What is the woodworking Power Tools and Why they are important ?

Is it possible to start the woodworking activity without the basic material , the wood ? No you cannot . Is it possible to create your woodworking projects without the assistance of the carpentry machinery ? No , you cannot .

A carpenter needs the wood and the woodworking tools , equally to start creating his plans . Without these two factors , you cannot do much no matter if you’re an amateur carpenter or not .

The woodworking power tools is the necessary equipment and machinery a woodworker needs to create his projects , from the primary level to the final level of completeness . The power tools use the electric power for their function and they can accomplish any woodworking job , simple or advanced .

The “wise” combination of the hand tools and the power tools , gives the woodworker the ability to fulfill any carpentry “mission” with easiness and perfection .

They are very important to any woodworker because they can accomplish any carpentry “mission” , being extremely accurate ( CNC – laser printers ) , very fast , easy to use and fill the “gaps” the hand tools they cannot fill .

The power tools can cut from an entire huge tree , to sculpture extremely difficult designs in a very tiny scale , on wood and all these with great easiness and perfection .

The power tools were created and evoluted by humans to help them accomplish more difficult carpentry jobs , which the hand tools only , couldn’t or they faced big difficulties .

Nowdays we can find power tools for any wood plan we want to create and for sure they help the most all of us , the woodworkers amateur or proffesional ones .

Sharpening knife. Free public domain CC0 image. More: View public domain image source here

The “wise” combination of the hand tools along with the power tools are making us , complete carpenters and they help us the most to evolute the most in the woodworking activity . Using power tools we can incarnate into reality , even the most “special” and extreme designs we can think and visualize .

If you want to remember the complete list of the woodworking tools , go HERE .

Other times this wasn’t so easy and many times , the lack of the appropriate carpentry machinery was an inaccessible obstacle for the woodworker .

Is a power tool a Machine ?

Yes , for sure the power tools are machinery created by people in factories , they use the electric power for their function ( portable or not ) , they have moving parts and they need of course the appropriate maintenance , to last long .

The power tools are machines and they have cords , their “body” is made from plastic and metal and they have several accessories attached to them in order to make a variety of wood jobs . They can be portable using baterries for their power supply and of course charging bases .

The power tools can be small , a person can carry , or big and heavy which no human can carry and it’s placed stable to a place – spot , inside warehouses , carpentries , et.c .

What is the Difference between hand tools and power tools ?

The main difference is that the power tools use their function to the use of the electric power and without electricity the power tools cannot operate , they are “dead and useless” carpentry equipment . The hand tools instead , aren’t using the electric power at all for their funtion and they only use the manual power of the human who uses them .

Another difference is that the power tools can accomplish woodworking jobs with extremely high accuracy the human hand , cannot do .

As you can imagine the accuracy the CNC machines and the laser printers can do wood sculptures and carving in a very tiny scale , the human hand using chisel or other carving equipment cannot reach .

In here the power tools and machinery , win the human abilities , even if the machines have no soul and artistic talents .

What is an Example of a power tool ?

Everyone has seen power tools , because there are in any house on earth( screwguns , et.c ) . Power tools exist for many human activities – constructions except the woodworking , but in the woodworking activity some very common examples , are :

a) Chainsaws .

b) Orbital sanders .

c) Drills – bits and Screwguns .

d) Circular saw .

e) Table saw ( stable tool . )

f) Miter Saw ( mostly stable tool , but with portability properties , sometimes . )

g) Bandsaws .

What is the List of the most common woodworking power tools ?

1) Chainsaws .

You need something to cut your wood in primary level , from the trees . It’s nice to have a bigger chainsaw for the tree trunk’s cut and a smaller one , for the branches and the more “light” jobs .

There are equipment , you can adjust to your chainsaw and make more cuts like boards , but this needs to be experienced enough .

2) Table Saw ( portable & Cabinet table saw . )

A cutting saw wheel is appearing from underneath of a table , moved by an electric powered motor .You cut your wooden boards , by passing them between the ripping wheel and the adjustable fence , to the measures you want .

You make your final length cuts and squaring with your table saw , to your wooden board . After the appropriate width cut , you cut the exact length you want with the table saw .

Of course your board should be flat and square to the edge and face and you do that with your power jointer .

