In woodworking you’ll need to make several cuttings to wood in its primary form and the hatchet is a very helpful hand tool for the job .
Before the industrial revolution and the power tools , the woodworkers used only hand tools and they did all their carpentry jobs with that only .

The woodworking hatchet is a single or double beveled piece of a metal alloy ( mostly steel ) which these bevels , create a sharp edge and be attached to a wooden( or not ) comfortable to the hand , handle .
See my top hatchets and more info , in HERE .
What is a Hatchet used for ?

The hatchet is usualy used to cut – chop – split – shape – carve , small pieces of wood as branches , shape small logs , split small logs , “clean” a tree trunk from branches , make detailed cuttings on wood pieces and generally make the small more detailed cutting job in wood .
Are hatchets a Good for cutting wood ?

The hatchets are a very helpful hand tool if you want to cut and shape small logs , split logs and generally prepare your freshly cut tree trunk , for the next woodworking processes .
What is the Difference between a Hatchet and an Axe ?

Both these hand tools are doing the exact same job to wood , which is cutting – shape it , et.c , and the only difference they have is their size ( the hatchet is smaller ) and the comfort they give to the carpenter while he’s using them .

The hatchet usualy is way smaller than the axe , having even half of an axe’s length , having a smaller metal head , it’s lighter , it’s more pineal and it has a designed handle focused to comfort and detailed use .
What is the biggest Advantage of a Hatchet ?

The biggest advantage of using a hatchet , is its light weight – balanced structure , so it can be used with one hand only , combined with the comfortable feeling it should give the woodworker and make his wood job , easier and efficient .
Do hatchets , need to be Sharpened ?

Yes , the hatchets need to be sharpened as all the hand tools which are made for cutting and shaping wood , using their beveled sharp edges .
The bevels get dull after sometime , depending of course of the type of steel , your hatchet has .
Can i Sharpen a hatchet , with an Angle Grinder ?

Yes surely you can , but you need to have perfect sharpening weight control during sharpening and be general cautious , for this type of sharpening .
See the “secrets” of tools sharpening and the importance of it , in HERE .
What Angle , should a hatchet be ?

When you want to use your hatchet for dry wood mostly , you should sharpen your each side up to 10o degrees angle and if you want to carve green wood the sharpening angle should be a little smaller for each side , around to 7o–8o .

Why some hatchets , have Holes ?

Many hatchets are designed having holes for more durability , utility , better weight balance and a lighter general construction for more detailed focused cuttings .
What wood is best for hatchet Handle ?

You need a strong with good wood density wooden handle , but not very heavy . Except the hickory , the oak , the yew and sometimes the wood from the olive tree , are nice wood handle choices .
What is the best Length for a hatchet ?

This depends of course from the size of the carpenter , but a 15″ ( 36cm – 38cm) hatchet is a common length for a hatchet .
How Heavy should a hatchet be ?

The appropriate and the most common hatchet weight , in order to be comfortable to use and accurate capable at the same time is below the 1kgr and it’ in the area of the 700grams .
How Thick , should a hatchet be ?

A nice thickness for a hatchet is around to 0.7″ – 0.8″ .
How do you know if a hatchet is Good ?

First of all you should feel it in your hands , very good balanced , with great comfort and immediate “bond” with it , from the first touch . The hatchet’s feeling in the hand is very important .
After the good feeling , a good hatchet penetrates any type of wood with easiness , accuracy , correct balance during the entire cutting movement and the minimum possible physical fatigue from the carpenter .
Is a hatchet a Dangerous , hand tool ?

Yes , hatchet is an extremely big dangerous hand tool and it’s a tool that can cost even a human life , if a serious accident happen . Always have the maximum of attention and never lose your seriousness .
My personal mentality and the way i act with woodworking tools , is HERE .
Keep woodworking and be safe and happy at the same time of course .