In the woodworking activity and in the power tools area , the “grand master” of portability and precision cross-cutting( and not only ) , is the circular saw .
No matter if you’re an amateur carpenter or a more advanced one , you’ll need for sure the precision services of a power cutting tool , combined with portability the same time .

Remember what basic tools a total beginner will need for assistants in HERE .

Bandsaws are nice , table saws are nice , miter saws are nice , but non of them have the huge advantage to make precision and very accurate cuttings and be very easy to tranfer it from one place to another , as the circular saw .
The circular saw can be transferred and used with safety , by anyone regardless his-her physical powers .

“The circular saw is a portable power saw , consisting of a jagged blade that moves rotary around an axis , attached to an electric – petrol – hydralic moved motor and used to cut – crosscut – rip wooden pieces , which are sturdy clamped to a vice , et.c . “
The circular saw is a very helpful saw for the carpenter and not only . Many other power saw types such as the : abrasive saw , concrete , miter saw , panel saw , table saw , et.c , are using circular saws as their part .
Is Circular saw Good for Woodworking ?

Yes , it certainly is and it gives major help and assistant to the woodworker , in areas where no other saw can help , because from the way they’re manufactured . In all woodworking areas , every tool has its specific use and you cannot use every tool , for every job .
** See my Top circular saw suggestions & why , in HERE .
Why do Carpenters , use Circular Saw ?

The circular saw has a colossal advantage , no other power cutting tool has and this is its portability and its easiness to be tranferred by anyone having the minimum of physical power .
Except its portability , it makes very accurate and precise ALL the kinds of cuts ( straight cuts , angle cuts , mitre cuts , et.c ) , if the hand that holds it , is capable and sturdy enough .
What Circular Saw is Best for cutting wood ?

There’re many circular saw brands in the markets , but your main criteria of buying a ciracular saw except its quality and its safety features , should be the comfort – feeling it gives , while you hold it .
You circular saw must “fit” in your hand and be very ergonomical made , in order to help you make the best possible and precise wood cuts .
Can Circualr Saws , cut Hardwood ?

Yes , for sure it can do it and it can cut whatever hardness wood you have , tropical , ironwood , industrial wood of any thickness , et.c .
Just remember your circular saw blade to be the appropriate for the job , having a large TPI( teeth per inch ) , as the more teeth a saw has , the more precise and smmoth cuts it makes , but not only that .
The correct teeth geometry is essential , for the tough cuts .
Can Circular saw , Replace the Table saw ?

No , it cannot replace it and have the exact same cutting accuracy the table saw has , because the table saw has the adjustable fence , in order to be millimeter accurate while you cutting .
The human hand of course cannot be that accurate .
The table saw is just a circular saw , that is sturdy attached and emerges from a table’s notch and cuts wood which is adjusted perfectly with the help of a fence .
See some very nice table saws suggestions in HERE .
How do you cut Straight with a Circular Saw ?

If you can keep your circular saw totally steady and maybe use – adjust a straightedge( or other accessorie ) for your metrics , you can have the cutting accurate results of a table saw .
What are the Disadvantages of the Circular Saw ?

1) You cannot have the exact and “surgical” cutting results you can with your table saws , bandsaws , miter saws , because the human hand moves( even slightly ) while cutting , no matter how strong and capable you’re .

2) You cannot cut very fine and very special and minimal design geometrical cuts – patterns as , curves , arcs .

3) The biggest disadvantage of the circular saw is related of course with the safety area .
Maximum – extreme – colossal , et.c , attention and seriousness is required when you cut with a totally portable and so powerful cutting tool , as the circular saw is .
A circular saw mistake can bring even death easily . See my personal mentality concerning what is the most dangerous woodworking tool & some “secrets” , in HERE .
How Thick of wood , can you cut with a Circular Saw ?

Having a 7 – 1/4″ circular saw ,which is the most common( and best size for many ) for many cutting “missions” , you can cut 2 + 1/2 “ and more wood of any hardness , with no issues .
Why use a Circular Saw , over a Jigsaw ?
There are totally different woodworking machinery and do different jobs .

The jigsaw is made to cut whatever difficulty design pattern you want , no matter how small this pattern this is . It can cut curves , arcs , circles , et.c and do that very elegant and fine .
It’s way more “artistic” than the circular saw .

The circular saw is made for more “coarse” , basic cuts , ripping , et.c . Yes , it can be very precise , but in no way as fine and elegant as the jigsaw .
Is a Circular Saw a good Investement ?

The power circular saw is for sure an excellent investment for any woodworker and a serious “weapon” power tool for his carpentry “armory” .
My buying power tool( & not only ) mentality ?
” Have some cheap – medium price tools , but have some “heavy guns” to last for a lifetime and be connected to them . “
Keep woodworking and be always happy .