See my top table saw suggestions for you in HERE .

3) Bandsaw .

It is the stable power tool which uses a flexible cutting blade spining between two metal wheels , under tension . We use the bandsaw to rip boards , cut curves , thin wood pieces . It’s a very popular power power machine among the woodworkers .

It makes your life way easier , especially when you want to do many several cuttings . It saves you effort , time and sweat .

** Make a check to my top bandsaw suggestions for you in HERE .

4) Circular Saw .

Work Build Circular Saw Saw Man Carpenter Jobs

It’s another very basic and popular power tool . It’s a portable saw and you make very accurate cutts , uising its spining blade . There are two main types of circular saws . The gear driven worm drive and the direct drive sidewinder .

The sidewinder has the blade in the left or the right .

See my top circular saw suggestions , in HERE .

5) Jigsaw .

If you want to cut curves and several shapes in any area in your wood with a portable power tool , you need for sure a jigsaw . It’s very useful and by making a hole with your drill , you can cut wood in any area inside your wood piece, you like .

Be careful to choose a large TPI ( teeth per inch ) number , for accurate and smooth cutts .

6) Power Miter Saw .

It isn’t a very easy portable saw and its blade is attached to an “arm” . You make accurate cutts as the circular saw does and basically it’s a circular saw , attached to an “arm” which leads the blade to the wood piece for cutting , very accurate .

See my top miter saw suggestions for you in HERE .

7) Reciprocating Saw .

It’s a “heavy – duty” saw , and it’s mostly used for tough cutting “missions” for big house/constructions re-decorations and it can cut whatever you like , even the hardest types of wood , ” like butter” .

8) Power Router and bits .

The router makes “paths” , routs to an area you want . It hollows up the area you want to hollow , in a woooden surface . You can use a router in any wood type you like by just adjusting its bits . You can rout , trim and shape difficult designs in plywood , OSB , hard wood , soft wood , whatever .

If you want a reminder article for the types of wood , see it in HERE .

It’s a very useful power tool especially in your joinery( mortises , dovetails , et.c ) and general in all the woodworking field and the cabinetry area .

9) Power Jointer .

You use this power tool to flatten a face and the edge of your wooden board during the milling process . Usually the “journey” of a wooden board is , the power jointer to make perfect flat the face and edge of the board , then the thickness planer for the appropriate thickness and then to the table saw for dimensioning .

10) Thickness Planer .

After your power jointer board flattening of your board’s face , you put your board in your thickness planer and after several passages , you give it the exact perfect thickness in all of its mass , you like .

It isn’t a portable power tool of course , but it’s very usefull .

11) Hollow Chisel Mortiser .

These machines are drill presses and they’re using an auger and a hollow chisel to create – bore square holes . They are the same as the drill presses and you can have then as a benchtop or floor attached .

The difference the drill presses and the chisel mortisers have , is that the entire “head” with the chisel moves up and down for the mortiser , instead of the drill press that the chisel cannot be steady in a fixed position while the bit is spining inside .

12) Drill Press .

A power motor gives power to a sprinkle which holds a bit , which spins and all this creates holes to wood surfaces and pieces .

It’s a very helpful power tool and it creates holes and bores ( shape mortises ) with great accuracy .

13) Sanders .

The finishing – sanding of your woodworking projects , needs the attention you showed when you created them , so the sanders , orbital sanders power tools are a must in here . They make the job perfect with the less effort from you .

14) Grinders .

A nice grinder attached to your woodworking bench , to sharpen your carpentry hand tools , is a necessity for any carpenter . Try to have a bench grinder with a stone – wheel and a tape sander .

See why the tools sharpening is so important and the whole process , in HERE .

15) Lathes .

This is a machinery from more experienced woodworkers , but for sure you can have a lathe for your artistic shaping of your wood .

16) Nailer – nail gun .

Many times your woodworking joinery will be only with nails and pins and a nailer – nail gun is necessary , because it uses air pressure to nail deep , even in hard wooden surfaces , even big lengths nails .

Many carpenters use nails and pins for their joinery , except the other joinery types and many times they combine nails and pins with their joinery , for more stability and securance .

I do too also and i like it because if you use vintage nails and pins , you give your work a very nice “vintage – aged” , external look .

