paid by the hour .
Many times a master carpenter sees the difficulty of the woodworking project , calculates the supplies the materials and his huge effort and tells a price for the entire project , way above the 30$ – 50$ bucks per hour .

I’ve seen wooden round – very difficult to built – ladders( from very expensive wood ) cost many thousand of dollars .
Of course these money numbers have small differences according to the continent and country you live , but the price of the difficulty and art is paid very big in every place you’re on Earth .
Six figures or more isn’t a Dream for a master carpenter , who makes wood Art .

Imagine being a master carpenter and having as your clients , very rich clients with many millions mansions , with yachts , cottages and this kind of lifestyle . In these mansions , there is a lot of wooden furniture . Woodworking projects of extremely highly artistic value .
Imagine that the same applies for their yachts , many of them may be from wood entirely and the need for professional maintenance is more than necessary .
As you can imagine , the rich people don’t care much for the price you’ll tell them for some carpentry job , they want the job to be done . Period .

So if you give them solutions and make them happy , you’ll be happy too , when you’ll go and check your bank account (!) .
So in here , the money a master carpenter can make are way more different than their usual salary and way more . If you are also a master carpenter and a very good sculptor also , you can make “big” money by creating wood sculptures for rich people , TV stars , celebrities , businessmen/women , et.c .
Art has no standard price , price lists and stuff like that .

You can charge your wood art as much as you like and if you are good enough , again your bank account will gain a couple of zeros more and you a big smile of satisfaction . The “limit is the sky” , depending of your abilities and projects .
Of course no matter of how much money you can earn as a master carpenter , the inner satisfaction of creating something unique , will always be there for you and “treat” you with this sweet emotions , the wood knows how to give .
Keep woodworking and the happiness is certain if you’re a master carpenter or not .