What is the Thickness Planer , power tool ?

In woodworking another essential power tool for the carpenter is the thickness planer and even if it seems that it’s for the more professional carpenters , it helps the most all the woodworkers .

After the end of your power jointer’s “mission” to flatten , one of your board’s face(which you put in your thickness planer bed) , the next step cannot be done without the help of your thickness planer and be perfect , not close to perfect .

” The thickness planer is a woodworking electric powered machine , used to settling a wooden board into constant thickness , evenly and along its length and mass . ”

Make a quick check to my top thickness planer suggestions , in HERE .

What a Thickness Planer , does to a piece of wood ?

The thickness planer sets( by uniform planing it with its knives ) the entire wood – wooden board to have the exact same thickness , perfect and evenly along , in all of the wood’s mass and only that !!!

Attention in here because many get confused and let me clarify it . The thickness planer , does not make flat the wooden surface of a board . The flatness is the job of the power jointer .

The thickness planer gives the same uniform thickness and only that .

Flattening and same uniform thickness , are totally different situations .

In my power jointer post , i explain more extended this issue , which many confuse and it’s very important to clarify it in your mind . See it in HERE .

How Thin , can a Thickness Planer cut ?

Usually we pass through a thickness planer wooden boards , from 1/6″ and thicker . If you choose to plan less than – let’s say – less from 1/8″ and thinner boards , you may have bending issues from the board and maybe a fear of breaking it .

What are the 3 Types of Thicker Planers ?

According with their portability , their general power and how versatile are , the thickness planers , comes in 3 types :

1) The Bechtop Thickness Planer .

It’s the most affordable thickness planer , the more portable than the other 2 , but of course it doesn’t have the extended features of the other two and theit power .

It’s main advantage , is the huge portability , not of course that there’re bad planers , on the contrary . They’re very capable for their size .

2) The Stand – alone , Thickness Planer .

The stand – alone thickness planer has tha ability to stand still on the floor , having its own base and of course there are more powerful , and have more planer capabilities than the benchtop ones .

They’re more expensive and need more space .

3) The Combo , Thickness Planer .

The combo thickness planers , are thickness planers and power jointers at the same machine . It’s a very versatile woodworking machine and you can have two power tools , in the space of one , which is a very nice feature .

Ok , the switching between these two features , needs a little practice but it isn’t a big deal .

Is a Thickness Planer the Same as a Regular planer ?

No , it isn’t . We use the regular planer to smooth a wooden surface , board , et.c , but this smoothness process , isn’t evenly to all of our wooden’s board surface .

In some spots we “eat”-trimming , more wood’s flesh and in some spots we aren’t , if they don’t need it . The manual planning makes the surface smooth to our touch .

The thickness planer gives the exact same uniform thickness to all the board , together with the smoothing it makes .

If our board has passed before throught the power jointer for flattening and squaring , we can create the 2 faces of the board exactly parallel .

Can i use a Thickness Planer instead of Sanding ?

Yes , you can it isn’t “forbitten” , but i won’t suggest you to bypass the sanding and i have a serious reason for this .

When you use your sanders to sand wood manually , in order to “clean” the from old varnishes , et.c , your hand follows – adapts the surface – repousse of the surface , not “eating” wood’s “flesh” when it doesn’t needed .

You sand and “eat” wood’s flesh , a little here , a little more there , et.c and you don’t “eat flesh” that it isn’t necessary .

The thickness planer doesn’t do that . It “eats” specific wood’s “flesh” evenly along the entire board , not making exceptions .

How much Power my Thickness Planer , should be ?

Power is never enough many say , but in our case a medium range of horse power is the most suitable , givnig you the opportunity to use your planer to more hard types of wood .

Remember a guide about how you can identify the good quality wood , HERE .

The 3HP – 5HP is a very nice range for your thickness power motor .

What style of Knives , should my Thickness Planer , Cutterhead should have ?

There are two styles of knife cutterheads , in the thickness planer area .

1) The Straight knives .

These knives are moving in a stright line along the cutterhead .

2) The Spiral Helical , Knives .

These knives imitate the spiral movement in the cutterhead .

The helical type of knives are better than the straight knives , because they planning – trimming wood more clean , more elegant , than the straight ones .

Can you put Wet wood in a Thickness Planer ?

No , you cannot , it’s highly forbitten .

Can a Plywood go through a Thickness Planer ?

Yes , i suppose you can , but i won’t suggest you to do it , not only in plywood but in all the industrial wood .

Except that the glue and resins factor which the plywood and engineered wood are made , will block and damage the knives , i don’t 100% trust that a tiny wood piece won’t “escape” the planning process , causing safety issues .

Read my approach and safety mentality with some tips , in HERE .

Do I really need a Thickness Planer ?

Yes , for sure it’s a very significant power tool and if you’re a totally professional woodworker , a cabinet maker , et.c it’s very essential and i suppose you already have one .

The power jointer combined with a thickness planer , make our lumber perfectly flat and square .

Maybe the combo planer type , in order to be flexible with your space .

Even if you’re kind of more amateur woodworker , or maybe if you’re making some money selling your handmade furniture , a benchtop planer , is an ideal helper .

As all the power tools , yes they’re more expensive than the hand ones , but their help is more than essential .

Keep woodworking and always stay “hungry” for happiness .


- Hi I'm Periklis Simeonidis from Athens Greece and i created a blog - community , which finds happiness - motivation - relaxation - fun and dreams , with the woodworking activity . - I started as you've started , a total beginner and evoluted to be a professional woodworker , getting motivation from the pure Love for Wood - I'll share Knowledge , advices and "secret" tips with you , in order to help you enjoy the woodworking activity in the maximum . - Welcome aboard , the "journey" never ends .

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