17) CNC machines .

The CNC wood machinery , is capable to do even the most extreme wood cutts and designs , the hand of the woodworker cannot . It’s kind of more expensive , but the result is guaranteed .

18) Laser printers .

In here also , the modern technology and machinery expand the human limits , to another dimensions . Extreme accuracy is the “name of the game” and the laser printers can sculpture , even the most difficult wood design , into reality .

19) Screw guns .

The screw guns of all money range are must for a woodworker and not only . When you have to nail many – many screws , the screwdriver isn’t ideal . You’ll get tired screwing dosens of screws for sure , your hand’s skin will suffer especially if you screw in tough surfaces and this will afect your performance .

Read HERE , what i’ve learned the hard way .

20) Reciprocating Carvers .

The carving is a very elegant and serious woodworking activity and your carving tools , should be the best possible , even if the money issue , is hard .

A minor mistake in here , will destroy your carving efforts of many weeks – months maybe and you don’t want that . Your reciprocating carvers should be the best .

21) Woodburning Tools .

Burning wood isn’t ideal only for its protection , but it’s a very beautiful design “path” for many woodworkers , and wood arcitects . Having some wood burning tools , will expand your decorative horizons .

Remember the so famous and effective Shou Sugi Bun wood protection method , in HERE .

22) Dust Collector Machines .

Your general health and the health of your respiratory system , i something you must confront with your 100% of seriousness and the supply the best possible dust collector system , is a mammoth “must” .

The dust from wood is so tiny and it can penetrate every common face mask , if it isn’t the exact approppriate for the wood dust . You’ll need a dust collector , the appropriate face masks and whatever esle it needed for your health security .

The damage from wood dust for your lungs and respiratory system , is irreversable .

23) Cordless Tools .

Many times you’ll need to work outside of your warehouse – carpentry , et.c and in places you won’t have access to electricity , by cords . Having some basic cordless tools , will help you very much . There is a big variety in here , concerning the money factor .

What is the most Popular machine in a woodworking shop ?

I don’t think that there is a woodworking shop , warehouse , et.c without a table saw inside it . The table saw is the most popular wood machine , because it make many cutting types in many wood pieces ( not only boards ) and if you cannot have a variety of power tools , this is very helpful .

See some of the best table saw choices in HERE .

What is a Portable power tool ?

The power tools which you can transfer to many places and use them , without the need to be stable in on e place – spot only , are called portable power tools . The most common portable power tools are the ones which are used in the constructions area , generally .

The portable tools can have cords to operate with electricity , or they can be cordless . Their main advantage is their portability and how easy they can be portable , having low and manageable weight , comfortable shape , their resistance to the possible hits during the tranfer , et.c .

What is a Cordless power tool ?

Cordless power tools are the tools which they don’t need a cord to connect them with the electric power , in order to start operate . The cordless tools use a big variety of battery types ( lithium , gel , et.c ) , to supply , the energy they need to operate .

Of course they need to be charged after some hours of operation , instead of the cord used tools , but they are very helpful . Most of the times the cordless power tools are portable ones , but this isn’t a “law” . Portable table saws exist , which aren’t so easy to transfer .

How do i Start using power tools ?

There is no other way to start using the woodworking power tools , from the supplying of the most “common” and basic ones and experiment , in wood pieces you don’t need , or you’re about to throw away .

I suggest you , before starting use your power tools to take some time and carefully read the official manual of the tool manufacturer . You’ll find inside the correct way to assemble it , start it for the first time and what you should avoid during using it .

Begin to use your tool very easy and with no stress and hurry and take every step a time . When you’ll be more comfortable with its “behavior” in your hands and while you’re using it ( cutting , drilling , et.c ) , you’ll escalate .

Are power tools Waterproof ?

No , they aren’t and in no way , don’t experiment with water and electricity . Extremelly big danger exists in here . Portable , or not , cordless or not the power tools are using electric power to operate and water and electricity are big enemies .

Be carefull also for wear in the tool’s cords , in every milimeter of their lengths and in the spot they connect with the tool’s “body” . The same applies for the cordless ones .

Be carefull to the battery area connection and whatever you see , you don’t like , stop the woodworking and ask the specialists for help and maintenance .

Be always safe and enjoy your woodworking .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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